Chapter 233 Fire Fist II

On the pirate boat that was hit, the pirates jumped into the sea and jumped into the sea to survive. They had to leave the sea before the hull was completely sunk to avoid being swept into the deep sea by the vortex.

“Help me, help me…”

On the deck, several pirates braved in flames ran wildly, making hoarse calls for help in their throats.

But at this time, the former companions all took a detour, for fear of being contaminated by the flames on their bodies.

The people on the other four pirate boats all looked at the disintegrated pirate boat, their faces were full of fear, and their feet retreated involuntarily.

“That’s…Fire Fist Ace…”

“With one blow, destroy a large pirate ship.”

Just as they sighed, the pirate ship covered in flames finally broke up with a “boom”, completely falling apart, and slowly sinking into the sea.

“Their formation was broken up and they rushed out of the encirclement!”

When the pirate ship sank into the sea, Lanrot swung the sword and commanded the crew to speed up, and the ship rushed towards the gap.

“Damn it, don’t let them run away!”

The people on the other four pirate boats reacted, ignoring the struggling companions in the sea, and quickly leaned against Lanrot and others.

“Go directly to the ship, so that he will not dare to use his abilities at will!” one of the pirate captains shouted loudly.

The idea is good, but Ace will not just give up his advantage.

“fire punch!”

Immediately, another huge flame of ultra-high temperature flew in, and the Pirate Ship rushing in the forefront could not avoid it. There was a loud noise, the hull exploded in an instant, and the wooden planks flew away.


The screams and wailing of the pirates joined together.

The explosion of the ship ahead brought the three pirate ships behind to a standstill. Retreating will cause the opponent to flee, and moving forward will destroy the pirate ship, leaving it in a dilemma.

Behind the pirates of spades, a huge, dark and ferocious pirate ship sailed slowly.

“Sure enough, Huo Fist still shot.”

Aethas stood tall and straight on the bow, looking at the flames and a large amount of gunpowder in front of him, a ray of blood burst into his pupils.

“I knew it a long time ago. You can’t help but want to die.”

Then he called out to a subordinate behind him.

“Rush straight over.”


The subordinates behind him immediately gave a military salute, then turned around and ran away, and the order was conveyed level by level.

The Ashes are huge, with a hull of more than 200 meters, a width of nearly 30 meters, and a maximum passenger capacity of 1,900 people. It is the largest type of ship in the world.

At present, the only ship that has more passengers than it is probably only the main ship of the Whitebeard Pirates [Mobile].

On the boat of the Pirates of Spades, the remaining pirates watched the fierce battle ahead intently.

“Hey, the ship behind is speeding up and rushing over!”

Suddenly, a pirate ran over from the stern and shouted to the group with sweating profusely, his throat stirred, and he said nervously.

“Shall we expand…”


Before the words fell, there was a loud noise behind him, and the pirate who was speaking looked at his companions, their expressions changed from doubt to shock, to fear.


Swallowing saliva, he slowly turned around, and saw that behind the ships of the Pirates of Spades, a huge black slash split the sea, tore the air, and struck at the ship they were on at a terrifying speed.

Infinite fear was reflected in everyone’s pupils, and they could only watch the slash approach quickly, split the stern, and rowed along the keel all the way, dividing the entire hull into two.


In the crowd, the person who happened to be standing on the forward path of the slash made a strange noise, and as the ship shook, the whole body gradually separated.

With a “puff” sound, a lot of blood spurted like a barrel bursting, and he fell on the deck with a “patter”.


The hull shook, the overhead mast was also divided into two, and the whole ship kept its original posture and fell toward the sea on both sides.

“Grab the hull and don’t let go!”

A cadre wearing a white cloth on the head of the Pirates of Spades shouted, holding the mast in both hands.

The other crew members reacted and followed his example by grabbing everything around him that could fix their bodies. As the hull crashed and fell on the sea with a loud noise, a huge wave was set off.

“Live, live…”

“I am still alive.”

As the sea gradually calmed down, the crew members who had not fallen into the sea while clutching the ship found that they were alive and well, and couldn’t help but smile after the disaster.

Because the ship of the Pirates of Spades was split into two parts with a single knife, but because the hulls on both sides are relatively intact, there is no silence for the time being, but even so, silence is a matter of time.


With a shot, the crew member who stood up and shouted that he was still alive took a halt, and slowly lowered his head to look at his chest.

Feeling the fiery tingling sensation from his back and chest, his excited expression gradually turned into fear of death, and a small hole appeared in his left chest clothes.

Immediately, with this tiny hole as the center, warm blood oozes continuously, soaking the white shirt, covering his chest with his right hand, and falling into the sea.

“Boom boom…”

As he fell, continuous gunfire sounded, water splashes on the sea, and sawdust flying on the boat.

The more than one hundred members of the Pirates of Spades continued to bloom with blood flowers, falling into the sea in pain and wailing, bringing a trace of bright blood red to the azure blue sea.

Minutes before the devastating blow to the Pirates of Spades…

“fire punch!”

The only pirate ship was blasted into debris and became a pile of debris at sea.

Under the attack of Ace Mera-mera Fruit’s ability, only the last of the five pirate ships remained. The two pirate ships finally collided and started a battle.

There were nearly two hundred crew members on the Lanrot ship, which was almost the same as the number of crew members on the remaining Pirate Ship.

But the form is still at an absolute disadvantage for them.

Although Ace destroyed the four pirate ships, the pirates on the ship did not lose all but preserved a considerable part of their combat power.

After the battle began, the crew of the other four pirate boats aboard and fell into the sea tried their best to swim to the last remaining pirate ship and Lanrot’s pirate boat, and started fighting against everyone in Lanrot. Sneak attack.

On the deck, Fire Fist Ace and Lanrot stood on their backs, guarding against the numerous enemies that surrounded them.

“Fire Fist Ace, your life ends here.”

A strong man with thick lips squeezed away from the crowd and came to Ace, looking at him condescendingly.

Distributed with disheveled hair, khaki cloak, various weapons on his back, knives, guns, swords, axes, meteor hammers, etc.

Facing the opponent’s provocation, Ace’s complexion was calm, his eyes rolled, and he looked around.

“Hey, you fellow, don’t you understand human words!?”

The man’s face was furious, and Ace’s performance didn’t put him in the slightest.

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