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Lei Yu looked at the provocative cute girl in front of him, and held it in his arms without saying a word. “This Nima can’t bear it.”

“Snap…” Lei Yu slapped twice on the cute girl Han Cook’s ass=butt.

“Uh Han Cook, who was spanked by Lei Yu = buttocks, suddenly cried.

Lei Yu looked at the crying cute girl, and suddenly became a little embarrassed.

“What are you crying about?” Lei Yu asked angrily.

“I’m the future female emperor, you dare to spank my ass ==, you… You’re badass!! Hancock cried to Lei Yu shyly.

“What female emperor, you will always be mine in front of me… My little wife. Lei Yu thought for a long time and said.

“Don’t!” The female emperor refused.

“Why?” This time it was Lei Yu’s turn to be puzzled.

“I want to be a big wife, not a little wife, I am a future female emperor!!” Hancock said with a bullish roar.

Lei Yu; “………………”

“On the side, we are not out of danger now, if nothing else, the world is wanted for us now.” Lei Yu didn’t want to continue the topic, so he changed the topic and said.

“By the way, you guys are tired too, go eat something.” Lei Yu pointed to the kitchen and said.

“Well, just hungry.” The three Hancock sisters touched their stomachs and agreed.

Lei Yu looked at the disappearing Hancock three sisters, shook his head gently, and held the two C-level demon fruits in his arms in his hands.


With the pull of Lei Yu’s power, the two demon fruits in Lei Yu’s hand quickly disappeared into Lei Yu’s hands.

Time flies, and before you know it, three days have passed.

Blue sky, cloudless, sea and sky.

Lei Yu stood on the deck, blowing the breeze from the sea, gently closing his eyes and feeling nature.

After Lei Yu absorbed those two devil fruits, Lei Yu’s Navy Six officially entered the Dacheng stage, and his physical fitness was once again increased to a certain extent by the power of reincarnation, and Lei Yu felt that the strength at this time was several times that of before! ! !


But at this moment, a white newspaper bird appeared above Lei Yu, and then a newspaper appeared in Lei Yu’s hand.

“Huh? What’s the situation? Lei Yu looked at the newspaper in his hand, and there were some doubts in his heart, but when Lei Yu saw the eye-catching naval traitor Lei Yu, the reward of 300 million, Lei Yu was shocked.

“Zhen, who is so awesome, the first reward broke 300 million, Zhen, he is only ten years old, against the sky!!” Lei Yu looked at the newspaper in his hand and muttered.

“No, why is it so familiar?” After Lei Yu saw the wanted portrait inside, he was stunned.

“Lei Yu, Nima, isn’t this me?” Lei Yu was stunned suddenly, he was actually wanted for a reward, and the reward also broke 300 million against the sky, lying in the groove! ! ! The other party really looks at him!!

You know, Luffy at that time took down two Qiwu Seas to reach a reward of 300 million, and Lei Yu actually offered a reward of 300 million berry for the first time.

“What’s wrong, big brother?” Hancock looked at Lei Yu, who was stunned, and asked suspiciously.

“Ah, big brother, you are famous!!” After the cute girl saw the newspaper in Lei Yu’s hand, she immediately exclaimed.

“You whisper.” Lei Yu immediately covered Han Cook’s mouth and said.

Lei Yu didn’t think that the other party was actually so fast, he wanted himself, now open, the whole world already knows his own, a reward of 300 million, especially now that he is still a child, absolutely everywhere is a dish in the eyes of others, although Lei Yu is not afraid, but there will be no less trouble in the future.

“It’s not because of you, now that the big brother is wanted, you will be right with your body in the future, otherwise Laozi will lose a lot.” Lei Yu looked at Han Cook in front of him and muttered.

New World…………

“The older the Navy is now, the more funny it is, actually the whole world wants a teenage hairy boy, and he is also wanted for up to 300 million berry, is the Navy’s brain burned out?” A man laughed.

“Confused!! Although this guy is young, he broke into the Red Earth Continent alone, and he can still retreat all over, plus the other party is a former rear admiral, do you think the navy brain is burned out? Whitebeard shouted angrily.

“What navy … RADM? The man was stunned and read the newspaper again.

“I’ll go, this kid is so against the sky, so small, he is actually a rear admiral.” The man who had just despised was shocked after carefully reading the newspaper.

At the same time, all over the world, they heard the name Lei Yu for the first time, and knew a magical little guy who was offered a reward of 300 million! ! !

A week later, Lei Yu took Gu Yina and the others out and headed towards Han Cook’s hometown of Nine Snake Island, because now Lei Yu is wanted by the Navy, Lei Yu has no good place to go, moreover, Lei Yu in the capital of seven waters, the pirate group created, it takes two years to build, so Lei Yu chose to hide on Nine Snake Island for a period of time to avoid the limelight.

Inside the headquarters of the Navy….


A table was smashed in an instant.

“A group of rice buckets, for so long, there is actually no news, what do you eat?” And that Warring States, how did that bastard review naval recruits, actually let such a bastard become a rear admiral?!! The navy boss, roaring in the room, like a man-eating tiger.

In this world, someone actually gave him an ugly look, and as a result, he actually let the other party run away, and the navy boss was extremely angry!!

However, when the navy boss saw Lei Yu’s resume, the navy boss’s face sank again.

“Good demon fellow, no wonder, the sword that can block me, can actually hurt the vice admiral, no, such a guy, must die, otherwise he will definitely be the enemy of the navy in the future!!”

“Order down, increase your efforts again, and definitely find this traitor for me!!” The navy boss roared.

“Yes, yes, yes…” The lieutenant general retreated in fear.

“Sir, have we been staying in this place?” Gu Yina held white ice in her hand and stood beside Lei Yu and asked softly.

“Why, can’t it, this is a man’s paradise, haha…………” Lei Yu lay on the sun chair, wearing sunglasses, looking at the loli beauties giggling on the beach, laughing.

Guina; “………………”

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