Kim’s warship also arrived in the Chambord Islands, and Kim summoned the two rear admirals to join Alabastan to explain something, and the two rear admirals immediately walked towards the naval base in the Chambord Islands, while Kim walked towards Xia Qi’s bar with a vice admiral carrying two suitcases.

Along the road, many pirates saw the two navies, quickly hid far away, not long after came to Xia Qi’s bar, the bar was full of noisy sounds at this time, the door of the bar was pushed open, everyone’s eyes looked in the direction of the door, suddenly everyone’s eyes became complicated, Xia Qi standing behind the counter and Renly sitting in front of the bar looked at the door, and both of them looked a little unnatural.

Jin led the lieutenant general to look at many pirates nervously holding weapons in the bar, and finally fixed his eyes on the two people at the counter, and then walked over with the lieutenant general, watching Jin slowly walk in and many people became nervous for a while.

A pirate shouted “Navy what are you here for”, Jin ignored him, the pirate rushed towards Jin in anger, suddenly the lieutenant general behind Jin pressed the rushing person to the ground and smashed it into the floor, many pirates saw this scene and turned and ran towards the door.

Jin walked to Renly’s side and sat down, and said to Xia Qi “Why is it not welcome, rest assured that I am not here to find trouble”, Xia Qi took out a wine glass and poured wine for Jin, Jin took the wine glass and took a sip, and said to Renly next to him “Renly, how to help my warship platoon”.

Reilly took the wine in front of him and said, “I’m very expensive”, Kim smiled, snapped his fingers, and the lieutenant general behind him put two suitcases in front of Renly on the counter, Kim said, “There are 200 million Baileys here, I think it should be enough.” Xia Qi opened the suitcase, the suitcase was full of Bailey, Xia Qi promised for Reilly “Okay, we will take it”, Reilly glanced at Xia Qi helplessly, Xia Qi looked at Reilly and said, “Dead old man, how long have you not given money for what I eat and drink, and now I just gave it together.”

Renly looked at Jin and asked seriously, “Your navy can directly enter the New World, why do you have to go to the bottom of the sea”, Jin smiled badly “Guess what”, Renly glanced at Jin meaningfully, and then drank his own wine without saying anything.

Jin finished drinking the wine in his glass and stood up “Please ask you about Renly’s coating”, and then walked out the door with the lieutenant general, and when Jin left, Xia Qi asked “What do you think, old man”, Renly’s eyes flashed and said, “I see that things are not so simple”.

Jin took the lieutenant general to the auction house of the Chambord Islands not far away and asked, “Why don’t you ask me what I am doing there”, and the lieutenant general behind him replied, “General Cass, I have followed you all the way since you were a colonel, I only know to obey your orders and will not have any questions.”

Jin laughed: “If one day I am no longer in the navy, will you still follow me?” After speaking, Jin stared at the vice admiral in front of him, and the vice admiral did not have the slightest hesitation, “Yes, I believe that all the subordinates on the warship will always follow you”, Jin patted the vice admiral’s shoulder and continued to walk forward.

The lieutenant general looked at the distant Jin, and then followed, Jin looked at the auction house in front of him and fell into deep thought, the woman who hated herself, I don’t know how it is now, since she left, Jin has not heard from her, Jin also asked Sengoku but Sengoku said that I don’t know.

Jin took the lead into this auction hall again, the lieutenant general followed closely, and the personnel at the door saw the lieutenant general behind Jin, and immediately quickly gave way to the road, and Jin took the lieutenant general to the back row and sat down. Looking at the various auction items on the auction stand in front, there were weapons, various jewelry, and even slaves, but there didn’t seem to be anything good today, so there weren’t many people, let alone fucking Draco.

Not long after Jin sat down, the auction ended, Jin returned to his warship docked at the dock with Vice Admiral, and seeing Rayleigh looking around at his warship, Jin smiled slightly and led the Vice Admiral forward.

Renly did not notice Kim’s arrival, still paying attention to the warship in front of him, the vice admiral was ready to remind Renly, was stopped by Jin, Jin took the vice admiral gently returned to the warship, King just entered the cabin, Renly looked back, and then continued his work.

Kim went back to his room, sat down at a table, and took out a phone worm, “Hey, the old man is not there”, “Stinky boy, when are you coming back, do you know that Han Cook and Robin almost fought, you hurry back”, Kim dug his ears and said “Old man, I’m not going back for the time being, I plan to go to the new world”.

Sengoku was angry at once, “What are you going to the new world for, aren’t there red dogs there”, Jin “By the way, old man, those people in the headquarters will trouble you” Jin said and hung up the phone worm.

Sengoku sighed at this time in the headquarters and said to himself, “Be careful, smelly boy, the new world is not like the front”, Karp walked in with a doughnut and asked, “Sengoku, do you eat or not”, Sengoku did not answer, Karp looked at the Sengoku in a daze, and sat down himself, “Is that kid having news”, Sengoku nodded and said “He said he was going to the new world”, Karp said while eating a doughnut “Don’t worry, that kid you don’t know his skills, it’s okay”, Sengoku nodded, After looking at Karp and shouting “Karp, you put the doughnut on my desk again”, Karp said lightly, “What’s the fuss”.

And the women on the side are waiting for Jin’s arrival at the port of the headquarters, Han Cook “Robin, that person said that Kim is almost here today”, Robin smiled sweetly “Well, I asked a few lieutenant generals, they said that according to the distance, it is almost today, if it does not arrive today, it is a delay on the road, and it will be back tomorrow at the latest.”

The warship of the Chambord Islands, thanks to the help of the soldiers on the warship, almost 1 day to complete the coating, Kim gave all the personnel half a day off, by the way to collect all kinds of supplies, tomorrow morning, Renly walked up to Kim and asked, “How is it, go have a drink with me”, Kim smiled and said, “I’m afraid to drink you poor”, Renly held up his glasses and said “Didn’t I just get your money”, Jin asked rhetorically, “Do you have money?” If there is, then you can take it out now and I’ll take a look,” Renly smiled awkwardly.

Jin also smiled and Renly walked towards Xia Qi’s bar, Jin and Renly came to Xia Qi’s bar, Xia Qi got Jin and Renly a few small dishes, and then gave the two a few bottles of wine and left, Rayleigh took the wine glass and asked, “Your purpose this time, I’m afraid it’s not simple”, Jin smiled lightly “It seems that I still can’t hide from you”, Renly continued to say “Your purpose is him”, Jin took a sip of wine and nodded, Renly asked, “Are you sure?” “, Kim laughed out loud, “Life doesn’t have to be interesting like this”, Renly took a sip of wine and said nostalgically, “You and Roger are quite similar in this point, in fact, it is probably better for you to be a pirate.”

Kim suddenly stopped smiling and said, “Isn’t it better to be in the Navy, many times you don’t have to take action yourself”, Renly shook his head and continued to drink his own wine.

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