Chapter 219 Blocking CP0

Over Thalia Island, Visalia floats slowly…


Dark clouds rolled in the sky, and the wind howled.

“The storm is coming.”

Harreda looked at the sky outside the window with a flat voice.

“It just happens at this time.”

“Should I say, good come?”

“Still bad?”

Many scientists gather in a castle in Visalia.

This is the restaurant on the second floor of the castle, where the scholars of Visalia dine.

The scholars looked at the violent weather outside, looking plain and accustomed to it.

And on the first floor of the castle.

Aethas, Guyza, Weibull, and Luo waited here, either standing or sitting.

“We have left the sea area of ​​Thalia Island.”

“Almost, it’s time to come.”

Aethas looked at the record pointer in his hand, got up, and opened the door.

Step into the wind.

At this time, under the sky shrouded in dark clouds.

Behind Visalia…

Several white figures hung far behind the island, “galloping” in the wind.

“Can’t wait any longer, the storm is coming soon.”

A tall white figure spoke.

Although it was in the sky where the wind was whistling, the few people beside him heard it accurately.

“The distance is not enough, the Scarlet Pirates will soon support it.”

Another agent also expressed his concerns.

“The storm is coming and it will be detrimental to our subsequent evacuation.”

And among them.

An agent dressed in a red suit and a white cloak made a decision.

“Before the storm…”

“Quick battle!”

After that, take the lead in speeding up the frequency of using the moon cloth.

Speeding up to Visalia at the end of the field of vision.

At this time, in Talia Island, in the municipal building, Gurant in a burgundy suit looked up.

Looking at the distant sky, the corners of his mouth curled up.

“I smell it, Guy Ers.”

Then he turned around, waved his big hand, and the blood-colored coat floated up.

Holding the Seven-Star Sword, stepped out of the door.


Under strong winds, the wind power equipment on Visalia was running at maximum power.

The huge balloon tied in the grass on the ground danced with the wind.

A pair that must break free from the rope at any time and fly to freedom.

Six uninvited guests set foot on this land.

“Split up.”

Guy Ers looked at the large group of buildings and said in a deep voice.


There was no answer, and the five agents behind him flashed in white and disappeared into the wind.

They do not know the exact location of Vegapunk.

Can only expand the search scope, and strive to capture the target in the fastest time.

That’s right, it’s not a rescue, it’s a “capture.”

Judging from Vegapunk’s actions, Guy Ers can already be sure.

Vegapunk has betrayed the World government and turned to the side of the Scarlet Pirates.

Even if the other party is a genius scientist cherished by the World government.

He didn’t mind, and gave the other side an unforgettable lesson.

Guy Ers thought in his heart, slowly raising his foot and stepping forward.

“No one can betray the World government.”

Guy Ers was walking in the strong wind, his coat dancing wildly behind him.

“There is no one. After betraying the World government, they are safe and sound.”

Suddenly, Guy Ers’ eyes flashed red.

The right foot that stepped out suddenly stepped on the ground, and his body leaned back, shooting out like a sharp arrow.


A black giant sword fell from the sky and smashed to where he was just now.

Guy Ers clenched his fists at his waist, straightened his legs, plunged deeply into the grass, and drew two long ditches.


Before he could stand still, there was a sound of breaking through the air behind him.

“Iron Body·Steel!”


Black claws pierced the coat, and there was a sound of gold and iron, sparks flew everywhere.


The visitor seemed a little surprised, but he didn’t expect his body to be so tyrannical.


Guy Ers stepped back on his right foot, his leather shoes stepped on the grass, his ankle twisted, making a small noise.

Turning his waist forcefully to the right, the body maintains the iron body state with tight muscles.

Opened his right palm, retracted his waist, made a fist, and slammed out suddenly.

“Iron Body· Punch!”

Faced with this strong punch, Aethas raised his leg to meet.

The right leg with the inverted blade on the foot is covered with a layer of armed color.


A stream of terror erupted from the place where the two handed over.

In an instant, the rock and soil flew.

Between the two fists and feet, the black current “zittered”.

“Embers, Aethas!”

Guy Ers gritted his teeth and recited the name and name of the opponent, then drew his right fist.

The left leg, already covered with high-level armed color, swept out.

Aethas also met with his left leg and slammed into it.


Suddenly, because the strength of the two was too terrifying, the ground under their feet couldn’t bear it.


Blast a round pit about five meters in diameter.

Even the squally surrounding wind stopped for a moment.

Both of them retract their legs at the same time.

Then swept out again.


Both of them are physique masters, and they love head-to-head.

The body is as hard as steel, and the speed is as fast as lightning.

One black and one hundred two figures flashed continuously on this piece of grass.

Between fists and feet, it’s like dropping a frame.

There are no fewer than dozens of encounters between one breath.

The grassland that was still full of greenery at the moment is already “wrecked” at this moment.

On the grass, huge pits of several meters in diameter can be seen everywhere.


It was another head-on, and the two figures shot backwards to both sides.


The strong wind whipped the grass and set off green waves.


A tall black shadow whizzed past, and the black giant sword on the grass was pulled up.

The black shadow flew close to the ground, making a sudden turn on the way, lifting the sword and rushing.

The ten-meter-long wingspan brought a gust of wind and set off a large area of ​​turf.

Guy Ers fixed his eyes on the dark shadow.

Clenched fists with both hands and folded them around his waist, exerted force under his feet, and the grass collapsed with a “boom”.

Leaning forward, it turned into a white streamer and flew out from the ground.

“Six Styles·Thunder Boom!”

There are traces of white electric light in the speeding white streamer.

Aethas also shook his wings and rushed towards the opponent.

During the speeding, strands of black aura drilled from the black giant sword.

Winding around the body of the giant sword like a snake until it completely covers it.

“Xu Ye·Zhan!”

The red light flashed in Aethas’s eyes, and his wings flapped again.

The speed is so fast that there are phantoms behind him.


Wherever the black and white streamers passed, the soil was flying.


One black and one white, two streams of light flashed by.

Touch it.


Aethas took a heavy step and moved forward slowly.


The black giant sword rubbed on the grass with Aethas’ movements, making a faint noise.


Suddenly, Aethas spouted a lot of blood and his body shook.

The huge sword plunged deeply into the grass and knelt on one knee on the ground.

I saw that there was a fist-sized blood hole on his right waist.

On the fleshy wall of the blood hole, there was a scorched black, white electric current flashed.

“When, that arrogant and arrogant kid…”

Guy Ers stood straight on the spot, speaking slowly with his back to Aethas.

The wind howled, blowing the white soft cap off his head.

Upright body, fortitude temperament, cold mask.

“There is such an outstanding subordinate…”


As the words fell, Guy Ers’ chest suddenly split.

Blood spattered.

A scary wound appeared, from top to bottom, from left to right.

The entire upper body was torn apart.

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