“Akainu, where are you now?”

Sengoku took out the phone worm and called Sakaski, who suppressed the pirates in the New World.

New world, somewhere sea.

Three naval warships are chasing dozens of pirate ships ahead~.

The artillery fire continued, the two sides constantly fired with cannons, and on the sea, one after another splashes of water exploded by shells – rushed to the sky.

A figure full of anger stood at the bow of the ship, the red suit like fire showed endless domineering, and the navy jacket with the word justice written on it rose with the wind, hunting – sounding.

That person was none other than the highest combat power of the navy headquarters, the admiral, the natural magma fruit ability, known as the red dog Sakaski.

“Pirates are the filth of this world, the source of all evil, and in order to enforce justice, our navy must eliminate them all.”

A deep voice slowly sounded from the mouth of that domineering body, and the powerful arm like a dragon was raised, and in the next moment, it turned into a fiery red magma arm.

Hot magma flowed between the arms, and a few drops of magma fell on the deck, burning through large holes.

“Big Spitfire!”

The red dog looked indifferent, roared low, magma-shaped arm slammed into the void, bang, a large amount of magma sprayed out, like a volcanic eruption, with the power of destroying the world rushed to the pirate ship in the distance.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

A magma arm that could shatter a huge iceberg fell from the void, like the most dazzling meteor, smashing into the dozens of pirate ships that kept fleeing at the most terrifying speed.

“What’s that?”

On one of the pirate ships, one pirate’s pupils contracted rapidly, cold sweat broke out, and the clothes on his back were all wet.

The huge magma fist continued to expand in its pupils, and in the next moment, before the pirate could react, the red magma giant fist had already landed on the pirate ship!


Only listening to a loud noise, the entire pirate ship was shattered, roaring flames rose on the surface of the sea, and countless screams stopped abruptly in an instant.

The red dog sneered, concocted like a law, waved his arms, and continuously shot dozens of terrifying “big breaths”

The next moment, the scene reappeared like a certain day in the world, and in the awe-inspiring eyes of the navy, in a few breaths, the red dog destroyed all the dozens of pirate ships.

At this moment, only the shipwreck and thousands of burned corpses were left floating on the sea.

The ability to put away the magma fruit, the indifferent-faced red dog slowly put on white gloves.

Suddenly, his brows furrowed, and at this moment, Youbu’s voice came from the red suit.

The red dog reached out and took out a red phone worm, which was very similar to the red dog, and both looked indifferent that the whole world owed him money.

“Moses Moses, Marshal, I’m near the New World Ghost Country, what’s going on?” Chi Inu picked up the red phone worm and asked.

“There was something wrong over there in the Chambord Islands, and the Draco was cut off by the Dragon Claw Tang Prison.” The phone worm came the serious voice of the Sengoku.

After a pause, Sengoku continued: “The yellow ape has rushed to the Chambordi Islands to capture Tang Prison, but the news from there said that the yellow ape could not help the dragon claw, and it was suppressed by the dragon claw. ”

“Based on the information transmitted back from the scene, we can determine that the dragon claw is an animal line phantom beast species fruit ability, not the ancient species we guessed before.”

“And he also has an overlord-colored domineering, his physical skills and swordsmanship are equally powerful, and he is a guy with endless potential, so, Chi Inu, I order you to quickly return to the Chambord Islands, and suppress the Dragon Claw Tang Prison together with the yellow ape and the green pheasant!”

········ Ask for flowers…

In the end, the tone of the Warring States became very solemn.

“I see, now return immediately.”

Akainu nodded.

He also understood the seriousness of the matter, and the strongest of the phantom beast seed fruit ability was only at the level of the top powerhouse.

But with the overlord color domineering, it is different, the king’s qualification is coupled with the ability of the phantom beast species, it is completely possible to become a strong person at the level of the four emperors.

“Tang Prison, it must be suppressed.”


The red dog looked cold and ordered the three warships to return immediately.

The waters of the New World, where the Red Inu is located, are not very far from the Chambord Islands, and if the naval warships travel at the fastest speed, they can reach the vicinity of the Gate of Justice in two hours.


Chambord Islands Island 12.

Above the void, the divine light that erupted from the Heavenly Holy Sword shone on the entire island, and the people living on the Chambordi Islands, whether pirates, navy or civilians, all saw the dazzling Heavenly Holy Sword!

Similarly, the majestic Hades Mountain and the Yellow Spring River swept the whole island, and the heavy momentum was like a mountain, crushing the creatures that existed on the island, and the closer to Island 12, the more difficult it was to breathe.

The confrontation between heaven and hell, the confrontation between the holy sword and the yellow spring, in the end, two absolute forces exploded in the sky, rising a huge mushroom cloud, and the next moment, a terrifying force fell from the sky and pierced Island 12!

Boom, boom, boom!

A huge pit with a radius of three kilometers appeared, but the depth was indescribable, and a large amount of sea water poured in, and after a while, a new sea lake worker was formed. _

See the ununderlined version of the novel please

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