Chapter 253

“As for the tactics and strategy, you have to wait a month before you arrive at that sea area for investigation before making arrangements.”

“Next, we will destroy all the Marine surveillance forces we found on the way forward.”

“No information about our sailing can be communicated to Marine headquarters before we complete the mission.”

Aethas’s voice echoed in this spacious meeting room, and everyone nodded in order to understand.

“In this case, let me get rid of the mice that are hovering outside.”

Enel raised his eyebrows and smiled, took out an apple from behind, took a bite, and disappeared in place.

“You can go back to the boat.”

Aethas said, Azita and others got up one by one, walked out of the door, stood on the side of the ship and jumped, jumping onto their own ship.

In this operation, the people of Aethas, plus the people of the other five pirate ships, numbered about four thousand.

Such a number of people want to attack a shipyard of the World government, but it is not enough.

However, the gap between the high-level combat power of the two sides is enough to make up for the gap in military strength. As long as you make sufficient preparations and succeed, it is completely possible.

At this time, outside the Talia waters, a merchant ship was sailing on this sea.

On the deck, sailors were patrolling alternately, and they didn’t feel like ordinary sailors at all, but like soldiers.

At the observation deck on the top mast of the ship, the navigator is looking around with a telescope, and the direction he looks most frequently is the sea towards Thalia Island.


The navigator who was about to take a break suddenly condensed his eyes, and the shadow of several large three-masted sailboats slowly appeared in the direction of the Talia waters.

“This is……”

As it was just a vague shadow, the navigator was not sure whether it was a pirate ship or a merchant ship, so he did not report to his superiors.

“There is another one, that looks like…”

The navigator discovered that after the five pirate ships appeared, a larger ship appeared again.

What stirred the navigator’s throat was that the hideous appearance of that huge ship was just a vague shadow, causing him to shake his heart, and immediately put down the telescope and shouted downward.

“Pirate Ship!”

“It’s the Ashes Pirates, I’ll be notified soon…”

“God’s sanction!”

Before the words fell, a god-like word came from the sky above his head, and then, a circular blue-and-white beam of light with a diameter of ten meters fell from the sky.


The light between the sky and the earth all turned into darkness at that moment, leaving only the dazzling white light emitted by the beam of light.

As the beam of light fell, the navigator’s expression of horror disappeared in an instant, and the huge merchant ship was turned into dust in an instant.

The beam of light disappeared, and only a circular black hole with a diameter of ten meters remained on the sea surface. Countless sea water poured in frantically around, but the black hole seemed to be endless and never filled.

In the distance, there are also seven merchant ships wandering in this area.

On the decks of seven merchant ships, a large number of sailors gathered on the side of the ship, looking at the beam of light gradually disappearing between the sky and the earth, swallowing wildly.

“That beam of light is Enel!”

A tall, burly man who looked like a captain stood on the side of the ship, clasping his hands tightly on the side of the ship, and cut out a few fingerprints on the hard ship.

“Roselle Vice Admiral.”

A Marine looking like a sailor ran behind him to salute.

“We tried to contact Ramsey Captain’s warship, but there was no response. It should have been…”

“Nonsense!” The man called Roselle Vice Admiral slapped the ship’s side hard and shouted.

“Who can survive such an attack!?”

The subordinate bowed his head silently when he was reprimanded, and Roselle Vice Admiral’s eyes flushed and looked at the sea where the beam of light disappeared.

“Enel will never shoot for no reason. Could it be that they were discovered by Enel?”

“not good!”

Thinking of this, Roselle Vice Admiral’s expression changed drastically, and he suddenly looked up at the sky above his head.

But he felt that it was too late, and a beam of blue and white beams of light that penetrated the clouds, aimed at their merchant ships, and fell from the sky.

Not only that, there were also blue and white beams of light descending over the other six merchant ships.

“Damn it!!!”


Russell Vice Admiral’s eyes were splitting, as he thought, now that he found them, he moved his hands again.

There will only be one result. Enel will not stop unless Marine’s surveillance forces are wiped out.


Seven consecutive blue and white beams of light descended from the sky, like a scourge from a god, and it was extremely magnificent.

The bright sky became dark, and even the brilliant sunshine seemed to be absorbed by the seven pillars of light, leaving only the heavenly punishment from the seven gods.

“That guy Enel, as always, over-spec.”

Azita and Nigas sat on the bow, drinking wine together, and grinning while looking at the beam of light in the distance.

“Damn, why am I not Logia.”

Azita complained, raised her head and took a sip of wine.

“Hiccup~ I think Zoan is a good fit for you.” Nigas burped drunkly.

“What do you mean, do you mean labor and capital are reckless?”

Azita put down the wine gourd and looked at Nigas with fierce eyes, but the other party just shrugged his long rosacea and grinned.

“If you don’t agree, go back to your boat and don’t rub my wine here.”

Azita looked at the wine gourd in her hand, raised her head again, took a sip, and stopped talking.

After Enel took out all the disguised surveillance forces in the Talia waters, the pirate fleet continued to move forward.

When the fleet appeared outside the territory of the Scarlet Pirates group, Enel, in conjunction with Aethas, and others, successively eliminated dozens of Marine fleets used for surveillance.

It prevented them from transmitting the information of the Scarlet Pirates to the Marine headquarters.

One month later…

The Marine fleet composed of Aethas and others stayed on the periphery of an uninhabited sea.

Generally, only Marine and government ships pass through this area. Ordinary merchant ships are not allowed to pass. Pirate ships will be repelled or defeated by Marine’s fleet as long as they approach.

Naturally, Aethas and the others would not enter that sea area rashly, only wandering around the periphery.

In the meeting room of the Ashes, Aethas gathered everyone together again, said.

“I will go and check the general division of the forces on the island, as well as the exact location of the shipyard.”

“And Enel is in charge of the vigilance around the fleet. As soon as the fleet approaches, it will be destroyed immediately.”

“After I come back from the probe, I will work out tactics.”

After Aethas finished speaking, Enel disappeared directly, and then, there was a deafening thunder in their ears.

Walking out of the meeting room and standing on the deck, I saw another patrolling warship sinking into the deep sea in the distance.

“As we destroy more and more warships, Marine must already have doubts.” Aethas said solemnly.

“[Seine] Marine should be able to respond before tomorrow, that is to say, before tomorrow, we must do it.”

“Only one day.”

“Time is running out, I set off.”

As the words fell, Aethas’ body began to swell, and a pair of dark wings grew out, and his wings shook suddenly, soaring into the sky, and then disappearing from people’s sight.

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