Chapter 166 Nides vs Mozambia

“The worst thing is that they may have encountered a pirate.” He Vice Admiral analyzed unhurriedly.

“Although Kaido and Scarlet are fighting fiercely, it does not rule out that some pirates who came to watch the battle ran into the fleet in the periphery.”

“Oh~ That is the Marine fleet with more than ten warships. Is there any pirate group that dare to fight with them?” Kizaru put down the black tea in his hand, looked in the direction of Sengoku and Tsuru Vice Admiral, and said leisurely.

“Indeed, although it is only used for surveillance, there is no particularly powerful Marine other than Mozambique, but it is also a Marine fleet of more than ten warships.” Akainu also agreed.

“Ah la la, then, those who dare to go to war with them are definitely not ordinary people.” Aokiji was no longer in a lazy state, but seriously analyzed.

“In other words, the Marine fleet has to disconnect from the headquarters, they have already…”

“Full-scale war is on!”


He Vice Admiral sighed deeply and said with a heavy face: “Maybe, there have been a lot of sacrifices.”

Sengoku has been standing there, listening to the analysis of the crowd. At this time, he waved his hand and said solemnly: “No matter what, the first thing to do now is to support.”

Then he looked at Garp who was eating senbei with a happy face, his face twitched again, and he shouted angrily.


“You, now, attack me immediately!”



There was another explosion on the warship, and a huge mast several meters in diameter broke all at once, fell slowly, and then fell into the sea.


On the broken mast, with a pair of calves hanging outside, Vice Admiral of Mozambia raised his right hand, making a hoarse sound in his throat, and struggling to straighten his upper body with his left hand, looking at the enemy standing on the opposite side.

Nidesi stood on the deck with injuries all over his body, with blood dripping from his forehead, his eyes faintly pale, as if he was about to lose consciousness in the next moment and fell to the ground.

Hearing the other party’s hoarse voice, Nidesi raised his head and watched the other party slowly get up, his hands drooping, his body swayed slowly, and then he arched.


With a loud shout, he rushed towards Mozambia lying in the mast, and Mozambia also looked at the other person’s rushing figure, his mouth lifted up, revealing a crazy smile.


Nidesi smashed the wall of the warship with Mozambia’s body and broke through the cabin, setting it on the wall made of wooden boards.

“Your Excellency Vice Admiral!”

The Marine soldiers watched the tragic situation of Mozambia being seriously injured, and couldn’t help shouting anxiously.


A Marine soldier carried the bazooka in his hand on his shoulder and aimed at the dying Nideth.

“what are you doing!”

The Marine next to him stopped and said, “Do you want to die?”

After speaking, he glanced at Kaido who was sitting on the deck. The soldier carrying the bazooka on his shoulder was shocked and tears flowed from his eyes.

“Damn it, we can’t do anything like this, we are Marine!”

The surrounding Marine soldiers all looked at him, and the Marine who was stopping him also clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: “I also know, but we are not opponents at all. This will only kill him in vain.”

“That’s better than doing nothing and watching Vice Admiral be beaten to death!”

No matter what he said, he raised the rocket launcher and aimed at Nideth, and pulled the trigger.

The ammunition was fired, but it was detonated in mid-air before it was fired for a second.


Thick gun smoke filled the air and enveloped the Marine soldiers. Because the distance was too close, most of the soldiers were hit by the steel column shrapnel, causing heavy casualties.


A few seconds later, the soldier who had just launched the rocket launcher stood up, looked at the tragic surroundings, and couldn’t help but speak:

“What’s going on? Why did it explode if it hadn’t hit the target yet?”


A sea breeze blew away the thick smoke on the deck, and in the center of the explosion ahead, a scorched corpse appeared there, completely unrecognizable, but the identity of the opponent could still be recognized from the epaulettes on the opponent’s military uniform.


Someone ran over yelling and picked up Marine Captain’s body, while others subconsciously looked in Kaido’s direction. They saw the opponent sitting motionless on the deck, but the surrounding Marine soldiers all looked at each other dullly. Fear to the extreme.

“Just… just now, he grabbed Captain and threw it out in an instant.”

Someone said tremblingly. It turned out that at the moment when the rocket launcher was launched, Kaido directly grabbed a Marine and threw it at the shell that had already been launched. The moment the shell collided with Marine’s body with strong kinetic energy, it triggered an explosion. .

“If you don’t want to die right away, don’t hinder labor and management from watching the show.” Kaido’s low voice entered everyone’s ears, dripping with cold sweat, and didn’t dare to move rashly.



Mozambia struggled out of the wall. The long sword in his hand had been lost for a long time. Nides also struggled to get up from the ground. The elbow of his right hand was high and swollen, completely red and swollen, and the hook on the back of his hand was also bent. Raising the hook with the left hand is about to give the opponent the final blow.


Mozambia let out a hoarse cry in his throat, kicked his left foot high on the opponent’s left palm, kicked away the opponent’s left hand, and then kicked his right foot on the face again, vomiting blood back from the kick.


Nidesi’s head was kicked and raised with a muffled snort. His right hand with a curved hook hit the opponent’s abdomen with an uppercut, knocking it to the sky, breaking the rope that tied the sail.


Mozambia grabbed the broken rope with his right hand and slew it down from a high altitude. Nidesi looked at the opponent’s swayed body, bent and ran towards the place where the opponent fell, trying to injure the opponent before landing.


Nedes swung a paw before the opponent hit the ground, grabbing three claws from his abdomen again, but Mozambia also kicked his temple when the opponent attacked, and Ned’s eyes instantly turned white. The body fell on the deck, completely unconscious.

“Da da……”

Mozambia dragged his badly injured right leg, limped towards the long sword that fell on the deck, bent over to pick it up, and looked up at Kaido who was sitting on the deck with difficulty.


“Solve one, then… it’s your turn!”

Kaido’s face was gloomy and silent, but the Marine soldiers standing on the deck looked at Mozambia with a surprised look. No, it should be looking at the person behind him with a surprised look. Someone was worried. Shouted:

“Be careful! Lord Vice Admiral! Behind you!”

I saw a tall figure appearing behind Mozambia’s stooped body, looking condescendingly at his back, his face was bloody and coldly said:

“That lord… is not something that a small character like you can touch!”

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