Kim was rushing towards Luffy, but not only Kim was heading towards where he was, Captain Smogg of Rogue Town led the navy towards Luffy, followed by a group of cloaked people moving in the alley, and finally a pretty woman with a mace on her shoulder also walked towards the One Piece execution table where Luffy was.

Luffy attracted a lot of attention on the execution table, and even a person who was to the police shouted at Luffy with a big speaker underneath “The person above, hurry up and get me down from above”, Luffy asked “Why”, the man continued to answer “That’s a special death row table under the jurisdiction of the world government”, and Luffy still did not go down after shouting for a long time.

When the patrolman was about to go up to catch Luffy, a mace knocked the patrolman to the ground, and a very beautiful woman came to the execution table, and the men and women around all stared at the beauty, and many people drooled. Luffy asked, “Do I know you?” The woman replied “You don’t know me, but I can’t forget you, you were the first man to hit me”, Luffy wondered “I hit you?” The people around all looked at Luffy angrily.

When the woman asked, “Who is the most beautiful woman on the sea”, Luffy seemed to have a little impression, and then the people around him said loudly, “It’s you”. The woman looked at Luffy affectionately and said “I want Luffy to be his man”, Luffy’s head was already sweating, Luffy said, “I don’t want it, but who are you?” “。

It seems that Luffy is really rough nerves, at this time several policemen ran over and said that they wanted to arrest this woman and Luffy on the execution table, and the woman touched her face and asked, “You guys, do you really want to arrest me?” “。

Several policemen were confused and could not bear to arrest her, when suddenly a shell smashed into the pool behind the police, the pool was blown apart, and the spire of the pool flew towards the woman, and then the spire flew towards another building. Everyone, including Luffy, didn’t know what was going on.

“So it’s her, that big fat woman” Jin sat on a roof and watched, the beautiful woman below, could not let Jin feel anything at all, as long as Jin remembered her previous appearance, Jin couldn’t help but want to vomit, and the most beautiful woman in the world, Jin has won one and is only one white star away.

“You’re really dangerous like this”, “Sorry, it’s a bit of an exaggeration, but your skin is not unhurt, beautiful lady Arrita” A group of cloaked men came out and talked to the woman, and when Luffy heard that the woman was “Arrita”, he remembered the fat man at that time.

And at this time Kim was vomiting on the roof, “beautiful lady Arrita”? , This sentence made Jin think of the big fat woman and vomited even more.

Luffy asked dullly, “Where is Arrita?” After saying that, she looked around, and Arlita shouted, “I am, you unresponsive fellow.”

Luffy looked closely at Arrita and said, “It seems to be completely different”, Arrita smiled and pulled down the pink cloak on her body and told Luffy, “I ate the slippery fruit to become like this, and all attacks will be bounced off by my smooth skin”.

A group of people in the back pulled down their cloaks, it turned out to be the clown Bucky’s gang, Bucky was telling what happened to him and then suddenly shouted, Luffy saw Bucky shouting in front of him and said “Who is this Red Nose”, Bucky shouted “Straw Hat Kid, who do you say is Red Nose”.

Luffy ignored Bucky and said to himself, “You’re Porgy, no, it’s Boogie, it doesn’t seem to be Bessie, by the way, it’s horse manure”, Bucky froze and then reacted and shouted “What, horse manure, you bastard, Lao Tzu is not horse manure”.

At this time, someone around recognized it as Bucky the Clown, and then a bunch of people screamed and prepared to escape, but Bucky asked his men to draw their weapons and did not allow anyone to leave, and the crowd had to crouch down. At this time, Luffy finally reacted “Oh, it turned out to be Bucky”, and then Luffy was locked on the death table by Bucky’s chief of staff, Kabaji, and Bucky said that he would execute Luffy in front of everyone, and Bucky also came to the death table.

At this time, the weather became more and more gloomy, and the clouds in the sky slowly turned into dark clouds, and the sun that had just been there was also covered by dark clouds.

Solon and Shangis, who had been separated from Luffy, joined each other, when a group of people ran over and shouted “There are pirates, it’s the Clown Bucky Pirates”, Usopp and the woman ran towards their pirate ship with fish on their boat, and Solon and Shangis ran towards the square where Bucky was.

On the other side, Smog came to a tower, and some of his subordinates reported that “in addition to the Straw Hats, Bucky the Clown and Yarlita also came to Rogue Town, and occupied the square where One Piece was executed.”

Smogg asked, “Does the general know about this situation?” The soldier said “I don’t know where the general went, so I shouldn’t know”, Smogg “forget it, let’s act first, send the first force to destroy their ships, the second force surrounds the square, and the others are on standby in the firing range of the square”, and then walked up to the tower where the square could be observed.

When Smog arrived at the tower, he saw Luffy locked to the execution table by Bucky, “Colonel Smogg, look” Dusty’s cry sounded, Smogg looked in the direction Dusty said, and found Kim sitting on the roof over there, and a man in a cloak opposite Kim was confronting Kim.

And Bucky’s pirate group in the square began to celebrate, Bucky was standing on the execution table laughing, Luffy was still looking at the celebration below with interest, still not knowing that he was going to be executed, Bucky told Luffy and asked Luffy what his last words were, Luffy shouted “I’m going to be the man who is going to be One Piece”, and everyone was shocked by Luffy’s words.

Solon and Shangis finally arrive at the square of the execution table and start fighting to save it, while Bucky picks up a knife and slashes at Luffy, Luffy laughs at this point, Luffy’s smile surprises Smogg, who has seen One Piece executed.

There was lightning in the sky, and suddenly a bolt of lightning slashed towards the execution table where Bucky and Luffy were, the death table collapsed, Luffy picked up the hat that had fallen on the ground, took it on his head, and then patted the dust on his body and laughed, everyone was shocked by Luffy, and the person who was going to be executed actually did not have any damage.

Jin looked at the cloaked man opposite in surprise and said to himself, “When I first watched the anime, I thought that the real lightning in the sky, it turned out that he saved Luffy, but yes, after all, he is Luffy’s”, before the words were finished, a smile appeared on Jin’s face.

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