Chapter 310 Chapter 310

Tezolo’s face was gloomy, but he still smiled forcefully.

“Of course, I have always been in the same camp as the World government.”

“Don’t worry, I will never do something a fool like standing on the opposite side of the world would do.”

The curly-haired Five Elders phone worm looked at Tezolo blankly, mimicking his expression vividly.

“You better be like this.”

“Anyone who opposes the world will never end well.”

After the conversation, the phone bug “Kajia” closed and retracted the shell, leaving only Tezolo sitting on the sofa, bending over and burying his head.

“He who opposes the world will not end well?”

“Then those who don’t fight against the world will have a good end?”

“Do not!”

“This is a world where the weak eat the strong, and the weak will not end well!”


Tezolo sat alone on the sofa in the villa lobby, laughing like crazy.




Time: April 22, 1519

Location: New World, Bozna Island.

Prince Shark finally led many citizens of The fish men island to New World, Botsna Island.

With the help of the Scarlet Pirates, the fish people began to rebuild the city.

“Ding Ding~”

“Kang Dang~”

Hammers and chisels hit the wreckage of buildings and rocks, and the sound of metal clashing was endless.

Gulant stood on the roof of a relatively well-preserved three-story building, watching the people of The fish men island move the rubble and broken walls in the ruins one by one with a cart.

Occasionally, murlocs pass by here, giving him a grateful and respectful look.

“Master Gurant, on behalf of the murlocs, I thank you for your gift.”

Prince Shark stood beside Gurant and bowed and stroked his chest to express his gratitude.

“This is just a deal.”

“I don’t like you talking about transactions as gifts, and gifts are unilateral payments.”

“And trading, you need to work for me.”

Gurant turned and looked up, looking at Shirahoshi who was standing behind them, who looked at the working murlocs with a smile.

“Shirahoshi, you should start practicing your abilities too.”

“Hey~ what ability does Shirahoshi have?”

Shirahoshi heard the words and looked down at Gurant with doubts. She still doesn’t know that she is [Poseidon Poseidon].

Shark stared at Shirahoshi from the side. He always knew Shirahoshi was the legendary Ancient Weapon. The three princes knew very well, that’s why they loved Shirahoshi so much and didn’t want her to suffer any harm.

“Shirahoshi, you have an ability to call Sea Kings.”

After a moment of contemplation, Shark decided to tell Shirahoshi himself.

“You are the natural king of the Sea Kings. You can call the Sea Kings and let them protect you.”

“Call Sea Kings, let them protect me?”

Shirahoshi bit her little finger and muttered softly, looking cute.

“Yes, I don’t know if you still remember the Sea Kings who suddenly appeared from Coral Hill on the day when my mother was killed.”

Shirahoshi curled his mouth and turned his eyes upwards, trying to recall the memories from many years ago, the memories flashed in his mind, and suddenly said.

“It seems… indeed there is, but didn’t they come by themselves?”

“No, that’s because they heard your cry, so they came to protect you.”

Prince Shark’s eyes were soft, and he looked at Shirahoshi and smiled.

“It is precisely because you have this ability that Van der Deyken IX will deliberately want to get you.”

“Even, the idea of ​​ruining you if you don’t get it came up.”

Having said this, Prince Shark looked cold, and faintly clenched his fists with both hands.

“Shirahoshi, there are countless people like Van der Deyken in this world.”

“So, you must use this power to protect yourself.”

Shirahoshi nodded thoughtfully, then looked at Gurant and asked weakly.

“Then Master Gurant, is that also the same person?”

Gulant turned his back to Shirahoshi, looked at the fish people who were carrying stones and wood, said.

“Yes, I am such a person.”

“So you have to understand what will happen if you go against me.”

When Gurant’s voice fell, Prince Shark was sweating for a while, but Shirahoshi looked indifferent and smiled.

“Master Gurant helped Shirahoshi defeat Van der Deyken and gave us the murloc a place to stand on land.”

“How could Shirahoshi be against Master Gurant?”

Shirahoshi’s cheeks bulged, and he clenched his fists cutely, his voice was authentic.

“Shirahoshi must help Master Gurant defeat those bad guys, and Master Gurant defeat Celestial Dragons.”

Gurant didn’t respond to Shirahoshi’s words, just turned around and stepped up the stairs, and spoke at the same time.

“Come to the beach, I’ll teach you how to practice and how to call Sea Kings.”

An hour later, Shirahoshi and Gulante came to the northernmost beach on Botsna Island. The beach was surrounded by dense forests, and no one lived nearby.

Shark stayed on the scene, and he was responsible for rebuilding the city.

“How should I practice, Master Gurant?”

Shirahoshi sat on the soft sand and asked questioningly.

“Sit on the beach and close your eyes.”

Gurant said to Shirahoshi, while sitting on the beach with his legs crossed.

“First, meditate.”

Gurant also closed his eyes tightly, Shirahoshi drew a gourd like Gurant, sat up with his tail curled up like Gurant, and closed his eyes.

“He has no distracting thoughts, Isshin just wants to feel the breath of all things.”

“You are a born king with unparalleled talent. You should be able to do it easily.”

Shirahoshi closed his eyes and nodded, his face full of my genius expression, and a little pride in his heart.

“Don’t nod, don’t think about other things in your mind, don’t have distracting thoughts.”

Gurant’s magnetic voice sounded again, Shirahoshi opened his eyes and glanced at Gurant quietly.

“Don’t look around, keep your mind at peace.”

Shirahoshi immediately closed his eyes, with a very serious look, and soon entered the state.

“Feel your own breath, feel the breath of water and breeze.”

“Feel the rocks, feel the trees, feel the breath of the grass, feel the messages they convey to you.”

Gurant opened his eyes and looked at Shirahoshi. The opponent was already in a state at this time, and he deserved to be a born king who was born only once in hundreds of years.

Excellent talent, I am afraid that few people in this world are better than her.

If Shirahoshi had been practicing since she was a child, a murloc like Van der Deyken would be no more than an ant in her hand.

“How much time did Shirahoshi waste with Neptune’s overprotection?”

Gurant thought so, but it’s not too late, she is only thirteen years old, and there is still a lot of time.

But Gurant’s time is running out. The top war will begin in a year, so she must first teach Shirahoshi the ability to call Sea Kings.

In terms of my combat effectiveness, I put it aside for the first time.

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