It didn’t take long for Moria to take the group and the zombie army to another town in Kaido’s territory. Moria controls Kaido’s men (zombie legions) towards the town and begins to destroy, and soon Kaido appears under the town, a man with the number -12 on his body, towards Captain 13 Wuyue, who has turned into a zombie covered in blood.

“Wuyue, are you crazy! What are you doing, don’t stop quickly, or Lord Kaido will know, and you will die.” Wuyue walked towards Team 12 captain, and suddenly a knife blade appeared from behind Team 12 captain. Wuyue pierced the captain of Team 12. Captain 12 punched Wuyue in the left cheek, throwing him out.

Immediately covered his bleeding abdomen and said, “Wuyue, you bastard, you dare to sneak up on me, we are all Lord Kaido’s subordinates, what the hell are you doing” Wuyue stood up covered in blood, “I am now Lord Moria’s subordinates, I will only be loyal to Lord Moria, no longer Kaido’s subordinates” Moria’s group slowly walked past from afar.

Captain 12 shouted at Moria, “Moria, what are you doing, you are clearly declaring war on Lord Kaido,” Moria came to Captain 12 and grabbed the dying who had lost too much blood, Captain 12’s face became panicked and said: “Yes, what can I do, I seem to have run into trouble.” What to do! “。

The captain of Team 12 smiled when he heard it and was about to say something, but Moria immediately changed his extremely arrogant face: “Uncle Ben, I’m here to kill Kaido, hee hee.”

Moriah laughed at this time and killed the captain of Team 12, turning him into a zombie. At this time, Kaido’s men in this town were also killed by the zombie army.

Moria also turned them into zombies, destroying several territories of Kaido in a row, and the zombie army also increased.

“How did this work, how did Kaido that guy’s subordinates be so bad; But it’s also expanded my zombie army, hee-hee,” Moriah muttered to himself as he walked. “But after you were defeated, you must regret saying this hahahahaha” Jin looked calm, but his heart was not like this.

Meanwhile, in a sumptuous castle-like house in a town, in the depths there was a man sitting on a high throne, though not handsome.

But this man’s eyes look very gentle, and the whole person’s temperament looks like a gentle and polite person; Look ahead with your hands crossed and your eyes crossed, as if thinking about something.

At this time, a person came to the man, bowed and called the adult and said a few words, quietly waiting for the man’s answer, the man was silent for 3 seconds and said a few words lightly, the man nodded and left, the man gradually closed his eyes.

A peaceful town with many people in taverns, drinking or smoking, and some people talking about the recent world. Noisy sounds covered the entire tavern. At this time, many figures appeared in the distance, but no one paid attention to them. These people got closer and closer, and several people in front had numbers lined up from 9-13, followed by a large group of people, a large area of black pressing. It attracted the surprise and attention of the people in the town, and many people gathered together.

However, when I saw the numbers on the people in front of me, they gradually scattered, as if nothing had happened. Suddenly, those people seemed to say something, the crowd behind quickly rushed over, at this time a person was ready to meet and say a word, but the next second was a long knife through the body, the person’s eyes gradually lost focus and fell.

The people behind are the same when they meet people, and they kill people without waiting for the other party to speak. At this point the townspeople reacted, but it was too late.

The crowd had all stormed the town, and everyone was going on a killing spree. However, they also encountered resistance, and these rebellious people took the opportunity to pierce the bodies of several people who were being slaughtered, and the next second, those who should have died by piercing their bodies were still fine, but killed all the resistance.

A group of people came from afar, the person who took the lead was relatively tall and thin, and the figure of the leader gradually walked in.

He had a fiery hairstyle, a demon-like look, two pointed horns on the side of his forehead, pointed ears and teeth, cross-shaped stitches resembling sutures from head to neck, a shirt with a bat-like collar and Gothic art.

This is Moonlight Moria’s group, watching another town being breached, Moria was very happy, cracking his mouth and laughing. Then those who were killed stood up again, and as those who killed them continued to walk towards a town, Moriah and his gang followed, and the figure gradually disappeared into the distance.

Not long after, a man with “-1” on his body came to this town with a group of people, this person had long hair, he saw the tragic situation of the town, shook his fists, his eyes suddenly increased with anger, and chased in the direction of everyone’s progress.

On a small road, Moonlight Moriah and his group, Absalom: “Captain, I see that Kaido is afraid and hid, otherwise we destroyed so many of his towns, and we didn’t see him appear.”

Moriah laughed and said, “Hee hee, that’s better, I’ll take over all his territory, hee.”

At this time, a figure appeared in front, and as Moria advanced, their figure gradually became clear, there was nothing special, that is, there was a “-1” number behind him and long hair, the person also turned around, looked at Moria’s group and said in a cold tone: “You are, destroy Lord Kaido’s territory, and kill the people under the lord, you will be buried here.”

A subordinate came out behind Moriah, and said to him, “Who dies is not certain” and a group of people appeared behind the “-1”. Moria waved his hand, the zombie army rushed towards them, and the people behind him killed a lot of zombies, all cut into several segments, the zombies could not be resurrected, and gradually after the zombies were reduced, they were a little tired. And the original Kaido cadre 9-13, who turned into a zombie, also shot and also attacked, only -13 Wuyue did not move, but looked at the “-1” in front.

Zombie Wuyue looked at “-1” and said, “Long time no see Captain Yama, Saki. Kazuki”.

Kazuki looked at Wuyue with a surprised expression, “yes, I haven’t seen it for almost 1 year; But how can you be on the side of the enemy, you actually dare to betray Lord Kaido”.

Wuyue nodded “Captain Ichiki, I’m sorry, you have to die here today” “What’s wrong with you Wuyue, why did you betray Lord Kaido?” “。

Kazuki didn’t believe everything in front of him, how could Wuyue betray Lord Kaido, others he may not understand, but he knew Wuyue too well to figure out how that Wuyue would actually betray Kaido, “Captain Kazuki, I am now Lord Moria’s subordinate, only loyal to Lord Moria.”

After saying that, he suddenly rushed towards Kazuki, punched Yihui, and Kazuki dodged away. However, without retaliating, Wuyue rushed over again, still dodged. Moria said to Absalom, “Go and help” “Yes, Captain,” and after speaking, his hand grew out of his claws and grabbed towards Kazuki, but Kazuki flashed gently, “It’s worthy of Kaido’s captain,” Moria commented.

At this time, Wuyue suddenly hugged Kazuki, and Abu Salom immediately grabbed Kazuki, and Kazuki couldn’t shake off Wuyue and was caught with a claw. Blood flowed from his arm, and Kazuki struggled to break away from Wuyue, and instantly struck, inserting his hand into Wuyue’s body, seriously injuring him so that he could not move easily, and Wuyue slowly fell down.

At this time, Abu Salom used the “ghost claw” figure that injured Wuyue and disappeared, appearing behind Kazuki and grabbing him. “Too slow” Kazuki turned his right hand into a dark gray and hit Absalom. Abu Salom flew out and crashed into a nearby mountain. After a while, Abu Salom climbed out of the crack in the mountain and asked, “How do you know where I am?” “。 Kazuki looked at Absalom without answering, and directly smashed Absalom into the ground with a punch.

Kazuki vs Absalom, Kazuki wins.

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