PS: Trapped to death! We have a holiday today.

Ahaha, just fell asleep! Scare the baby to death!


“Well, crocodile, it seems that our vanguard has been completely destroyed, and Anilu is really arrogant!”

At this time, Weber had just fallen into a coma, and saw two figures slowly appear where everyone fainted.

“It’s better to take them all away, they should all be fine, the body is still quite strong, and Weber, who is actually as crazy as the original with a platoon shell.”

Ye Huang slowly walked to Wei Bo’s side, looked at the injuries on the other party’s body and was slightly stunned, and then shook his head helplessly and resisted the other party.

“Desert floating!”

Seeing this, Klockdar on the side immediately picked up the sand cloud, dragged everyone on the ground, and walked towards the place of departure.

“Let’s send them back for treatment first, and then we’re going to get trouble with Anilu!”

“Ah, it can only be like this, it’s really abominable, Lao Tzu’s ability is actually used by you to save people!!”

“Hahaha, there is a future companion, endure!”

Immediately, Ye Huang and the two disappeared in place again, and all the Shandians who had been wiped out of the army were resisted back.

At this time, the other side was still some distance away from the ruins of the Golden Township.

“Hee-haha, Kabaki, I smell gold, hurry up!!”

“Hey, Boss Bucky!!”

“We are your faithful little brother!!”

I saw a rich-looking Bucky with Kabaki Mochi, who was once again incarnated as a duo, and the two were moving towards the Golden Country.

“All the barricades in front of Kabaki are clear!!”


Hearing Bucky’s shout, Kabaki quickly pulled out the ghost retreat from his waist, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, and the demon knife was instantly swung at the ancient tree in front of him.

‘Nameless kamikaze () flow killing sword, mirage! ’

The ancient trees blocking the way in front were instantly cut off one by one by a sword light that rose up into the sky, and the sword light continued to rush out towards the front.

“Boss Bucky, look at me!!”

Mochi, who was watching Kabaki’s mighty power, did not dare to show weakness and rushed out, nodded to the niche on the side, and the two people suddenly jumped up.

“Beast Ninja! Two-headed wolf!! ”

“Tooth Wolf Tooth !!!”

The two instantly transformed in the air, and with a strong whirlwind rolled out, with a torn wind towards the obstacles in front of them, countless ancient trees along the road were torn into slag.

“Heehaha, gold I’m coming!!!!”

The three people rushed straight towards the ruins all the way, and there was a continuous loud noise in the forest, and countless ancient trees fell to the ground one by one.


At this time, a pair of blood-red eyes suddenly appeared in the monument, feeling the movement in the forest, a trace of heat flashed in his eyes, and scarlet snake letters began to stretch out from time to time in his mouth. The huge body began to rush out quickly in the direction of the movement.

“Boss Bucky, we seem to have arrived!”

“Saga, look!!”

At this time, the three of Bucky had already destroyed all the way to the front of the ruins, and the three people looked at the broken bricks and tiles that appeared in front of them in front of them, a messy ruin.

“At this time, the golden country !!!!!!”

Only to hear Bucky’s horrific exclamation suddenly rise up into the sky, and all the birds in the forest were shocked by this exclamation and flew out towards the sky.

“Boss, what should I do now!”

“Boss, what are we doing now?”

Kabaki and Moki on the side looked at each other, their eyes were full of embarrassment, and helplessly asked the heartbroken Bucky on the side.

“What else can you do now? Can only to… Wait a minute! ”

Bucky, who was about to speak, suddenly sensed a breath and immediately looked in the direction of perception.

“This is !!!”

I saw a blood-red eyes that were dozens of feet long and the size of a lantern suddenly rushed out from the ruins, and bursts of poisonous gas kept bubbling out of its mouth, and everywhere it went, it was eroded clean.

“Hiss~~~~~~ There is such a big python !!!” X3

“Neptune class??”

At this time, the three of Bucky looked at the giant python in front of them and took a sharp breath of cold air, and then looked at the giant python in front of them awkwardly.

“What the hell is it to be so big, but survive on land?”

“Let me see, it’s probably a hybrid breed!”

“Hybridization? Neptune a snake on the day? ”

“No, no, it’s a snake that gave birth to a sea king, so it gave birth to such a thing!”

“It’s not right, what if people are genetic mutations?”

The giant python looked at the three Bucky who were fiercely discussing themselves on the side, and his scarlet eyes suddenly became fierce, staring at the hateful three in front of him.


Immediately, the giant python let out a loud roar, which woke up the three people who were still discussing fiercely.

“In other words, what does it mean by staring at us like that?”

“It should be trying to eat us!”

“Eun, it’s possible! You see its hungry eyes are red! ”

The three of Bucky looked up at the roaring python, looked carefully and discussed it again.

“Roar, roar!!!!!”

Seeing the three people who ignored him again, the Lord of the Sky suddenly became furious, the huge snake body began to twist constantly, and the huge snake tail constantly whipped the surrounding ruins.


The giant python opened its blood basin and rushed towards the three of Bucky, its huge fangs constantly dripping venom downward, and the surface of the location corroded the ground.

“Shout, dare to be angry! Get out of the way and let me come!! ”

“Boss Bucky! Boss Bucky!! ”

“Punch Monty Python! Foot on the empty island!! ”

“Hmph hahaha, look at my fragmentation molecular !!!”

Immediately, under the praise of the two loyal little brothers, Bucky proudly faced the giant python rushing over, and his hands began to continuously release the fruit power against the giant python.


I saw that the giant python’s scarlet eyes began to become frightened, and the roar that had just opened its mouth disappeared instantly with the mouth, and the giant roar also stopped abruptly, and then the huge head slowly disappeared into the air, and the body continued to decompose.

“Hee-haha! Worship it, little ones!! ”

Bucky looked at the giant python that was casually solved by himself, and immediately turned on the pretend mode, and laughed at the Kabaki Mochi two behind him.

“Boss~~~ Stop !!!”

“Boss! Gold! Gold!! ”


Bucky heard the exclamation of the two, fixed his eyes on the body of the giant python, and saw a large pile of gold suddenly appear in the abdomen, shining, but the decomposition continued, and as the body of the giant python continued to disappear, the gold also began to decompose.

“Groove!! Lao Tzu’s gold!! ”

Bucky was immediately dumbfounded, immediately stopped the release of the fruit, and quickly walked towards the remaining snake body, only to see that the tail of the huge snake body and a small section in front of it, and only a small part of the gold in the python’s body.

“O my gold!!! Damn Monty Python, you have gold, you said earlier!!! ”

Looking at the little bit of gold left, Bucky suddenly hammered his chest in grief and began to sigh vigorously.

(Monty Python: I fucked your uncle, Lao Tzu knew that you killed Lao Tzu at once, and told you that Lao Tzu can’t speak!) Your sister’s !!! )


PS: Subscribe please! Everyone, support!

It will be more exciting later!

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