One Piece's Strongest Player

Chapter 336 Where Is Miss Aibida

Chapter 336 Where is Miss Aibida

This young man gave him an extremely dangerous feeling.

She turned on the image phone bug and generated an image. The more she watched, the more shocked she became. The lord of the Sea God Town killed thousands of Marine soldiers at the Marineg5 base, blood flowing into rivers.

"It's Kirby, that bastard."

At this time, when he heard that Vice Admiral, Vice Admiral, sent an image phone bug that contained important information, he couldn't help showing a cautious look on his face.

Vergo's Vice Admiral, at a considerable cost, asked Aibida to reinforce the city wall and build a fort, but he never told Aibida the reason, just let her guard here, and she didn't know anything about many things.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps came from far to near, and the three of Li Yi came over.

Hearing that it wasn't Zoro, Aibida's expression softened a lot.

"This dog, Bi Kebi, dares to betray me."

Staring at the large messy footprints on the ground.

"What's the origin of this kid, he's young, his breath is stronger than Miss Aibida, and he's chasing after Vice Admiral of Vergo."

"Not Zoro, Zoro, caught by Marine."

"Quick, go and report it to Miss Aibida."

Even Admiral Akainu appeared in person.

This Vice Admiral, Vergo, usually ordered her to do anything on the island without letting her know about it. At this time, he wanted her to cooperate. Admiral Akainu would really treat her as a fool to capture a monster of this level.

A group of pirates stood there with a solemn expression.

"Miss Abida."

"A person who can make Admiral Akainu go out in person, the Aibida Pirates, can't afford to offend him at all."

South of the island, near a forest.

At the waist of the bucket, Aibida, who was full of flesh on his face, listened, and rolled his eyes: "Look at Qingren? It won't be that pirate hunter, Zoro, who is coming to take my life."

This pirate has a strong figure, long arms and broad shoulders, and is full of energy.

The middle-aged pirate screamed badly, and just wanted to stop it, one arm stretched out more than 60 meters and grabbed the strong pirate.

Luffy threw the sturdy pirate, like a giant hammer, smashed the city wall, walked over, and stepped on him: "Don't be so troublesome, tell me, where is Miss Aibida."

The sturdy pirate suddenly felt numb in his hands and feet. Luffy lifted it up like an eagle grabbing a chicken, and swung it towards the city wall.

Holding the phone bug, the gloomy Aibida squeezed a fat fist and rattled it.

At this time, another, Marine from Aibida, came over respectfully and handed over a video phone bug: "This is Vergo Vice Admiral, who was just sent over, saying that there is something important in it. intelligence."

"not good."

A middle-aged pirate saw Li Yi, his breath was solid, and he walked on the waves, as if walking on the ground, his face changed drastically.

There was a loud bang, the smoke rushed into the sky, and a corner of the city wall collapsed.

This kid, after the first battle in Windmill Village, was still so bloody amazing.

"Keby took a young man, knocked down the city wall, and came here."

The middle-aged pirate, with a pale face, screamed.

The Aibida Pirates, several people, scolded.

A pirate, panting heavily, came over anxiously.


"The big thing is bad."

"Miss Abida."

(End of this chapter)

"Enemy attack."

The middle-aged pirate was frightened and shivered all over.

One of them, the pirate shouted, drew an iron bow and aimed at Li Yi and the others.

"Ha ha."


Looking at the epic battle scene, Miss Aibida, the chills were blowing.


Followed by Vice Admiral in Vergo, she had no status at all.

The footprints blew black air, making them uneasy.

"Get back now."

Ai Bida was startled, her eyes full of anger, she was about to give Kebi a blow, but she was shocked by a figure beside him.


"Stop, the city wall is heavy, and the idle people are not allowed to approach, otherwise, they will be killed without mercy."


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