Soon 1 year passed, and Jin also returned to the headquarters, at this time Jin was 16 years old and grew taller to 168CM, and his whole body was stronger and stronger, but there was only a slightly handsome face and slightly dark skin, unlike many novels that made women envious.

At this time, Kim, as a colonel, will sail his own warship for the first time in pursuit of a pirate that his headquarters is asking for. One Piece King Roger turned himself in 1 year ago and was executed in Rogue Town, thus opening the Age of Exploration, and the number of pirates has also increased, while there are not many pirates like Roger who dream of it, most of them are for fame or onepiece, so some pirates will slaughter ordinary people for money or food.

And what Kim is going to capture is a pirate 1E Bailey who slaughtered 5 towns, Selo. Mad Demon, is the leader of the Mad Demon Pirates. Needless to say, this is definitely sending money to increase the battle merit. However, the mad demon is a fruit ability, who has the chopping fruit, and it is estimated that the death will return to be obtained by the sand crocodile’s MR1. But since you met me, then you can continue to play soy sauce.

When Kim came to port, he looked at his warship much smaller than Karp, hey, the revolution has not yet succeeded, and he still needs to continue to work hard. Seeing that the naval soldiers on his warship were full of respect for himself, Jin walked up and stood on the deck of the warship and said, “Mad demon slaughters ordinary people, for the sake of justice, we will punish his crimes.” ”

All the soldiers shouted “For justice” in unison, watching that the soldiers under them were almost agitated, “Go” and “Yes” The warship slowly drove towards the location of the mad demon, and Jin was wearing a white navy suit, standing at the bow of the ship and looking into the distance and pondering.

The naval soldiers on the ship stood behind him, and Kim suddenly turned his head and ordered, “Order, full speed,” “Yes, Colonel,” and then a soldier ran to the wheelhouse.

Three days later, I saw a town but smoking thick and many houses collapsed, “This is here.” A captain next to Kim said, “Yes, Colonel,” Kim said to all the Navy soldiers on the warship, “Selo. The sins committed by the mad devil, we must not forgive him, everything is for justice” All the naval soldiers shouted “everything is for justice”.

At this time, the mad demon was still partying in a tavern in the town, and did not notice the arrival of the navy. The navy was led by the captain and surrounded the tavern, Kim ordered to fire, and in an instant bullets flew into the tavern, some unlucky pirates died, and the rest reacted and rushed out of the tavern and the surrounding navy stalemated, and the mad demon slowly walked out of the tavern, the mad demon looked quite ordinary, but there was a scar on his face.

The mad demon immediately said, “Little ones, go on” The pirates all rushed to the navy, and the captain shouted “for justice” and rushed to the pirates with the navy. The captain confronted the deputy captain of the mad demon, a man with a knife.

Jin and the mad demon confronted, or the mad demon couldn’t help but start first, only to see that he rushed directly over, both hands turned into blades, Jin directly used a shave to disappear in front of the mad demon, appeared behind the mad demon, used iron to harden the legs, kicked towards the mad demon, the mad demon turned around and blocked it with both hands. The two jumped away at the same time, Jin immediately kicked towards the mad demon with a lan foot, the mad demon waved his hands to meet the attack, and Jin kept attacking the mad demon with his lan foot, the mad devil’s whole body turned into a blade at this time, jumped up and aimed at gold with his hand, shot out 5 small blades, and Jin immediately made an iron block when he saw it.

With a hiss, Kim’s clothes were torn a few times. Jin looked up at the clothes and said to the mad demon, “Your strength is not bad”, and the mad demon also stopped and said, “You can take my knife bullet, there are two brushes, who are you?” ”

“Colonel of the Navy headquarters, Jin” Mad Demon looks at Jin’s headquarters, it seems that it is not easy to leave today” Jin smiled and said to the Mad Demon “Of course, if I kill you, your soul can easily leave.” ”

After saying that, the two began to fight again, the mad demon waved with five fingers, after Jin blocked it with an iron block, the house behind it was cut into several pieces, “Oh, it’s really dangerous, almost died” Jin said with a smile, at this time the mad demon had come to Jin’s side, the fingers of his right hand turned into a knife and the whole hand rotated up “spiral gun”, stabbed to Jin, “spiral gun” kept rotating in Jin’s chest and sparked, “It seems useless” Jin said, the mad demon “It’s not over, the double spiral gun” left hand also rotated and stabbed, However, it still did not penetrate.

“It seems that you can easily cut off the iron, but if you cut the steel, you can’t hurt me.” “It’s not over yet” The mad demon spun with his hands on the ground and his feet turned into knives, and kept slashing at Jin, still useless. Jin flicked the mad demon out of the knife on his body, the mad demon held his hands in front of his chest and suddenly stretched out to both sides “dust chop”, Jin blocked the knife in front of his chest, some small cracks appeared in the knife body, and the house behind became a small piece again.

The navy not far away has already defeated all the pirates, and the captain has also defeated the deputy captain of the mad demon, but the captain is also injured. Jin’s eyes instantly became sharp, “It’s time to solve you” Mad Demon laughed “Shameless, although it is difficult for me to defeat you, but it is not so easy for you to kill me, let you see my full strength” Jin put his hand on the knife handle, retracted the knife backwards, and the Mad Demon turned himself into a huge knife and rushed towards Jin.

Jin pulled out the knife and cut forward to cut out the “instantaneous cut”, and the mad demon stopped not far in front of Jin, the pupils of his eyes dilated and motionless. Jin was about to collect the knife and turn around, but the knife shattered, and the mad demon’s head flew away from his body, and the row of houses behind him was all cut in half. The Navy soldiers cried out “Win.”

On the warship, Kim was still standing at the bow of the ship, looking into the distance, the Mad Demon Pirates were all arrested, except for the death of the captain, ready to be sent back to the headquarters and then sent to prison.

Now returning to the headquarters, a ship in the distance is heading towards the warship, and gradually I also see a pirate flag on the ship, a skeleton with two Western swords, and 3 scars on the left side of the skeleton, luck really ran into the future Four Emperors red-haired Shanks, but now Roger has just died for more than a year, and there is no title of Four Emperors.

But now the redhead is also a sea thief with a reward of 500 million. Kim ordered, “Leaning over for me, let’s meet the sea thief redhead.” “Yes, Colonel” The redhead apparently spotted the Navy warship as well, and the redhead walked to the deck and shouted at the warship “What’s the matter with you, Navy” “Colonel Motobu, Cass. Jin challenges you as a swordsman” “Oh, Motobu” Jin stopped in the air with a moon step, and the redhead was also a little interested in Jin, telling his ship’s companions not to move.

“There is an island in front of the redhead, where to fight” “Good” The two ships sailed together to the island not far away.

This is a duel between the two as swordsmen, so no one intervenes. In Jin’s hand was a new sword taken from a warship, and the redhead pulled out his Western sword, and the two released domineering energy at the same time, blowing the surrounding sea water and both boats up.

“You’re not bad” “You’re also strong, redhead” The two of them collided with each other at the same time, and there was another rush of air. The two boats around the island quickly distanced themselves from the island to avoid being affected. The two kept attacking each other, Jin made a “slow slash”, the redhead swung a sword qi, and the knives of the two collided together, and the trees and rocks behind the two were cut and chopped at the same time.

The two looked at each other and used their powerful tricks again, the “quick slash” used by Jin, the red hair was still a sword qi but stronger than just now, and Kojima faintly cracked under the duel between the two. “The redhead will decide the victory with one move”, “Just what I want”, “Instantaneous”, “Bully”, this time the power of the two collided together, in a stalemate, the cracks of the island are getting bigger and bigger.

“Pong” Jin’s sword shattered again, because Jin’s sword shattered, the blocking power was gone, and the redhead instantly slashed towards Jin!

After everything calmed down, Kim didn’t have a single scar on his body, but he said “I lost” and “it’s just a fluke” Kim walked to the warship and turned around, “Next time, the redhead will defeat you.”

“I will accept your challenge at any time” Red said and left, and the warship Jin’s chest suddenly had blood dripping from his chest, and the captain hurriedly asked, “Are you all right, Colonel?”

After a while, the “military doctor” also bandaged Jin, the wound was not deep, and the bleeding quickly stopped.

Jin was still standing at the bow of the ship quietly looking at the sea at this time, and the soldiers on the warship looked at Jin with more and more respect, the red-haired new world of 500 million sea thieves, the general vice admiral is not his opponent, Jin actually lost the duel with him, but only slightly injured.

In fact, only Jin himself understood in his heart that Jin used the elementalization of the natural fruit in the end, but he was still injured.

On the other side, the red-haired pirate group, the red-haired “This person is very strong, even if the lieutenant general is under my hegemony, he will also be injured.” He’s actually fine, it’s tricky, but as a swordsman, my redhead won’t flinch so much, and it’s a shame for a swordsman to retreat and not dare to accept the challenge. ”

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