On an unnamed island in the New World of the Great Passage 1 year after O’Hara’s end, “Captain, Captain” ran over with a newspaper and ran to a red-haired man with three scars on the left side of his face, this person was the red-haired Shanks who had fought with Kim.

“What’s the matter” the redhead asked very lazily, today their red-haired pirate group held a banquet on this island, and the subordinate held a newspaper “Captain, the captain who fought with you not long ago, now he has been promoted to vice admiral, and the newspapers are all there.” ”

The redhead took the newspaper and saw that it said “Hope for the future of the Navy, Vice Admiral Ska. J. Kim and a photo of Jin wearing a white suit and a cloak written on it” The redhead laughed, “Hahaha, it’s worthy of being a man who can take my all-out blow, hahaha, cheers” The little brother who delivered the newspaper wondered “Why, the other party has been promoted to vice admiral, and the captain is still so happy”

Great Seaway Chambord Islands, a tavern, Kim and Little Robin as well as Kuzan. At this time, little Robin also walked out of O’Hara’s shadow.

“Jin Lai toasted you to the promotion of lieutenant general” “Okay Kuzan, you will be a general immediately, don’t hit me” Since the death of Ssalon, the friendship between Kim and Kuzan has become better and better, and the friendship between the two has become more and more cherished, at this time, little Robin is sitting in Jin’s arms holding a glass of juice and drinking beautifully, and a sweet smile appears on his face.

But it was all on his lips, Jin saw it, took out a hand towel to help little Robin carefully wipe it, and little Robin’s face immediately showed pink, and a happy expression.

“By the way, Kuzan, do you know who leaked the news?” Little Robin was still offered a reward of 7900W Bailey like the original, but there was no photo and the name was not correct” Ned. Ross”.

And little Robin was brought by Jin, and Jin is a lieutenant general who still doubts him, the so-called safest place is the most dangerous place, this sentence just used Jin’s body.

Kuzan looked at the happy little Robin, and suddenly remembered that Ssalon, who was drinking together, showed sadness on his face: “For the time being, I haven’t found it yet, but it’s ruled out, Sakaski, this guy.” ”

Although Kuzan and Sakaski have a conflict, they still will not wronged him. “By the way, the Warring States Congress promoted your master to marshal together this time, you know.”

“Well, the old man of the Warring States, I really don’t know what gift to give him, it’s really a headache, forget it, I can’t think of not sending it” A drop of sweat immediately appeared on Kuzan’s head, and in his heart “Actually, lazier than me” Jin and Kuzan, who finished drinking, walked out of the tavern and walked towards the naval base of the Chambord Islands. Of course, little Robin was in Kim’s arms.

While passing by the auction hall, Jin remembered that the future female emperor Han Cook was caught by human traffickers at the age of 12, and when the time came, it would be okay to go around with the Warring States, haha.

Half a year later, at the port of the navy headquarters, Jin’s lieutenant general-class warships slowly came to the headquarters from afar, and there were several times more warships in the port than usual.

At this time, Robin was sitting on Jin’s shoulders, and the soldiers of the gold warship admired Jin incomparably, and when Jin was promoted, in order to create Jin’s popularity, the headquarters said most of Jin’s battle exploits: “More than 100 million pirates Jin caught 15, and a 330 million sea pirate, and when Jin was a colonel, he fought a battle against the red-haired Shanks of 500 million Bailey, a sea pirate, and retreated.”

At that time, the redhead was a pirate recognized by the world’s strongest man, Whitebeard, so Jin became an idol of the navy, second only to Sengoku, Karp, and the future 3 generals to be promoted.

This time, Kim, who had just completed the task, hurriedly returned because the former admiral Sengoku was promoted to marshal, and Vice Admirals Kuzan, Sakaski, and Borsalino were promoted to generals at the same time.

This made all the eyes of the world turn to the Navy, and the Navy also brought back many naval elites from various bases in order not to repeat this important day. Shame on the Navy.

After the promotion, Kuzan is called Qingzhi, Sakaski is a red dog, and Borsalino is a yellow ape. At the promotion banquet, Jin took little Robin’s hand and walked towards the young “Kuzan, not a young general, congratulations, haha”.

Qingzhi held the wine glass in one hand, grabbed his head with the other hand and said very lazily, “Hey, after the promotion, there are more things, it’s really troublesome” Little Robin looked at the childish look and laughed, little Robin after following Jin and Qingzhi for a long time, he also found that this uncle was actually quite interesting, and he was not afraid of Qingzhi as much as the original.

Jin saw the Warring States, and then said to Qingzhi, “Okay, I’ll talk later, I’ll go congratulate the old man” After speaking, he took little Robin to the Warring States, and Qingzhi looked at Jin’s back and whispered, “Dare to shout, Marshal of the Warring States, old man.”

You are the first ah, and Karp has a fight”, in fact, Qingzhi is telling the truth, but Jin has been trained by the Warring States for several years, so he has the name of a master and disciple with the Warring States.

And the Warring States also admired Jin’s disciple very much. Jin took a glass of wine and led Robin to the Sengoku who stood with Karp and Tsuru, “Congratulations, old man” A “well” appeared on the head of Sengoku.

At this time, Karp also took the opportunity to fall into the well and said, “Warring States, look, I will say that you are also old, you still don’t admit it, wow, hahahaha”, until the crane saw little Robin.

Chao Jin asked, “Who is this, Jin” “Haha, my sister” Karp said in surprise, “You have a sister, why don’t we know?” “Jin quickly lied” When I was out on a mission, I saw her alone and brought her back, what’s wrong, Kuzan also knows about this” “Oh, it’s nothing” If both a general and a lieutenant general testify, there is no doubt at all.

It has been more than 3 months since Sengoku was promoted to marshal, and Jin has been staying in the headquarters for nothing. In fact, it’s not nothing, it’s just nothing, after all, the new marshal and the 3 generals have just come up, you are making trouble, isn’t it just looking for death.

Many pirates are actually old slippery, you are making trouble now that you are hitting the face, then you must not fight with you, and not all pirates are white-bearded who are not afraid of the sky.

And Jin is almost the same as a civil servant, going to the Warring States to chat and drink tea with the 3 generals and Karp, and then wait to eat, get off work, and sleep. However, since little Robin and Kim came once, they never came again, but played with Tina in the base, who is the future owner of the Firm Fruit, and the two played together.

Smogg? Directly passed by little Robin. Tina also knows that little Robin has a lieutenant general’s brother, and he is a lieutenant general he admires, so he is also willing to play with Robin.

It is estimated that some people will ask, why Robin, will not go, in fact, it has to start with Robin’s first trip to the Warring States. That day, Jin took Robin to the Warring States, and as soon as he sat down, he saw the lewd face of Uncle Yellow Ape.

The yellow ape showed a lewd smile and made a lewd voice, “Little sister, uncle gives you candy to eat, do you want it”, which scared little Robin to hide behind Kim, and since then little Robin has not gone anywhere.

However, the Warring States became a marshal, and Jin’s status is much higher, or you see that except for Karp and Tsuru, the 3 generals, who is idle and dares to go to the Warring States to drink tea. So the gold is really plated with a layer of “gold”.

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