After walking around the street, Yetong also harvested a lot of garbage.

Finally, after eating something at bit's, I was ready to leave.

After leaving this side, Yetong returns to the boat.

Tina, they went shopping, but they didn't come back. Yetong stood on the deck alone.

"Hello, kid, when can I have my own body?"

Ice wheel pill some dissatisfaction said.

Now its host can evolve, but the speed of evolution is too slow.

As a super dangerous species, borneol is not a slow-moving one!

"I don't know."

"You need to work hard on this matter."

"I don't seem to be able to help! You've eaten dozens of seeds of life, and you haven't seen your evolution.

Night pupil is also some helpless.

This guy is a super invincible hole.

that powerful life essence, after this guy absorbed, there was no response.

"It's your fault. What are you calling me here to do?"

"The trouble is dead, I am clearly immersed in consciousness, so beautiful."

The ice wheel pill some dislikes said.

"Ann, Ann..."

"This is Fengyue..."

At this time, a small ship was going this way.

And the person above, it is the one-sided relationship with the night pupil.

"Oh, long time no see, the man who wants to be the king of cleaning!"

Fengyue said, is also a direct jump, fell in the night pupil of the ship.

"Fengyue, are you going to pildacks?"

"Can you make me some garbage?"

Night pupil says directly.


"What are you talking about? You're talking about making garbage, is that right?"

Feng Yue finished and pulled out his long knife directly.

The next moment, the whole warship was reduced to neat pieces.

"That's great!"

"Ding, pick up the discarded warship destroyed by the wind moon of jorlacal D, obtain a cruise ship, acquire swordsmanship 20, and obtain a pickup value of 1008."

Then, the ear of the night pupil sounded a systematic prompt tone.

"Come out."

Night Tong raised his hand, and in an instant a cruiser twice as big as the warship just appeared on the sea.

Both of them fell steadily on it.


"That's one of your abilities to upgrade the damage?"

"Well, what about this one?"


Then, a clear sound came.

Joaquil D. Feng Yue broke a long knife in his hand.

You know, it's a big fast knife!

"Ding, pick up the sword discarded by D Fengyue, get the divine soldier's tooth of heavenly sin, acquire swordsmanship 20, and obtain the value of 1008."

With the prompt sound of the system reminds me of the smile on his face.

Sure enough, what this monster provides is too bug!

Pick the value, which is directly several times larger.

Even, far more than what Kapp and they throw away.

Perhaps this is also related to the rarity of discarded items.

After all, Kapp discarded the knowledge food bag. And warships, big knives are incomparable.

"This one may be more suitable for you."

Night Tong says, also took out the sin tooth, handed to Feng Yue.


"It's a good ability."

"Well, I'm going to eat meat and drink. Your country is good."

"I'm looking forward to your performance, zero!"

After Fengyue finished, she also went back to her own boat and left.

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