At this time, on an island in the new world, a man in a bigmon pirate crew Cape.

Looking at the newspaper in his hand, the corner of his mouth also showed a smile.

"That's not bad."

"My sister, I should like it."

The man said, is also slowly out of the island, and then standing on a board, toward a direction.

On the other side, in the waters of the new world.

On a big ship.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"The guy who can disturb the world appears, this young man. I'm going to add faith to him."

"Ah, I'm so excited that my domineering spirit has leaked out Ha ha ha ha... "

The man said, then put the newspaper in his hand.


At this time, countless pirates, bounty hunters and explorers are heading for the new world's casino, Rourke island.

There are a lot of people who are interested in this so-called clean king!

At the same time, morgens of the news agency is also looking at the computer screen in front of him, a face of joy.

"Guha ha ha..."

"Grot Yetong, I'd like to see how you can resist the tide this time."

"If you get through it, what if I help you with a wave of naval propaganda for free?"

"Happy, what a pleasure!"

"Guha ha ha..."

Morgens laughed, too.

You know, in the new world, you can quickly find these strong people and give them newspapers.

He was the only one who morgens could do.

On the other hand, he is still cleaning up the garbage.

Now he's in the third town.

The garbage here, night pupil has already reported with high expectations.

But now, still surprised to the night pupil.

After cleaning up the two towns, their basic attributes have increased by more than 5000.

At the same time, tricolor domineering has been improved.

As for wealth and so on, it is the last.

"You are Yetong, the navy who wants to be the king of cleaning?"

"I'm very sorry, the sword in my hand may end your way to King."

"Go to hell..."

"Ah, ah, ah!"

A flash of lightning is released in the future.

"What a nuisance!"

Night pupil a little speechless.

Since the last time he beat jack, there have been a lot of Pirates here who want to beat themselves.

Then, on the basis of defeating yourself, make yourself famous in this big sea.

"If anyone else wants to come up, I won't be merciful."

"There are a lot of handcuffs on me."

Night pupil to around after shouting, once again bowed to sweep the floor.

When there is a threat, fewer people come up for trouble.

Still, from time to time, people come to trouble.

With the passage of time, there is also a large number of pirates in handcuffs behind Ye Tong.

For such things, the master here also chose silence.

After all, Yetong didn't do it himself.

When everyone's attention is on Ye Tong.

There are more powerful monsters landing on the island.

And the purpose of their coming here is also for the night pupil.

"Yes, the super powerful monster is on the island

Originally was in the casino smile, but also a dignified face said.

And then, out of here.

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