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“Maniac, maybe! Kulikai, predict the location, we will come tomorrow! ”

“Well, I’ll definitely find that location!”

“Well, let’s go first, come over tomorrow, by the way, there is a way to help you heal your body!”


“Ah, goodbye!” After saying that, Ye Huang returned with Klockdar and rushed towards the town of Magic Valley.

“Boss, shall we help them tomorrow?”

The ape and orangutan duo who saw Ye Huang leave immediately jumped out and asked Kulikai.

Ku Likai looked at Ye Huang’s walking figure, and a trace of essence flashed in his eyes from time to time. “We help, we must help, characters like him say that they can heal my dark wounds, and such characters go to Golden Island, I think they will succeed!”

Leaving the two people alone, he went into the castle and prepared the things for the next day. The ape brothers on the side glanced at each other, then nodded, and joined the ranks of the finishing tools together.

“Ye Huang, do you really think that island exists?”

“Huh? Of course, the island is above the clouds! How not to believe? ”

Ye Huang looked at the side with a tangled face, and looked at his Klockdar with a smile of half-belief.

“I said, you’re a sea thief who has challenged Whitebeard, and you don’t even have the guts to do this?”

“Fart, Lao Tzu is not afraid, then you will still count on Lao Tzu to save you!” Hum! As soon as he heard Ye Huang’s words, Klockdar immediately became angry and snorted at Ye Huang.

“Cut, you are excited to yarn, if you are not afraid, you are not afraid, let’s go, go and make peace with them!”

After saying that, the two people fell silent again and rushed towards the Magic Valley Town, but Ye Huang on the road had a smile on his face, while Klockdar on the side had a black face, looking at no one was happy, and things along the way were constantly turned into sand in one breath.

Immediately with the continuous destruction of Klockdar, the two slowly arrived in the town of Magic Valley.

Early the next morning, inside the Ye Huang in the harbor.

“Captain~~ Captain go quickly! Doesn’t it mean that someone needs my treatment? ”

I saw that with Orihime’s shaking, Ye Huang, who was still sleeping in the cabin, slowly woke up.

“Hmm~~~~ Hehe, hey, good !!!” Ye Huang just saw it as soon as he opened his eyes.

“Aaa Hmph~~” Orihime looked at Ye Huang who was staring directly at her with her eyes, and ran out with a snort.

“Well, hey, hey, alas, it’s time to go!”

“Hehe, what did the captain do, let our Orihime sister run out with a red face.” As soon as Ye Huang walked out of the cabin, he heard Robin sitting on the side ask mockingly.

“Ahem, that no-brainer, ahem.” Ye Huang was embarrassed when he heard this, and Yu Guang glanced at Yarlita on the side and found that the other party didn’t mind it even more, so he slowly relieved.

“Bai Hao, let’s go! Go to the other side of Gaya Island! ”

“Got it!!!

Immediately, the Ye Huang slowly drove towards Kulikai’s castle.

“Boss Boss!! They’re coming!! That ship is so domineering!!! ”

“Yes, boss!! This one does not need to be reinforced at all!! ”

Hearing the shouts of the ape brothers, Kulikai looked in the direction of the Ye Huang, and saw that the entire ship was perfectly built, and the mighty dragon totem on the ship.

“The shipbuilder who built this ship is amazing, there is no need to reinforce it at all, it is indeed a legendary pirate group that has suddenly risen recently!!”

After Kulikai sighed, he led the two brothers of the apes to guide Ye Huang and the others to dock on the shore.

“Ye Huang, I went down again in the morning, and the water pressure below has become extremely incomparable today, and it is very strong, and the strongest place of water pressure is not far from here. Moreover, it is estimated that it will be sprayed soon, so do you have anything else to prepare? ”

“Hmm~~ There is nothing to prepare, it’s almost okay, it’s better to treat your dark wounds first, Orihime it’s up to you!”

Saying that, Orihime slowly stood out from behind Ye Huang and walked quickly to Kulikai’s side.

“Hello, I’m going to treat you, please don’t move!”

“Well, I understand, Miss Orihime, you will go to the direction of healing!”

Kulikai then lay on the prepared bed, quietly waiting for Orihime’s treatment. Looking at Kulikai, who was already ready, Orihime took down his instantaneous shield Rokuka and walked over.

“Shun Sakura! Calamus! Double Heaven Shield! I refuse! ”

With the liberation of Lingyan, two rays of light quickly flew out on the six flowers of the instantaneous shield, forming a golden light curtain, covering Kulikai’s body, slowly exuding bursts of soft light.

I saw that the muscle punches of Kulikai’s perennial diving slowly disappeared, and his whole body slowly became younger, and as the light curtain slowly dissipated, turning into light again into an instantaneous shield six flowers, Kulikai slowly sat up from the bed.

“Huh? This feeling, it’s amazing!! I feel like my body is back at its peak!! Hahaha, Miss Orihime thank you so much!! Curry looked at the body that had fully recovered, and suddenly exclaimed, and thanked Orihime on the side. Even the ape-man brothers on the side also looked at Orihime gratefully.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, as long as you can recover!” Looking at the three people who kept thanking herself, Orihime said that she couldn’t eat it.

Just as everyone was still thanking them, Along’s voice suddenly came out from the Ye Huang.

“Boss, you guys are ready, there is movement on the sea!!!!”

At this time, everyone on the shore immediately returned to the Ye Huang, and Kulikai took the Ape Brothers on his ship, and took the Ye Huang towards the rolling sea not far away.

“Ye Huang! There’s really no way to strengthen your ship, because it’s already the best ship, so I’m sorry, but I’ll have to be careful for a while! ”

“Ah, thank you for finding the location and time!!”

“I also have one more request, if you really find the Golden Island, please help me ring the golden bell and let it ring the heavens and !!! earth”

Ye Huang looked at Kulikai, who was praying to him not far away, and smiled slightly: “Of course!” You just send it here, it’s too dangerous ahead! ”

“Hi !!!” The three people on the ship looked at the distant Ye Huang and the others with tears in their eyes, and carefully stared at the Ye Huang who was gradually moving away.

“Boom !!!!”

I saw a loud noise on the sea, and a column of water that rushed into the sky rushed up from the sea, sending out unparalleled momentum and rushing towards the sky.

“Everyone, hurry up, put away the sails!!!! We rushed up!!! ”


As the huge sails on the Ye Huang were retracted, the ship rushed up the rising current with the current, and rushed straight up towards the sky.

“Hahaha!!! Empty island we came!!!! ”


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