At this time, Jin was walking on a street, and remembered Vivi’s words in his mind, “He is a good person, please help him”, Jin’s eyes became terrifying and said, “I’m sorry Vivi, he must die”, and then the speed was a little faster.

Soon after the appearance of the revolutionary army on the other side, it began to retreat again, and the navy chased after the victory until it reached the rebel base camp, by which time the revolutionary army had completely withdrawn, and only the two cadres were still in the tents.

Kosha loudly questioned the two men, “Didn’t you say that you would help us win?” The two men said without the slightest nervousness, “I originally planned to do this, but the war in other parts of us is tight, and the leader asked us to retreat to help them, so we are also forced to do so, well, we should also leave”, and the two people walked out of the tent.

Qing Zhi looked at the tent in front of the two people walking out, and his eyes became even colder, “Cadres of the revolutionary army, did you appear here and want to overthrow this country?” “.

One person replied “Yo, it’s Admiral Qingzhi, we originally had this plan, but now we don’t want to do it”, Qingzhi continued to ask “Is the rebel army in this country with you”, the man continued to answer “What do you say”, and then the two jumped out of the encirclement of the navy and left.

Some soldiers wanted to pursue, but Qingzhi ordered not to pursue, and a major general asked, “Qingzhi General, why don’t you pursue”, Qingzhi said with a solemn face: “They are a few close cadres around the dragon, if they are easily pursued, they may be led into a trap.”

The navy slowly moved towards the rebel tent, at this time a few people rushed out with weapons towards the navy, “bang” several gunshots those people fell, childish looking at the tent without movement waved

All the soldiers raised their guns and shot at the tent, after a burst of gunfire, some soldiers went in to inspect but did not find anyone, Qingzhi went in to check, found a little mark under a table, ordered the soldiers to pull the table away, found that it was a tunnel, Qingzhi jumped into the tunnel alone and chased up.

Qingzhi just went for a while, Jin also came here, knowing what happened, Jin also jumped down the tunnel and chased after him, while Klockdar on the other side took Mr1, the man who ate the chopped fruit, to the port at this time, robbed a boat and left Alabastan.

“Kousha, hurry up, we can start again if we fail, as long as we don’t give up, there is still hope” At this time, the two people set up the leader of the rebel army and ran towards the front in the desert, Kosha broke away from the two, looked at the city behind and had to continue running towards the front with the two.

At this time, a voice came “I’m sorry, I can’t let you leave easily”, Qingzhi stood on a sand dune and said, the three turned to the other side and found that there were also people there, Jin looked at the three people in front of him and said, “Let you run, we are very embarrassed”.

The two people rushed to Jin and Qingzhi respectively, and shouted “Let’s stop them, Kosha you run”, Kousha looked at the two rushing with tears in his eyes, and then turned and fled in the other direction.

Not long after Kosha left, one of the two people turned into ice cubes, and the other disappeared completely, Jin and Qingzhi stood together and asked, “Are you chasing, or am I chasing”, Qingzhi scratched his head and prepared to speak.

Jin interrupted him and said, “Okay, okay, I’ll go”, and then a flash disappeared, and Qingzhi slowly said “I wanted to say I went, but forget it”, and then Qingzhi slowly returned to the city.

Kosha was still running wildly in the desert, but a figure followed him unhurriedly, and Kousha finally stopped and waited for the man to approach.

Jin looked at Kosha who was no longer running away in front of him, and still walked up slowly, Jin walked up to him and asked “why don’t you run”, Kousha gasped and said “It’s better to die like a warrior than to run away in embarrassment”, Jin smiled and said “Well said, but you still have to die”.

Kosha looked at Jin in front of him and asked, “I want to know what you will do with those rebels”, Jin smiled and said, “The rest will be handed over to the king except for the leader”, Kosha seemed to breathe a sigh of relief and then said to Jin, “Come on”, after speaking, Kosha pulled out a knife and slashed at Jin, Jin stood still and let the knife cut into his body, making a “dang” sound as if he was slashed on iron.

Kim suddenly said, “Actually, Vivi begged me to let you go”, Jin paused and continued in an aggravated tone, “But I won’t do that, you must die”.

Just finished speaking, Jin smashed Kou Sha to the ground with a heavy fist, and suddenly sent out a big explosion, splashing the sand and dust in the sky, and when the dust dispersed, Kou Sha lay in a huge bunker, and then the sand gradually buried him, and Jin waited until the sand completely buried Kou Sha before leaving.

Kim returned to the place just now, at this time the frozen person was thawed, and looked at the dying Kim who came and asked “How is Kosha”, “He died” Jin seemed to be saying something trivial, and the man also died after hearing it.

Jin came to the city at this time, Qingzhi saw it and said, “You’re really slow, but I should go back too” and then took a group of navy to leave, Qingzhi suddenly remembered something and said, “Robin and a girl are now in the department, right the female emperor Boya. Han Cook was also there, and the two also had a quarrel,” Qing Zhi said and left.

Jin didn’t react at this time, and said to himself: “Isn’t Luo Bing here?” Well, it doesn’t seem to be right, it’s Robin, by the way, and the female emperor is also in the main department”, Jin Yi shouted towards the distant childish “Kuzan, why did you guy say it now, this is over” At this time, Jin could already think of the general situation, and it was estimated that the fight had already begun.

Jin only complained at this time and said, “In the end, the guy said, the harem is easy, and the women of the protagonist will live in peace.”

Kim decided to leave it alone, anyway, take it one step at a time, Kim walked towards the palace, and many of the king’s troops were escorting the rebels towards the prison.

Jin came to the palace, Vivi saw Jin, ran over and asked, “Kim, how is Kosha”, Jin opened his hand and said helplessly “I went one step late, Qingzhi executed him”, Vivi suddenly became lost, Jin was ready to comfort Vivi, but Vivi refused to say “Let me be quiet for a while”, and then left.

Jin looked at Wei Wei, who was leaving, and his eyes became very complicated, and then he chuckled and left to find Luo Bing.

Luo Bing was quietly in a garden of the palace at this time, Jin came behind her and said, “I said it’s very similar to a person”, Luo Bing didn’t say but nodded, Jin looked at Luo Bing and said, “I need you to help me do something”, and then leaned over and said something in Luo Bing’s ear, Luo Bing nodded and agreed.

Jin smiled at Luo Bing, and then left directly.

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