The information here was originally spread by night pupils.

So, all the names except Magellan were put on the reward.

With these two newspapers, Xiao's reputation will soon ring across the sea.

"It's hard to imagine that one day I will also be on this reward order!"

A smile also walked to the side of the night pupil, slowly said.

"Yes, I didn't think of it either."

"At the beginning, I thought it was very troublesome to be a pirate. Not only did the Navy want to pursue, but also there were many threats such as bounty hunters and pirates."

"That's why I chose to be a navy. But being a navy can't achieve my goal of cleaning the world! "

Night pupil is also indifferent to say.

"Mr. Yixiao, if you didn't meet me, would you choose to go to the Navy?"

Night Tong says with a smile.


"But not now."

"Follow your Lord, you can't go to the Navy any more."

A smile some indifferent said.

He is such a person who is not good at expressing his emotions. Even if he has thousands of warm blood, he will only merge into one sentence.

"I see."

Night Tong understood the implication of a smile, that is, after the warrior recognized the Lord, if not the Lord died, the minister would not be ambivalent.


"Yakes, come here!"

At the same time, the night pupil is also shouting.

Soon, Yax appeared beside the night pupil.

"There is little pupil in the night. Will, is there anything I can do for you?"

Yakes also said directly.

You know, he used to be the captain of a boat. But when it comes to warships, there is no time to fight.

Although his attendance rate is still very high, it is only after the night pupil has finished handling the matter that he goes to help make garbage.

For him, yakes still wanted to fight.

"This is the phone bug I left in the kingdom of erdax, and the kingdom of pildacs will be handed over to you."

"Remember, everything I said needs to be held fast to."

Night pupil also says directly.

"A kingdom, given to me?"

Yakes was stunned.

But he knew that the island was not ruled by the night eye.

However, it can be said that the king must listen to the night pupil, or he will have to change a king.

Now that he is entrusted with such a heavy responsibility, yakes is extremely excited!

"Can you do it well?"

The night pupil does not answer a question directly.

"Yes, make sure to finish the task!"

After yakes said that, he immediately contacted.

At the same time, the mate took the ship with him.

"He belongs to the Navy now, and he is in charge of it. Will he..."

A smile game doubts said.

"No way."

"The people on my ship, the people I trust."

"They are something I can trust."

Night pupil corners of the mouth cocked up a trace of radian, said slowly.

"Well, before you..."

"Do you say kukuli?"

Don't wait for a smile to ask the end, the night pupil also says directly.

A smile is a nod.

"He, soon, will be dawn."

"The lookout on the ship is not suitable for him to do. There are more things that need to be done by him."

Night Tong says with a smile.

"What you're saying is, beheading?"

"But now, under such circumstances, it's not mature yet."

"If we're exposed, we're going to meet..."

A smile did not go on.

Because he felt the ultimate domineering in the night pupil.

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