The firearm team, which was electrified, is also lying on the ground directly.

"Big brother Ye Tong, there's no need to connect us with electricity?"

Nami puffed out a mouthful of black smoke and said with a look of complaint.

"Sorry, the first time you use this kind of attack, some of them are not well controlled."

"Well, they should already know our strength."

"Come on, go in."

Yetong said, walking directly to the whale forest.

As for the Musketeers, they should be fine.

Although there is still some paralysis, it will be better soon.

Half an hour later.

"Dragon, Dragon..."

"Dragon, Dragon..."

Using his own painting fruit, Kan Shilang drew a dragon and brought them up.

Finally, after climbing several times, we arrived at Zou island.

"Damn it, is anyone else coming?"

"Really when we firearm team, is it a pet cat?"

"Go ahead and drive them out first, and then go after those who went in."

"Contact Duke GouLan, someone invades!"

Sicilian said, directly rushed to the three Kan Shilang.

He had just arrived here and had no foothold at all, so he was attacked by Sicilian.


Then the three fell straight down.

If Kan Shilang had not drawn an eagle on his clothes at the critical moment, they would have gone like this?

After seeing the three men fall, Sicilian quickly turns around and enters the whale forest.

At this time, Duke GouLan also came to the hairy Park, waiting for these people to come.

All fur people are guarding here.

Because, the front is a forbidden area.

No one is allowed to enter.

"Oh, Duke GouLan, you are Are you going to fight our navy? "

After entering the forest, Ye Tong changed into his Navy clothes.

Step by step out of the forest, came to the hairy park.

"Little navy. General?"

Seeing the night pupil, the Duke of GouLan was also confused.

Although they have not been out for a long time, they are familiar with the Navy.

You know, they were on the pirate king's ship.

"Introduce yourself."

"I'm the junior of the Navy. General, night pupil of grot."

"I'm here to invite you to join the Navy."

Night pupil says directly.

After hearing the night pupil's words, the dog LAN Meng forced.

Navy, invite fur to join?

What the hell is this!?

"The night pupil is small. Will, we refuse."

GouLan directly refused.

What they disliked most was the slaver, and the next was the Navy, which was making trouble for the tiger.

You know, even their people saw that the navy was going to escort the slavers.

Such existence, dog LAN can not want to join the idea of ah!


"Don't you want to hear my terms?"

"By joining the Navy, we can be open and aboveboard to rescue people who are fur people now. Of course, if you don't join us, I'll have to take you all back. "

Night pupil narrowed his eyes, some playful said.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"If you want to take us back, I want to see if you have the ability to do it!"

Dog Lan said, ready to attack directly.

"Overbearing color!"


Night pupil pulled out his own village rain and dog haze on, directly released the overlord color.

The other fur people who were going to fight here fell down one by one because they couldn't bear such energy.

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