Chapter 227 Ace and the Pirates of Spades

“However, with his character.”

“This little matter has no effect on our alliance.”

Vegapunk immediately dismissed all surveillance surrounding Gurant, this kind of micro-monitor is a very precious device.

With the current funding situation, one would be less if one was used, and the savings would be saved.

A master at the level of Gurant, his physical senses have been keen to the limit that humans can reach.

Even ordinary people will react to the gaze of others, let alone this level of existence.

Any gaze on them for a long time will be noticed by him.

The storm lasted for two full days and didn’t stop until the early morning of the third day.

Throw away the dark clouds, and the sun shines on the earth.

Inside the Vegapunk temporary laboratory.


An elderly doctor dressed in white with all white temples nodded to Vegapunk.

On the test bench, even though Humphrey had his eyes open, his pupils had no luster, and his eyes were in a state of apathy.

Upon hearing this, Vegapunk turned to look at the long-haired researcher who was operating the equipment.


The shackles that bound Humphrey were untied, but Humphrey was still in a state of apathy.

Vegapunk took off the hood and mask, curled the corners of his mouth, and spoke out.

“Activation number PH-001.”

Following Vegapunk’s order, Humphrey’s godless eyes burst into a crimson light, and he slowly straightened his upper body from the stage.

His broken hands and feet were all connected, Humphrey turned stiffly around his neck, looking at Vegapunk, without making a sound, expressionless, and exuding a cold air, like an inhuman machine.

The AI ​​in Humphrey’s body is scanning and recording all the information around, including Vegapunk and others.

Vegapunk watched Humphrey’s reaction and waved the others to leave the laboratory.

Take out a phone bug with the World government logo from the clothes and hand it to Humphrey.

Humphrey took the call worm and dialed the World government phone according to the set procedure.

“Rescue Vegapunk, the mission failed.”

After the call was dialed, Humphrey returned to his previous state, like a normal person, calmly said.

“84 hours and 31 minutes have passed since the mission started.”

The phone worm raised his eyelids and made a serious expression with a low voice.

“To this day, I still dare to contact the government.”

“I think you are already mentally prepared enough.”

Humphrey was silent for a moment, sighed, and bowed his head.


“For reasons, wait until you come back and report your current position.”

Humphrey raised his head, looked at the phone bug, and said seriously.

“The marginal waters of the Scarlet Pirates, Cabin Island.”

“You are there on standby, and I will send someone to confirm.”

Immediately, the fairy tale ended with a sound of “Kajia”, he slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

After the end of the fairy tale, Humphrey’s expression became cold again. He has been completely transformed by Vegapunk and has become a transformed person.

“The first step, complete.”

Vegapunk sat back in the soft chair, smiling.

“Next, the second step, contact.”

At noon that day, Vegapunk made the transformant Humphrey jump from the sky where Visalia was.

Using Moonwalk, land towards Cabin Island directly below Visalia.

Waiting there for contact with World government spy personnel.

According to his reasoning, most people in the World government will use violence to subdue Humphrey. If Humphrey resists, it means that he has indeed betrayed the World government.

Whether it is forced or voluntary.

If Humphrey does not resist and accepts the arrest very obediently, it does not mean that the suspicion is eliminated.

Next, Humphrey will be taken to the secret agency of the World government for rigorous interrogation.

During this period, depending on the situation, they will be subjected to any possible torture, as well as psychological, spiritual, and emotional temptations, including threats to family members, friends, and so on.

If found betraying the World government, then not only his family, including his friends, but also his family’s friends will be implicated.

Being packaged as a criminal by the government, the Third Generation is not eligible for education. Depending on the level of the crime, it may be arrested by the government. The Third Generation continuously works as a prisoner for the government and loses the freedom of life. There is no salary. There will be any Life is dangerous, like a slave, until death.

This is why most of the World government espionage organization personnel will be hunted down by the World government after the mission fails.

Because they don’t want to be slaves.

When Vegapunk was carrying out his plan, Aethas and others had already boarded Visalia’s weather ship and returned to Thalia Island.

Although Visalia is drifting at high altitude, it is not too far from Thalia Island due to traffic reasons.

Visalia will have been hovering over the waters of the Scarlet Pirates to facilitate receiving supplies from the ground at any time.

In addition, the Scarlet Pirates also provided funds for the weather scientists in Visalia as their funding.

With the income of the Scarlet Pirates, it is more than enough to raise two research institutions.

Although meteorological science is not very helpful for warfare, even with this little power, Gurant will try his best to keep his Master in his hands.

And when Aethas and the others returned to Thalia Island, a pirate ship with a red heart pirate flag painted on it was approaching Thalia Island outside the waters of Thalia Island.

“Hey, Captain.”

On the boat, a short-haired pirate wearing a white hat yelled to the man standing on the bow.

“Are you serious? That’s the Scarlet Pirates!”

Standing at the bow of the ship was a very young boy in a white shirt.

A brown hat with two emoji decorations on the hat, a cry and a smile, short black hair, a little Madara on the face.

He is one of the pirate supernovas entering New World this year, the captain of the Pirates of Spades, [Fire Fist] Ace.

Just entering the New World, he fought several wars and quickly expanded his pirate power.

Relying on the ability of Logia Mera-mera Fruit, there has been no failure so far, and now it has a small reputation in New World where the strong are gathered.


A sea breeze blew, Ace pressed the hat on his head to prevent it from being blown off, turned his head slightly, showing an extremely confident smile, said.

“Ah, no matter what, I must go to meet him.”

“Scarlet Grant.”

In the distance, on a sloop without any flags, a man in a cloak observes the pirates of spades with a binoculars.

“The Pirates of Spades, “Fire Fist” Ace.”

The man frowned and stared at Ace who was standing on the bow.

In his sight, Ace suddenly turned his head and smiled in the direction where he was, scared that he immediately took off his binoculars, and a drop of cold sweat broke out on his head.

“So keen senses, so strong sense of sight.”

“He was aware of it at least three nautical miles from the sea where he was.”

The man raised his arm, wiped the sweat off his head with his long sleeve, then took out a phone bug from his clothes and dialed the phone of his captain.

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