After Kim stayed in the headquarters for a day, Nami and Nokigao were almost fine, and after learning that Kim had a mission and could not accompany him, he asked Kim to send them to Nine Snake Island to find Han Cook on Nine Snake Island, and Kim had to arrange a warship to send Nami and Nokigao to Nine Snake Island.

Then Kim also came to the Chambord Islands on a warship, and not long after, Kim set foot on the Chambord Islands, and Kim led the navy towards the base on the Chambord Islands. Without going far, I came across a beautiful woman with golden hair, this woman was still holding a cat in her hand, and she was followed by several black-clad bodyguards, and this woman showed a look of disdain after seeing Jin.

Kim walked into the Navy’s base in the Chambord Islands at the same time as this woman, Jin went directly into the base to find a comfortable place to sleep, and the beautiful woman took the bodyguard to the office of the top officer of the naval base stationed at the base.

After this beautiful woman came to the office, she said to the major general, “Is the person protecting me coming?” and the major general hurriedly got up and replied, “Miss, didn’t you say that genius came?” General Cass, it is estimated that he has not come over today, so, so”, the major general did not say it for a long time, and when this beautiful woman was about to get angry, a soldier came to the office and said, “Major General, General Cass has arrived”.

The major general hurriedly asked, “Where is General Cass now?” The soldier replied, “General Cass seems to have gone to sleep on the roof.”

When this beautiful woman heard this, she went directly to the roof alone and asked the bodyguard to stay.

Jin was lazily basking in the sun on the roof, suddenly felt that the sunlight was gone, as if blocked by something, opened his eyes and saw that it was the annoying woman just now, although she was very beautiful, but her high-handed attitude made Jin very annoying.

Kim got up, went to another place and lay down again, basking in the sun, and the woman walked up to Kim again to cover the sun. Jin opened her eyes and said “Be careful I slaughtered you”, this beautiful woman, her body seemed to tremble, the cat in her arms seemed to be frightened, and wanted to escape from the woman’s embrace, then she slowly said “It turned out to be you”.

Jin looked at her questioningly, did this woman know herself? Jin’s original mind to bask in the sun was gone, and he was about to go downstairs, this woman suddenly ran to Jin and said, “You guy, if you have the ability, you will kill me”, Jin pushed the woman away and walked down.

Jin came to the office of the major general, and the major general quickly got up and gave up his position to Jin, and Jin sat down directly and closed his eyes to recuperate. The woman also followed, saw Jin sitting in the position of major general, and immediately understood, “You are the guy who protects me”, Jin also replied, “You are the guy I want to protect”, Jin picked up the phone worm on the table. “Hey, old man, you want me to protect people’s errands, I won’t do it”, “What’s wrong, what happened?” “That man, there is a problem with the nerves”.

As soon as Kim’s words were finished, the woman hung up the phone worm, “Who do you say has a problem?” “。 Jin said very directly, “I haven’t seen you, you actually said that it turned out to be you”, Jin got up after saying “I don’t have time to play with you”, and after saying that he was about to walk out, the woman chased after him again and asked, “You really haven’t seen me?” “。

Kim ignored her and walked out by herself, and the woman left the bodyguard in the base, and she went after Kim herself.

The woman ran to Kim’s side and said breathlessly, “My name is Lorna, what’s your name?” Kim said, “How could you not know what my name is”, Lorna stomped her foot and said, “This is the official introduction of the nobleman himself”, and Jin said with a look of indifference, “Then you may be disappointed, I am not a nobleman”.

Lorna looked at Jin with a look of indifference and said “You’re still the same nasty”, and Jin replied “Thank you for the compliment”, and Lorna was gritted by Jin’s teeth.

Kim walked towards the tavern where Renly was often there, Lorna followed Kim closely, Kim looked at the somewhat shabby tavern and walked in, and Lorna watched Jin enter the tavern, frowned and followed Kim.

Jin walked in and didn’t find Renly, but only Xia Qi was smoking behind the counter alone, and Xia Qi saw Jin and asked a little nervously, “I don’t know, what happened to the Great General Samurai coming here?” “。

Jin sat in front of the counter and said, “Xia Qi, why don’t you give me a glass of wine?” Xia Qi turned to get the wine, and Lorna also sat next to Jin and asked, “Can I eat anything here”, and Jin said casually, “Anyway, poison you won’t kill you”.

Xia Qi came back, took out a bottle of wine and poured a glass for Jin and put it in front of Jin, Jin took a sip and said, “Why don’t you want to entertain me with good wine”, and then took another sip and said, “I was also introduced by redheads”, Xia Qi took out a bottle of wine from under the counter and replaced it with Jin.

Jin took a sip and said, “This is the wine, by the way, isn’t Renly there?” Xia Qi asked, “What are you looking for Renly?” Jin smiled and said, “Don’t be nervous, just ask Renly to help my warship attach the membrane, I want to go to Fishman Island.”

Xia Qi took a puff of cigarette and said, “Reilly, that old man, but he hasn’t come back for a long time”, Jin took the rest of the wine in the cup, took out Bailey and put it on the counter, and said “Then I don’t bother, by the way, Xia Qi, smoking is not good for your skin” and walked out towards the door, and Lorna quickly followed.

Not long after Jin and Lorna left, Xia Qi touched her skin and then extinguished the smoke in her hand.

Jin walked towards the largest auction hall in the Chambord Islands, and Lorna followed behind and spoke, “You really are, Sengoku sent you to protect me, then it should be you who followed me shopping, how did it become that I followed you.”

Jin smiled and replied, “I didn’t promise to protect you, you can go back by yourself if you’re not interested”, after saying that, Jin’s footsteps continued to walk towards the auction house, Lorna stomped her foot again or followed Kim, what a hateful guy, nothing changed at all.

Kim and Lorna arrived at the auction hall where Kemi was auctioned, Kim took the lead and walked in, Lorna walked to Jin’s side and grabbed Kim’s arm tightly, when an auction house person came over and said that the auction had begun, and a deposit was required to enter.

Kim was going to barge straight in, but Lorna threw a bag of Bailey to the man, and the man got out of the way.

Jin and Lorna walked to the back row and sat down, the auction was all some slaves and pirates and the like, and soon saw an old man and a group of people pulled up, the old man wearing glasses and white hair, and then began the auction, but all at a very low price.

Suddenly a sentence made the entire auction hall quiet, “That old man with glasses, I paid 1 billion Baileys.”

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