In this way, the night pupil is also left.

You know, as long as Karp is here, he'll make garbage.

I don't have a lot of time to get in touch with Karp, so I have to take advantage of this opportunity!

And in the evening, Luffy and they came back.

"Big brother, why are you here?"

"We were..."


Before Luffy finished, Karp also gave him the iron fist of love directly.

"Take a bath first!"

"And then roll over and eat."

Said cap coldly.

After hearing Karp's words, the three little ones quickly left here.

You know, Karp's iron fist, but accompany their whole childhood shadow!

At this time, the night pupil is also in the room arranged by calidadan, and all the garbage bags come out.

Because after the test of night pupil, the reward of the system will be triggered only when your hand touches the garbage.

"Ding, pick up a broken cup by Karp, gain strength + 10."

"Ding, find calidadan's discarded rag and get a bottle of stinky water."



Yetong quickly picked up all the rubbish here.

Sure enough, it's the right choice to come here!

Their pick-up value finally broke through 100000, and then the most important thing is that in these garbage, they finally upgraded their armed color and domineering power to the intermediate level.

In other words, their combat effectiveness has been upgraded to a higher level in an instant.

Now, should be able to compare with some of the Navy's school officers?

And the most important thing is that when you get to the back of Karp, you can basically provide strength for yourself.

My strength has reached 650.

Compared with before, directly increased several times!

"Big brother, eat."

At this time, Luffy also pushed open the door of night pupil and said slowly.

"Well, here we are."

After finishing his emotions, Yetong goes to dinner with Lufei.

But one day, people here have accepted the night pupil.

Calidadan, in particular, loved the night pupil.

If it was not for the big difference in age, she would have fallen in love with Ye Tong.

How many days are you going to stay here

Night Tong put a piece of meat into his mouth, but also directly asked.

"I'm going to stay here for a few days. Do you care?"

Kapp also asked directly.

I don't know why, but Kapp always thinks this guy is coming for himself.

Although after he came here, he didn't seem to do anything else except picking up garbage.

But Kapp believes he will never feel wrong.

"Because, I want to join the Navy!"

Night pupil also says directly.

This is something that night Tong suddenly thought of when he was sorting out the garbage.

That is, if you join the Navy, isn't there a lot of garbage to pick up every day?

You know, there are still many strong navy.

As long as they pick up their garbage, their own strength will be rapidly improved.

When the time comes, he will be carrying a sword and stepping on a warship.

Wearing the mantle of justice and crossing the sea, it is a very powerful thing!

"Join the Navy?"

"Brother, you're not going to sea with us?"

"Aren't we going to be pirates together?"


As Luffy's voice dropped, a big bag appeared on his head again.

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