Solon was still hiding behind a house, and Ikalem couldn’t help but open his mouth to stimulate Solon, hoping to use the provocation method to lure Solon out, and the drunken three were still asleep, not knowing what was going to happen, Misato watched the sleeping three helplessly cover her forehead and kick the three a few times, but there was no effect.

At this time, someone found Solon, and suddenly everyone surrounded Solon, and kept shooting at Solon, Solon hid behind a table, then pulled out a knife and split the table, flashed behind the person who was shooting, and then left, after Solon left, these people all fell with blood behind their backs.

Solon kept running, there was a group of people chasing behind, Solon climbed up a house, almost hit by a shell on the house, the muscular woman held a wine barrel on the roof behind Solon and threw it towards Solon, Solon split the wine barrel and knocked down several people on the house, at this time another person came with a sledgehammer, and was easily split by Solon’s three generations of ghosts and killed the people behind, a child ran towards Solon with a knife, Solon knocked his knife away, but did not kill him, A woman cries while holding a child, and then the woman takes out a cross and spews smoke at Solon, who knocks him unconscious.

Jin laughed loudly at this time: “Yes, that’s it, once you want to start, you can’t have a trace of softness, even if it’s a child, but I still like to kill directly, not stun”, Vivi looked at Jin in front of her who looked like she was watching a play, and couldn’t say anything. A group of people went to chase Solon, stepped on the three people who were sleeping, and the three did not know, it was really a big nerve.

Solon was killing in the bounty hunter, the muscle woman, holding a ladder and almost hit Solon, Jin was immediately dissatisfied when he saw this, “What, Solon actually almost let a minions knock down, it really seems that the cultivation is still not home.”

The woman grabbed Solon and then pressed it heavily on the roof, and the right hand hit Solon fiercely in the face, and suddenly the entire roof appeared cracked, at this time the people below thought that Solon was knocked down and was ready to clean up the rest of the people, but a scream came, and the woman was grabbed by Solon at this time and let out a scream, and the sound of the scream did not match her size at all.

Jin’s right hand was clenched into a fist at this time, “It looks like this, and it is really unforgivable to actually shout such an inconsistent sound”, Jin stood up at the same time as he finished speaking, and punched Sauron from a distance, and suddenly a stream of air rushed out directly.

Solon was still talking nonsense, suddenly felt a sense of danger, immediately let go of her, jumped off the house, the moment he jumped, a stream of air completely destroyed the house, and then continued to crash towards the house behind, destroying many houses in a row before disappearing completely.

Vivi covered her mouth at this time and looked at a ruins not far away in surprise, surprised and speechless, Solon was on the ground looking at the ruins in front of him, “It’s so dangerous, that guy”, the bounty hunters below were completely stunned.

Solon saw the group of people who froze, and immediately rushed in to kill, and after being killed by Solon, they also reacted and continued to attack Solon, while Ikarem looked at the two figures on the roof in the distance.

That Mr9 kept flipping backflips to get close to Solon, and then pulled out two large iron rods to hit Solon, but was easily caught by Solon, and Jin looked at Mr9 and said, “There’s something wrong with this person, Vivi”, and Vivi smiled awkwardly. In the end, this silly Mr9 fell off the roof with a backflip, and Kim felt speechless watching this scene, which is also too dramatic.

Solon also said at this time, “Fighting him is simply humiliating to me”, and Ikalem suddenly appeared and blew his loudspeaker machine gun towards Solon, who cut the roof with a knife and left.

At this time, the fallen Mr9 was resurrected and walked towards Solon, and the iron rod stretched out the chain and tied it to Solon’s hand, and Ikalem also came to Solon, and Ikalem pulled his tie hair and appeared with the barrel of the gun and shot towards Solon.

Solon pulled the chain Mr9 to block the bullet, Mr9 was then thrown out by Solon, Solon pulled out a knife and was about to slash at Ikalem, when there was a sentence “Solon, just knock it out, don’t kill him”, Solon slammed the back of the knife to knock Ikalem unconscious.

At this time, a few minions were about to escape the town, and then the combination of cat and eagle appeared, and when they were about to attack them, two people stopped the eagle and cat, and then an explosion occurred.

The seriously injured Mr9 was about to climb out of here, but saw two people in front, a woman with an umbrella, a man with sunglasses, the two shot at Mr9, and asked where Vivi Fish Ikalem was, but Mr9 did not say, there was another explosion, and then the two left.

Luffy also woke up at this time, saw many people who had fallen to the ground, asked what had happened, and then angrily went to find Solon.

Ikarem was also found by the two at this time, in order to keep the secret, Ikarem shot at the two, was shot by the man’s hand, Ikarem was surrounded by the explosion, Solon happened to be in the house above the head of the two to watch the situation below, but did not mean to intervene, Ikarem fell.

Solon came to the ground, and Ikarem actually hugged Solon’s feet and said, “Please tell the man with Vivi that he must protect Vivi”, Solon said, “I can’t manage his business”.

Misato also appeared at this time, and said to Ikalem on the ground, “If you can give us any benefits, we can consider it”, Ikalem stretched out a finger and said “1 billion Bailey”, although Misato does not love money so much, but was also tempted by 1 billion Bailey and agreed.

Luffy found Solon and Misato, and then asked directly “Solon, you cut down those people”, Solon replied “Hmm”, Luffy directly attacked Solon, Solon was confused by Luffy’s attack, and finally fought angrily and Luffy really duels.

The ignored Mr5 and Miss.Valentine were ignored, and the two shouted “Hey, don’t be when we don’t exist”, and then a voice also appeared: “I’m going to be your opponent, I haven’t been active for a long time, I hope you can let me move”.

Two figures appeared on a road, and the figures slowly approached, it was Jin who slowly walked over with Vivi, and Luffy and Solon fought into the distance.

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