"Bayrou Bayrou..."

"Bayrou Bayrou..."

"Uncle of the Warring States period, I'm picking up rubbish. What can I do for you?"

Night pupil picks up the phone, some uncomfortable said.

"What else do you pick up?"

"Marshall d-dick, the Blackbeard in the dawn, has just attacked sainsta."

"Now, in the direction of the shampoo islands."

"You should be there now?"

The Warring States also roared loudly.

"Oh, I see."

"If I meet him, I will try my best Hello, that mineral water bottle is mine... "

"Dudu Dudu..."

With the last word of the night pupil, there is a busy tone in the phone bug.

"Ye Tong, this boy..."

Some of the warlords put down the phone.

Even at this time in the Warring States period, there was a ridiculous idea in my heart, that is, Diqi this guy and night Tong grab garbage.

In this way, night pupil should fight against him?

In the end, Yetong spent a lot of time to snatch the wine bottle back, but also looked into the distance.

Let's go back, sir

"If you don't go back, uncle Warring States will go crazy."

After the night pupil sends a message to a smile, he also goes to Marlin van dor.

A few hours later, Ye Tong also saw a familiar ship on the sea not far away.


"This Hehe, I met the real Diqi

"Hey, I won't let you go this time."

Night Tong said, is also directly pulled out his own ice wheel pill, toward the direction of Diqi thrown out.


Then, the whole sea was frozen instantly.

"Oh, Dickie, long time no see!"

Night Tong a shaving appeared in front of the ice wheel pill, pulled out the ice wheel pill, and looked at the frozen Diqi in front of him.

"Well, you ice, I can lift it right away."

"Dark water!"

Tyche directly released his dark water and put his hand on the ice on the sea.

"Dark water that can eliminate power?"

"It's a pity that I'm not the devil fruit power."

"You attacked me, now it's my turn."

"A knife flow, ice dragon break!"

Night Tong instantly waved his ice wheel pill in his hand, and a powerful dragon shaped chop hit directly rushed to Diqi.

"Damn it, this guy..."

"Claws of darkness!"

Diqi raised his hand, an iron claw attached with the color of armed, and directly to the past.

"Shenyu, absolute realm!"

Night pupil slowly fly up, originally pure white thousands of miles fly, directly attached with armed color domineering, a root of arrow rain shot.

"Lord Commander..."

Just as van Oka was about to do it, a powerful force of gravity struck.

"You'd better not move."

"Otherwise, the sword will not be merciful."

A smile pulled out his own turning sword and stood in front of the crowd.

And, behind a smile, there were 20 people.

"Write wheel eye, open!"

"Ice God, open!"

Night pupil directly opened their own ability, rushed to the night pupil.

"Hey ha ha ha%..."

"I didn't expect that in such a short period of time, your strength has actually increased to this level!"


"Fire, firefly!"

Waiting for Diqi to finish, a white flame appeared beside Diqi.

"Puff, puff, puff..."


As the fire broke out, black beard's mouth also sent out a scream.

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