At this time, Jinping and the three princes were looking for gold with guards everywhere, and the boss of the three princes, Shark Star, asked, “Boss Jinping, why are you so nervous, although he is a general, but you don’t need to look for him all over the island”, Jinping calmly replied “Although he is only a general, his master is the marshal of the navy Sengoku, and he is the only admiral that Draco does not dare to provoke easily”, the three princes were surprised “Draco dare not provoke, general”.

Jinping nodded and continued: “Although the world government suppressed this matter, but the old man still knows something, he is the only one who killed Draco, but there is no slightest thing, but he knows that this matter was basically extinguished by the world government”, the three princes completely froze and “killed the Draco”, Jinping said to the three people in a daze with a serious face, “Don’t tell this matter, otherwise Fishman Island will also be in danger”, the three princes nodded solemnly.

On the other side, Jin and Lieutenant General were also ready to leave and continue to visit Fishman Island, Jin also gave the mermaid beauty tens of thousands of Bailey as a tip when leaving, and then Jin and Lieutenant General began to continue the tour, and shortly after Jin left, a beautiful mermaid with a shark’s tail divined for Jin, she seemed to see something terrible, and suddenly her whole body trembled, and she couldn’t stop retreating.

Not long after Jin and his group left, they were blocked by the fish people who blocked them outside the mermaid island, and blocked again, Jin and Lieutenant General looked at several mermaids in front of him, the lieutenant general stepped forward two steps and stood in front of Jin, the mermaid suddenly heard a burst of laughter “This guy turned out to be a coward”, Jin ignored them and just said to the lieutenant general in front of them “Speed up, I’ll wait for you in front”, and then Jin turned and left.

Several fishmen saw that Jin was leaving, and immediately rushed to Jin, but was beaten back by the lieutenant general, who said, “I am your opponent, deal with your group of little minions, and you don’t need adults to shoot”, the lieutenant general’s words angered several fishmen, and the fishmen rushed to the lieutenant general.

Jin walked to a place with sea water and corals at this time, Jin was about to leave but suddenly heard a burst of laughter, Jin walked towards the laughter, and found a lot of beautiful mermaids playing in the water behind a coral , Jin hid behind the coral to peek at these mermaids, I have to say that the mermaids are basically beautiful, and the figure is also good, that is, the lower body is a fish tail is too sad, but fortunately, the figure of the upper body is also very good, so Jin has the mind to peek here.

Not long after Jin peeked, he was found by Jinping who happened to come nearby, Jinping and the three princes had just arrived here, found a figure in the coral, and thought it was a human trafficker, walked in and patted him on the shoulder and asked, “What are you doing”, Jin Yi turned his head, and suddenly Jinping and Jin froze.

Jin smiled awkwardly, and the three princes asked, “Boss Jinping, do you know him?” “, Jinping also replied a little embarrassed, “He is the person we are looking for”, the three princes looked at Jin and were shocked again, looking at Jin a little incredulously, at this time the lieutenant general also came over, and after seeing Jin, the lieutenant general consciously stood behind Jin.

Jin scratched his head and smiled, “Yo, Jinping hasn’t seen him for a long time”, Jinping said expressionlessly “Well, yes”, and the mermaids who were still playing in the water heard someone’s voice, so they went ashore to check, and found that it was the prince and Jinping, and two people who didn’t know each other, but the status should not be low, and suddenly several mermaids threw a wink at Jin, and in front of Jin’s eyes stood Jinping and the three princes, so they had to pretend not to look at a few mermaids, and a few people stood stupidly.

In the end, Jin spoke first: “Jinping, what are you looking for me for?” “, Jinping seemed to remember his purpose and suddenly said, “King Neptune of Mermaid Island, prepared a welcome banquet for you in the palace”, Jin nodded and said, “Okay, I accept”, the three princes hurriedly summoned a large sea turtle, Jin and Jinping walked the sea turtle together, and the three princes and the lieutenant general followed behind the two.

After everyone went up, the turtle headed towards the palace, on the turtle Jin asked Jinpei “Jinping, I heard that Mermaid Island is the territory of Whitebeard, right”, Jinping didn’t know what Jin meant, but had to answer truthfully “Well, that’s right”, Jin looked at the mermaid island below and said, “I want the mermaid island to be my territory, what do you say”, Jinping was speechless, Jinping looked at Jin waiting for his answer and had to say “I can’t do this matter, I have to consult with Neptune “, Jin smiled slightly and nodded, then continued to look at the scenery below.

Jin’s words caused a huge wave in the hearts of Jinping and the three princes, I don’t know what Jin meant, but fortunately, he suddenly passed, and only returned to the palace to discuss with Neptune .

Jinping looked at Jin, who was still looking at the scenery, and secretly thought “This guy doesn’t want to start a war with Whitebeard”, at this time Jin was attracted by the beautiful mermaid below, where to see what scenery, and the lieutenant general behind Jin also pressed a device like a remote control in his arms.

The navy who was wandering on the street was suddenly stunned, and then ran towards the warship, and the navy soldiers on the warship also began to run, carrying ammunition.

At this time, Kim also came to Neptune palace, Neptune took a few ministers to greet Kim, Kim looked at Neptune who was walking towards him, and suddenly said “You are also a king, how can you be kind enough to let you personally greet you”, Neptun’s eyes flashed an imperceptible light, and then laughed and said “General Cass, you really can joke”, and then walked into the palace with Jin.

Neptune asked the minister to entertain Kim first, and then left with Jinping, and soon the banquet began, with Kim and Jinping sitting at the head of Neptune and the lieutenant general standing behind Jin, not going to his own place to sit down. Jin took a glass of wine and suddenly asked, “King Neptune , I want to make Fishman Island my territory, what do you say”, Neptune who was eating food froze with Jinping, but he didn’t expect Kim to bring up this question at this time.

Neptune froze for a moment and immediately woke up and said, “I want to promise you too, but Whitebeard once said that this island is his territory, so I can’t help it”, Jin took a sip of wine and said slowly, “That’s simple, I will accept this island first, and then discuss it with Whitebeard.”

When Neptune was about to find another excuse, a soldier ran to Neptune and said something, Neptune immediately said to Kim, “Lose company, I’ll deal with some personal matters”, Kim slowly stood up and said, “It’s okay, I’ll go see it together, maybe I can help”, Neptune had to agree.

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