“My name is Nicole Robin, I’m a historian, I’ve been bothering you all this time.” Since the destruction of O’Hara. Those who really cared and loved her had died, and she had been used many times as a child and began to take advantage of others.

“Historian, yes, whether to be our partner or not, our captain is very strong!” Dowcott said kindly to Robin because of Robin’s praise.

“Yes, it just so happens that I don’t have a pirate group yet.” Robin intends to agree to come down first, and then find a way to get some benefits before leaving, which is her usual style at the moment.

“He said to join, but to join, not to pretend, the son of the devil—Nicole Robin, the survivor of O’Hara.” Cavendish stared at Nicole Robin and said.

Watching her information being made public by Cavendish little by little, Nicole Robin was a little panicked, countless people came to hunt her because of her identity, or wanted to get her, because she could understand the text of history.

“Don’t worry Nicole Robin, although you have been using and betraying many people, it is all their own fault, lack of strength, or do not really want to be your companion, but I am different, has anyone told you that no one born in this world will never be alone.” Calvindish said.

“Sauro!” Hearing Cavendish words, Nicole Robin instantly remembered when she was in O’Hara, and was arrested by Admiral Qingji Pheasant Ice after saving herself in the Demon Slaughter Order. D. Salon, this is the last thing Sauro said to her, he also said that he will definitely find a partner who is willing to protect him.

“Nicole Robin, you don’t have to worry about our strength, even if you encounter an enemy, as a captain, I will protect you!” Cavendish ‘s words hit Robin’s heart again and again, and Robin’s cold mask began to gradually break.

“I believe you, Captain Cavendish !” Robin’s smile had tears in her eyes, she was willing to fully believe in someone once again, she believed that Cavendish was Sauro’s partner!

“Okay! That’s great! The banquet is going to be held tonight! Dowcott cheered directly after hearing Robin’s reply to Cavendish Schsh, what a simple-minded child, Robin just praised his medical skills and was so optimistic about Robin.

“We’re okay with that.” Seeing that Cavendish agreed, the rest of the people did not refute it, because they knew that even a refute would be invalid.

After a group of people introduced themselves to each other, they started the banquet and officially became partners.

The next day, the people, who thought that the Admiral Yellow Ape of the Chambord Islands should have left, returned again, but their ship was not yet coated.

To be on the safe side, Cavendish left the rest of the group on board and let Van Oka protect them, while he went to find the legendary coated old man Rayleigh.

At the door of Sharkey’s bar, Cavendish meets Renly, who is crouching in the doorway drinking.

“Young man, come and coat, 20W Bailey, but as long as you show me your sword, I will coat you for free.” As a swordsman, Reilly saw Cavendish at a glance, the holy sword Durandel.

“Take it.” Without the slightest hesitation, Cavendish threw Durandall to Reilly, and Reilly took it steadily.

“Good sword, what to call.” Renly asked.

“My name is Hakuba. Cavendish , as for the sword in your hand is Durandel, the legendary holy sword. Cavendish also has a feeling like Renly showing off his weapons, which is still very good, and it is better when facing the former One Piece’s deputy, Hades Renly.

“It seems that you are also a good swordsman, I haven’t met such an excellent young swordsman as you for a long time, maybe decades ago, there was a red-haired brat who was also very good at swordsmanship, but he was not as good as you at that time.” Reilly still gets a lot of information about Cavendish from Shachi, and he still agrees with Cavendish swordsmanship, especially at this age.

“Just stop at the port and pick it up in three days.” Reilly seemed to remember something, did not continue, took a big sip of wine, returned Durandle to Cavendish and asked about the coating.

“Hades Silbaz Reilly, what a powerful old man.” Just standing in front of Renly, there is a pressure that is only weaker than Karp, and he can feel it.

Looking at Reilly who left, Cavendish could only prepare to continue to spend three days on the island with the crew in these three days.

And at the same time, the headquarters of the Navy.

Sengoku has also picked out the candidate for Nanabukai from a bunch of pirates, which is Kapu’s original proposal, Hakuba. Cavendish , the bounty higher than Cavendish or almost the new stars were all destroyed by the yellow ape, and many of the older generation are hostile to the world government, and Cavendish is indeed a good candidate.

“Karp, you are going to the New World on a mission, remember to give this invitation to Cavendish when passing by the Chambord Islands, if he refuses, it will solve him, not everyone can brush the face of the navy.” This is almost a coercive sign, refusal is equivalent to not giving face to the Navy, and the Navy will definitely give a good look to those who reject him.

“Got it, Sengoku, then I’m leaving!” Knowing that Cavendish may become Nanabu Sea, Karp is still very happy, at least he doesn’t want Cavendish to be on the opposite side of him.

The port of the Chambordi Islands has ushered in a new pirate ship, the ship is very large, it is the pirate group of the giant butcher Qiangmeng, Qiangmeng has followed the footsteps of Cavendish and his gang all the way, but he has come to prove that his strength is no worse than Cavendish Xu, and the strongest pirate star in this generation is him!

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