Chapter 239 Plutonx Poseidon

On the same day, Dr. Hardy quickly arranged to extract Yuji’s gene for cloning.

And Judge arranged experiments aimed at genetic modification of lineage factors.

In addition, see if we can extract enough modified genomes from the remains of Yuji’s corpse.

That night, in the king’s castle hall…

Iji, Niji, and Reiju sat at the round table to have a meal. The two brothers were still as usual, but Reiju was very heavy, and moved the food on the plate with the knife and fork in his hand.

“There was one less person during the meal, and I was a little uncomfortable.”

Niji cut off a steak, held it in front of him, and said with a smile.

“It’s better to call Sanji back and play the role of Yuji.”

“Otherwise, we have to redesign the formation of Derma 66 every time we transform into the field.”

“It’s troublesome.”

Iji stopped eating, holding the knife and fork in both hands and placing it on both sides of the plate, frowning.

“Don’t be kidding, letting that kind of failed product come back will only tarnish the reputation of our Derma 66.”

“As the prince of a country, he actually lost his face as a waiter in a restaurant in a rural area like East Blue.”

“Well~ this is also true, he really doesn’t deserve to be a prince, hahaha…” Niji laughed and agreed.


Suddenly, there was a sound that interrupted Niji’s laughter.

Iji and Niji looked at Reiju and saw that Reiju took off the napkin on his lap, put it on the table, pushed the chair away, got up and left.

“Hey, is she angry with us?” Niji curled his lips and said uncomfortably.

“In the future, less talk about these sensitive topics during the meal will make people feel bad.”

Iji also got up, put the napkin gently on the table, and turned away.

“Hey, you are not the same.”

Niji curled his mouth again, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and walked towards the side door opposite to Iji.

“The ruthless elder brother, the emotional elder sister, the fragile younger brother.”

“Isshin just wants to restore the head of the kingdom to the glory of the family.”

“This country is really hopeless.”

Niji said as he walked, pushed open the door on the right side of the hall, and disappeared from the sight of many servants.

New World, the base camp of the Scarlet Pirates, Thalia Island.

Early in the morning, 06:30.

Municipal Building, Tenth Floor, Central Conference Room.

A group of core cadres of the Scarlet Pirate Group, including Aethas, Guy Sa, Luo, Fedesak, Azita, and Brigitte, gathered in this spacious and bright room.

Gurant sat on the main seat, with his back facing the first ray of sunshine in the morning.

“I’m sorry to call everyone here at this time.”

His voice is calm and low, and it has the characteristic magnetism of middle-aged men.

“From 7 o’clock this morning to the next three months, I will leave the Scarlet Pirates alone to do two things.”

Gurant’s eyes didn’t divert, he only used the corner of his eyes to observe the cadres on the left and right, as well as their expressions and movements.

Azita yawned, looking awake.

Nicaus was still drinking the wine from the gourd drunk.

Federsack played with the dagger in his hand, smiling silently.

Others were silent and serious.

Due to their size, the evil wolves usually do not appear in the city for anything. They only stay in the uninhabited forest on the back of the island.

And, because of his intelligence, most important information will not be notified to the wolf, so as not to leak out.

“These two things are very confidential, and because once exposed, the impact is too great, so we can only act alone.”

“I will leave Thalia in disguise, and you will continue your work as usual.”

“If you understand, you can go away.”

As Gurant’s voice fell, all the cadres present stood up and left silently, leaving only Guyza, Aethas, and Luo.

All three of them are trusted confidants who are deeply trusted by him, and they will consciously stay behind every time an important meeting and decision is held.

“My lord, what else can you tell me.”

Aethas asked in a deep voice, and the other two also looked at Gurant together, waiting for his order.

“I have two things to do this time.”

Gurant’s eyes were solemn, his fingers crossed his chest, and he said solemnly.

“The first thing is to go to the Capital of Seven Waters in the first half of the Grand Line and get the manufacturing drawings of Ancient Weapon [Pluton].”

The word Pluton immediately caused the pupils of the three people present to shrink. The legend of Ancient Weapon, ordinary people don’t know, but standing on the top stage of this world, they will never be unfamiliar.

Pluton is the worst warship in the history of shipbuilding in the world. It was a super warship built by the City of Seven Waters. Legend has it that a single shot can destroy an island.

“Isas, all you have to do is to find the shipyard of the World government, raid them, and bring back all the engineers in it.”

“This matter must be done quickly and completed before the World government and Marine can react.”

“Don’t leave any livelihoods, and don’t let the world government know that we did it.”

“As for the location of the World government shipyard, Vegapunk should know. Ask him and he will tell you.”

Gurant knew that Vegapunk had placed a chess piece in the World government. That chess piece, as a member of CP0, absolutely knew the location of the World government shipyard, at least one of them.

As for why not just grab Franky or Bingberg to create [Pluton], it is because Gurant is not sure if they will play any tricks in the manufacturing process.

Moreover, to build Ancient Weapon, it is natural that it should be done by professionals of higher level shipbuilding engineers as much as possible.

World government Master holds most of the talents in the world, and all kinds of professional elites have everything. If you want talents, you must naturally grab them in the hands of World government.

“I understand.” Aethas responded.

“Second thing.”

Gurant spoke again.

“After getting the [Pluton] drawing, I will go to The fish men island.”

“There, I will threaten to destroy The fish men island, and let the King Neptune of the Dragon Palace Kingdom surrender [Poseidon] Poseidon.”

Gurant paused. Many people knew Ancient Weapon [Pluton], but they did not know [Poseidon] and [Uranus], who also had the power to destroy the world.

Even he himself only learned about it through comics in his previous life.

“Poseidon, is a mermaid princess who has the ability to communicate with Sea Kings. Her ability allows Sea Kings to work for him to some extent.”

“According to the record, [Poseidon] Poseidon will only appear once in hundreds of years. The last time it appeared was in the world 800 years ago.”

“At that time, it happened to be erased and recorded by the World government, [Void Century].”

“Now, 800 years have passed, a new era has come, and a new [Poseidon] has been born.”

“She is the current The fish men island-Princess of the Dragon Palace, [Mermaid Princess] Shirahoshi.”

Aethas, Luo, and Guy were shocked in their hearts. [Poseidon] Poseidon, the horror existence that allows Sea Kings to work for them.

In a sense, this ability appears in a “person” and is more dangerous than [Pluton].

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