After hearing Yetong's words, gazhi was silent.

According to what Xianxiao has done, it is very possible.

But, who knows, will they be like many reformers.

After you get what you want, your desire is magnified infinitely?!

There are so many examples like this!

So, for a while, he was a little confused.

"How can I believe you?"

Although they are excellent killers, they are really weak chickens in such things!

Otherwise, it won't be calculated easily by my aunt.

"I can't promise you, you can either believe it."

"Or, choose not to cooperate with me."

"I won't give you a big promise. After all, I'm not sure what we're going to do."

The night pupil says calmly.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"I like the way you speak, and I choose to work with you."

"However, if I attack people in the North Sea now, my identity will be exposed."

"By then, it will be the goal of the world government."

"Unlike you, my goal is too big."

Although he chose to cooperate, he didn't want to contribute.

After all, it is not a good thing to be followed by the world government!

"What I need is your technology."

"And now, the Vince Mok family, a deterrent in the North Sea."

"I need someone who can quickly close the North Sea."

"And the people who are going to do it are you Vince Mok family. Well, is sincerity enough? "

Night Tong says with a smile.

"Will you not be afraid of me

Gazhi was a little confused.

This side was suddenly promised such a big benefit, and gazhi didn't believe it.

"You're not the one who can go and be a lackey."

"I'll give you the technology here, and then you can contact Yu. He will go out and conquer those allies."

"We don't have to do the rest of it ourselves?"

Night pupil said, directly disappeared here.

"Father, are we really going to do this?"

At this time, Lei Jiu also stood out, some doubts said.

"Unless we find a more dangerous presence to cooperate with, that's the only way."

"The nobility of Beihai should not be forgiven!"

"Lei Jiu, do you think this Xiao is not suitable?"

Said gazhi with some doubts.

"Father, they are so mysterious."

"Even, they are probably tianlongren..."


Just as they were discussing something, the night pupil was already on the island of roaroaroat.

"Chief, this side is settled."

"I'll clean up the top, chief. You can deal with the bottom."

Guyna also appeared in the night pupil's side, said slowly.


After the night pupil finished, he also sneaked into the ground.

Soon, night pupil with a crowd appeared on the ground.

And for guyna, there's trouble.

Love was not only a minister, but also a bodyguard for churgi.

Strength is also a great swordsman.

What's more, this guy is also capable of thousand blade fruits.

When fighting, there will be countless sword shadows.

They're all powerful.

"Xiao's strength, however."

Luofu Si is pushing Gu Yina backward, is also a face to ponder.

"Your sword, it's polluted."

Guyna put the scabbard in her hand on the ground and said slowly.

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