The warship was sailing on the sea, and Kim was drinking tea on the deck of the warship, “Sure enough, the tea is still delicious”, Nami kept looking into the distance at the bow of the ship.

A cow-like cry came, and Kim said to himself, “Oh, is it coming”, and suddenly a huge manatee appeared from the side of the warship, looking at the people on the warship, but it seemed that no one on the warship was afraid of it except Nami.

Nami saw the manatee frightened to the ground, and said tremblingly, “This, this is the terrifying monster of the dragon”, but Nami saw that the soldiers on the warship did not show any surprised expressions, as if it was normal.

Jin took a sip of tea lightly, and finally spoke, “Let this manatee show us the way”, “Yes, General Cass”, and then a major general walked over, and then Jin turned to Nami and said, “Haven’t you seen it?” , the great voyage is bigger than this more fierce creature, this is just a little manatee, no fuss.”

Nami looked at the major general who walked over, and saw him facing the manatee, and then the manatee obediently led the way, and did not resist at all.

Nami looked at the major general who walked back to Kim’s side in disbelief, is this true? A major general is so strong, so how strong Kim is, Nami can’t imagine.

In fact, I don’t blame Nami, although there are pirates in the East China Sea, but for the other three seas, the pirates in the East China Sea are the weakest, not to mention the two major generals who have been promoted with Jin, but they have been in the new world.

Nami looked at the lazy Kim, this time her village was finally saved.

Not long after Nami on the warship faintly saw the shadow of Koko Yasi Village, Nami clenched her fists, “This time I will definitely save the village and everyone.”

The huge warship caught the attention of the navy on the island, and a rat-looking naval colonel led a group of naval soldiers to the navy’s port, found that it was a warship of the general, and immediately stood with his soldiers to prepare for the arrival of the general.

The warship arrived at the port of the navy, and Kim walked down with Nami in front, followed by two rear admirals and many admirals and soldiers, and Kim saw this rat guy.

The rat walked up to Kim with his men and saluted, “I am a colonel rat of the 16th Branch of the Navy, welcome to the arrival of the great general.”

Instead of looking at him, Kim looked at Nami and asked, “Nami, is this guy you talking about?” Nami looked at the rat colonel who had been raising his hand in front of him and did not dare to put it down and nodded and said, “It’s him, it’s him Jin, it’s him who colludes with the dragon.”

Kim did not speak, and the soldiers behind Kim felt that they had surrounded Colonel Rat and pointed their guns at Colonel Rat. Colonel Rat panicked and said, “I am also a navy, or a colonel of the 16th branch of the Navy”, a major general came out and told him, “Rat, because you colluded with pirates, you are no longer a colonel of the 16th branch, you violated the justice of the Navy, we will bring you back to the headquarters to deal with you.”

The mouse still wanted to speak, Jin looked at the major general in front of him dissatisfied, the major general turned back and found the dissatisfied Kim, turned around and knocked the mouse unconscious with a heavy punch, and let the rat take the mouse to Jin’s warship to guard.

Jin looked at the navy soldiers of the 16 branches in front who were panicked because of the loss of rats, and Jin stepped forward and said, “I am the general ‘samurai’ of the headquarters, and now that the rats have been removed for colluding with pirates, you and I will not pursue them, but the pirates must not be tolerated, and in the name of absolute justice, the evil dragon must be executed.”

The naval soldiers of the 16th branch seemed to have found the backbone of the main heart and shouted in unison, “In the name of absolute justice.”

Jin and Nami led the soldiers towards the Dragon Realm, and many people from the villages they passed on the way poked out to look at the huge navy

Many people in the villages passing by on the road looked out at the huge navy, but it was not clear whether it was Colonel Mouse’s person, so no one dared to follow and retracted again.

Until Nokiko appeared, she saw Nami next to Jin, and knew from Nami, that the admiral of the naval headquarters decided to help them, and Nokigao also joined the team and walked with Nami towards the dragon field.

A man with a scarred face and a windmill on his head unknowingly stopped Kim and said, “Please don’t be impulsive, the dragon is not something you can fight.”

Jin smiled contemptuously “Dragon, he is something, he is not worthy of my shot at all”, and then the soldier pulled him aside and let Jin continue to advance, Nami looked at him and continued to follow Jin, Noki stood in front of him and said, “Ah Jian, he is the admiral invited by Nami, there must be no problem”.

After speaking, Noki Gao also followed Nami again, Ah Jian clenched his fist and followed, and gradually the people of the village also came out to follow the navy to the dragon field, they wanted to see how the dragon was defeated.

At this time, the evil dragon was leisurely in the dragon realm with his fishman crew, and the evil dragon sat on a chair and looked at the passage to the sea in front of him. With a “boom”, the wall of the evil dragon field was pierced, and a group of navies came not far from the evil dragon.

A crew member shouted to the people who entered, “This is the Dragon Realm, are you looking for death?” “, a fishman rushed over, and with a “bang” a gunshot, the fishman fell.

The fish people were angry, and Kim took two steps forward and said, “Oh, the Sun Pirates Fisher Teig, that guy’s cadre is not very good, fortunately I didn’t go to kill him in the first place, otherwise I would definitely die of boredom”, was mentioned by Kim that Fisher Teig and the dragon gang were angry, because of anger they lost their minds, and if they could know that Fisher Teig’s navy was definitely not the navy of the four seas, but they all lost their minds and did not consider this.

Several cadres rushed towards Jin, but they were all blocked by Jin’s subordinates, and Jin once again said something that made the dragon gang even more angry: “You are not worthy, I will attack you, even the Fisher Tiger guy is not worthy.”

The evil dragon himself rushed over, and was easily beaten away by a major general beside Jin, and Jin smiled contemptuously: “Look, they all say that you are not worthy of me to attack you.”

Kohachi called out to the manatee, and the manatee came out of the water and frightened all the people in the village, and Nokitaka was also frightened, Nami took Nokigao’s hand and said, “Don’t worry, they are not comparable to the mouse guy”.

When the manatee saw that it was Jin, he thought of the horror just now and was about to dive away, but the dragon sitting on the rubble pile said, “You really want to leave Moo, I won’t force you.”

The manatee’s eyes suddenly turned red and looked at Jin, and the golden eyes looked at the manatee seriously and also spoke, “Are you really sure you want to fight me?” If you don’t want to be a sea beef, roll me! The manatee seemed to see an even more terrifying scene, and immediately ignored the dragon’s order and dived directly into the water and left.

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