In the Sengoku office of Marshal of the headquarters, the general “samurai” in a black suit, that is, Jin and Qingzhi, sat lazily on the sofa, Qingzhi was sleeping, and Jin was drinking tea.

Karp went back to see his grandson, and Robin also went back to visit Guina on Karp’s warship, and it has been 6 years since Kim became a general, and time has passed so quickly.

The Warring States told the generals that the World Government was preparing to recruit some sea pirates to become His Majesty the Seven Wuhai to contain the Four Emperors and the increasingly rampant pirates.

On this day, the Sengoku called seven lieutenant generals of the headquarters and ordered them to go to Jorakor Mihawk, who became the world’s number one swordsman, the sea pirate tyrant bear with a bounty of 296 million berry, Don Quixote Duflamingo with a reward of 340 million, and the female emperor Boja Hancock with a reward of 8000W.

The sea pirate Moonlight Moria with a bounty of 320 million Berry, the sand crocodile Sha Klockdar with a bounty of 81 million Berry, and the sea hero Gibel (Jinping) with a bounty of 250 million Berry, and other seven sea pirates were recruited as Qiwu Sea.

The World Government issued an invitation to seven sea pirates with real strength, requiring them to become the backing of the government on the condition of legal plunder, as long as the plunder gave a certain amount of property harvest to the world government, plunder was legal.

Kim, who was sitting on the sofa drinking tea, looked at several lieutenant generals who were about to leave, stood up, and asked one of the lieutenant generals, “Don’t mind, I’ll take the ship, right?” “。

The lieutenant general immediately replied that there was no problem, and Jin and Sengoku said to go out for a walk, and Sengoku agreed.

Kim took the 7 lieutenant generals towards the port, when Qingzhi woke up and looked at the empty space next to him, and continued to sleep.

The soldiers on the road hurriedly saluted after encountering Jin and the seven lieutenant generals and watched them leave.

At this time, the soldiers who used to carry the goods, Jun Cao A “also said that he became Vice Admiral Jin’s subordinates”, Jun Cao B “that is, at least he had to go to Lieutenant General Jin’s warship, but now he has become General Jin, and the chances are even more remote”, Jun Cao C also said this time “Oh, don’t think about it, do it steadily.”

The three sighed again at the same time, “Alas”.

At this time, the warship has left, the naval headquarters is over, and Kim has caught fish on the warship again, and Kim now likes this recreational sport of fishing, but the results are always not satisfactory.

A month later, warships appeared near the windless island of Nine Snakes.

A pirate ship pulled by two large sea serpents leaned towards the warship, and the Nine Snakes Pirate Group of the Pirate Female Emperor appeared.

The pirate ship leaned next to the warship, and a pair of slender beautiful legs first appeared in front of everyone’s eyes, and then a beautiful woman wearing a celestial cheongsam, a navy coat draped over her shoulders, long black hair, and serpentine earrings made of gold around her ears appeared.

Her beauty is like a fairy under the mortal, which cannot be expressed in words, this is the female emperor Boya Hancock.

The female emperor looked at the navy of the warship and asked, “Navy, what is the matter with the territory where you came to concubine”, (while speaking, one hand crossed the waist and pointed at the person, and the head was thrown back) Everyone in the pirate group sighed: appeared! That posture of extreme contempt for all living beings!

It is clear that the female emperor did not become a slave of the Draco, how can she still be so arrogant and narcissistic, which can only admire the strength of history.

At this time, the eyes of all the soldiers on the naval ships showed red love, and Hancock looked at the naval soldiers in front of him and said, “The lewd heart seduced by me will harden the body of Ru and others!” Then put on a loving gesture with both hands, ready to release sweet and sweet.

The appearance of a figure made the female emperor Hancock stop and look at the figure with surprised eyes.

Kim, who was sleeping, heard some noisy noises and walked to the noisy place of the warship with sleepy yawns.

At this time, Han Cook thought to himself, “This is the man who saved the concubine’s body, he came to see the concubine’s body, he was ready to come and marry himself, I hate that he didn’t agree.”

Boya Marigard and Boya Sandasonya on the Hydra ship saw Kim shouting “Lord Kim” in unison, and Kim rubbed his eyes and saw the larger Boya Marigard and Boya Sandasonia, and Hancock standing in front of the two.

Kim smiled and said, “So it’s Marigalde and Sanda Sonia”, and then smiled and said to the female emperor, “Oh, Hancock, you are so beautiful and charming now”.

The female emperor’s heart became more complicated when she heard Jin’s words: “He called the concubine Han Cook again, the concubine body is too happy”, and then she was about to faint, Marigalde and Sanda Sonia quickly helped the female emperor who was about to faint.

The female emperor who was supported looked at Jin with a shy face and said, “Kim, you are here to marry Hancock”, and as soon as this sentence came out, everyone let out a surprised voice: “Huh…”

At this time, Jin thought to himself, “How is this Han Cook exactly the same as the original.”

Jin looked at everyone’s gaze and said, “I just came out for a walk”, and for a while the female emperor petrified herself, “It turns out that he didn’t come to marry himself, he didn’t like himself”.

Jin looked at his petrified female emperor, and suddenly felt very speechless, how has he always petrified other people’s female emperors, but now he has petrified first.

Jin looked at the female emperor who had not recovered for a long time and had to add, “I just came to see Han Cook, and see if Han Cook has become beautiful and moving.”

Suddenly, the female emperor recovered, covered her red face with both hands, and said to Jin shyly: “Then, you must come to the palace of the concubine at night, and the concubine body will treat you well, but you can only come alone.”

After saying that, he returned to Nine Snake Island with the pirate group, and then the lieutenant general on the warship looked at Jin, “General Jin, I’m afraid this is a little dangerous.”

Jin looked at the distant Nine Snakes Pirate Group and said, “Don’t worry, it’s okay, it just so happens that I can also talk to the female emperor Han Cook about the Seven Wu Sea”, Jin’s heart “Now Han Cook is so beautiful, how can I not go”.

Han Cook, the female emperor who returned to her daughter’s country, gathered all the people in the country and announced that she would be entertained in the evening, and many people objected, saying that men were forbidden to enter the daughter’s country, including the former emperor’s mother-in-law.

The female emperor Han Cook looked at the people who opposed her, and first said to her mother-in-law: “Rude people, give me a retreat!” I am the emperor of this country! (While speaking, one hand crossed the waist and the other pointed at the person, and the head was thrown back) The others sighed: Wow, there is again! That posture of extreme contempt for all living beings!

Then he showed a pitiful look to those who began to oppose her, and said, “No matter what bad things the Wei family does, you will forgive me… Because the concubine body is so beautiful! “。

Those who had opposed it showed an expression of adoration, longing, and admiration at this time and said, “Yes, Lord Snake Hime, we will forgive you for whatever you do.”

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