Of course, Jack was not abused.

Take Shanghai Lou Shi handcuffs directly to the island to eat and sleep together.

But there was something wrong with Jack's look all the time.

Anyway, it's just a little restless.

"It's a rare island. There's no one on it, but it's rich in resources."

Looking at the island, zefa's face showed a look of nostalgia.

"You fellow, remember these?"

"When we first entered the new world, we had a big storm."

"Later, it was carried directly to the island."

"If not, I don't know if we can survive at the beginning."

The Warring States also said directly.

"Someone's coming."

On the third day, a big ship appeared in the distance of the island.


"Is it the pirates who have come?"

Kapp was a little eager to try.

After all, it's pretty quiet around here these days. Don't mention the pirates. Even the merchant ships didn't see one.

"It seems so."

"We're all here from Kato

Ye Tong looks at Jack behind him, and his face is also full of fun.

It's no accident that these two guys are here.

It seems that Jack, this guy, should have used some method to inform the fire disaster ember and the epidemic disaster Quine.

Seeing these two guys appear, there is a strange look on their faces.

"Crane, you already have Jack. I'll leave these two guys to the three of us."

"The Warring States period, zefa, let's see who catches them first."

Kapp said that and went straight to it.

You know, as a veteran of the Navy, the monthly step is nothing more than basic.

Moreover, with Karp's physique, the speed should not be too fast.

Even if it is night pupil, can only sigh, in pure body technique, oneself is not so fast speed.

What's more, even in the air, Karp can shave.

"Cap, you cunning fellow

The Warring States said, directly one punch to break a big tree on one side, and then threw it out in the direction of Kapu.

Then, directly jumped up the tree, quickly rushed out.

"Really, what does a capable person participate in?"


Zefa said, but also immediately rushed out.

Now three people, can be regarded as the peak time.

Three people stand together, but even the peak Golden Lion, cross can put the existence of overturn!

Not to mention, it's just the younger brother of the four emperors.

Looking at the three hands, night pupil is also some of the ashes and Quine worried.

It's really bad luck.

Unexpectedly, at this time, I met such a group of people.

Well, it's pathetic, isn't it?

"Ye Tong, here you are."

Just then Tina handed over a bag of melon seeds.

"Thank you Tina. Did you bring the bench?"

"It's a good play."

Ye Tong said with a smile, and then a group of people all sit here when the audience.

After all, their pity is their business. It doesn't hinder them from watching the play!

Finally, sister crane also joined in the drama.

"Admiral, commander-in-chief, hero of the Navy!"

"We have a really good day today."

"You are not afraid. The headquarters of the navy has been attacked."

Quinn said with a smile.

"Hello, Quinn."

"Jack is such a fool, one is enough."

The fire is also some shade said.

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