Soon, the night pupil left before the garbage, all to the recycling station.

Unexpectedly, the feedback here is still very pertinent.

When you pick it up, the value is the same.

It's just that there won't be any extra prizes.

However, it is a good thing to have a value.

After all, I have a lot of abilities now, all of which can be improved by picking values.

"Yetong, the route has been worked out."

"It's surprisingly easy to walk here. In the past, there were only three islands with countries and four islands with villages."

"Then we can get to elbaf, the giant's territory."

Tina took her things and went to the night pupil.

"Let's not go to elbaff for a while, but let's go to the little garden first."

"It's closer here, and there are giants here."

"Although they are from elbaf, they have not been back for a long time."

"Maybe it would be easier to persuade them!"

Night pupil says slowly.

"Tina knows."

After hearing Yetong's words, Tina went to prepare the route again.

As a sailor of this fleet, this is her glory!

And this voyage down, Tina's navigation technology has been greatly improved!

"Mr. Yixiao, do you know all nations?"

Night pupil says with a smile.

"Yes, Charlotte Lingling, one of the four emperors, formed the family state."

"What, is her next target?"

"But Charlotte is a big trouble

A smile some heavy said.


"But if you become his brother-in-law."

"Hey, hey..."

Night Tong a face bad smile of looking at one smile, directly said.

"No way."

"I just want to practice with one heart and carry out justice well."

"I'm not good at such things."

A smile, a face of Justice said.

After all, such a thing is not a joke.

You have to be careful when you smile.

As long as you don't pay attention to it, you don't know what kind of strange circle you will be brought into by the night pupil.

And I've always been alone.

What are you doing all of a sudden Charlotte manster's brother-in-law?

This kind of thing can't work at all, OK?!

I'm almost 50 years old.

"The night pupil is few. Will, such matter, I also can."

At this moment, yakes stood up and said directly.

He's only twenty-seven now. He's just right.

Moreover, most of the women in the Charlotte family are very beautiful.

Of course, some monsters are.

However, if you want to know your position in the leader's heart, you should not be so pitying yourself.

"You can't. You have to follow me to make garbage at any time."

"Forget it, let Kukuri come."

Ye Tong directly raised the ring in his hand and told kukuli about it.


"Chief, are you kidding

"I was just rejected by Xiali. Are you really good?"

Kukuli said with some bitterness.

"Isn't it soothing to your heart?"

"Well, I'm in charge of contacting. You can contact me as soon as possible."

"Besides, I've chosen the people here for you."

"Charlotte frampe, as long as you show your invincible skill, you can capture her heart."

Night pupil says directly.

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