"It's all right. The captain is just a little tired."

"Physical exhaustion is excessive. Just have a rest."

After the ship doctor finished, he also left directly.

The next day, the night pupil wakes up from his cabin.

"Tut tut It's really hard to feel this kind of detachment

Feel the pain from the body, the night pupil is also some helpless said.

Although there was training in Marin van dor before, there was no such situation.

If it's kuzan, it's estimated that an ice age will solve this big guy.

Sure enough, their overall strength, still need to be improved!

"System, use the source of life!"

Night pupil directly chooses to use the source of life.

There are several of them.

Always try, what kind of effect does this so-called promotion have?

"Ding, use the source of life 1."

With the prompt sound of the system, the strength of the night pupil's body also began to recover slowly.

Soon, the pain and powerlessness disappeared completely.

But is there no other effect?

Looking at their basic attributes, there is no change.

Other things, too, have not changed.

Is this a super healing drug?

However, only in the strong vitality of the sea king class can extract things, should not be like this?

After waiting for a while, there was no other change. The night pupil was helpless.

Leave him alone. Go out and have a look!

"Are you up?"

"Tina brought you breakfast."

At this time, Tina also came in.

"Thank you, Tina..."

"But I don't seem to be hungry."

Night pupil felt his body, there was no feeling of hunger at all.

"It's impossible. I fainted at noon yesterday. It's impossible to get up now."

"You have to eat well, or your body will not be able to stand it."

"Tina, Tina will worry too!"

Tina said again.

"And the effect of military grain pills?"

For oneself is not hungry, night pupil is also attributed to the source of life.

"Well, Tina, I know that."

Night Tong said, also came to the deck again.

"By the way, Tina, how long before we get to the west sea?"

Ye Tong has missed his days in Marin van dor.

At least, a lot of rubbish can be picked up every day.

But when we get to the sea, there is no other garbage except cleaning the warships every day.

After so many days, sometimes we can clean up the garbage, and we can't even pick up the value.

Therefore, the night pupil's desire for land is not a little bit!

"In three days, we should be able to reach the first island in the West Sea, pildacks."

Tina said slowly.

"I see."

"Tina, you plan your route, and stop for as long as it's a manned island."

Night pupil says slowly.

Then he pulled out his sword and began to practice.

See night pupil's action, Tina also did not insist again.

After all, this man is so charming even if he is stubborn!

After Tina left, the night pupil also began to wave the village rain.

But what Yetong doesn't know is that with the beginning of his exercise, his body is undergoing earth shaking changes.

If he opens the panel, he will see that his basic attributes are obviously improved.

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