Mainly because of Luffy.

This simple and honest, the worship of shanks is just to the bone.

Although I don't know why shanks chose Lufei, if he suddenly wants to fight shanks, this iron Han Han will cry to death.

One is his elder brother, the other is his own enlightener.

No matter which side is wrong, Luffy is not what he wants to see.

"Oh, headache

"Sure enough, picking up garbage is good for me."

Night pupil covers his head, some helpless say.

In fact, there are too many things the whole world can't stand.

Unfortunately, it is not so simple to change.

All the way to here, most of the time night pupil is in front of the identity of the shopkeeper.

Even, there are some incidents, purely for the sake of picking up more garbage.

For the Navy, the night pupil has a feeling that he can't give up.

As for the pirates, he also approved of the faint ones.

Xiaoxiao, who was founded by himself, is now a non-governmental organization.

"I always feel that I'm sorry to the dragon for being so leisurely."

"We have to find something to do."


Night pupil thought of here, the whole body burst out a strong breath.

At the same time, soon a sea king appeared in front of the night pupil.

"Oh, duckling

I didn't expect that the king of the sea will come out of the deck this time.

This guy is an old friend of mine.

"Man, what do you want to do when you call us?"

The sound of duck head sea king is also introduced into the ear of night pupil.

"I want to see Poseidon. This is my property. Go to Poseidon and she will go with you."

Yetong also took out a shell and handed it to the sea king with duck head.


"I see

The duckling swallowed the shell and disappeared here.

Although I don't know what that plane can do, I can stop it after I have the sea king and Hades.

As for the top combat effectiveness, now that Fengyue has joined the dawn, it should be able to serve as the top combat effectiveness.

In terms of high combat effectiveness, their side is even better than that of the Navy.

"Yetong, someone's coming."

"The breath on my body is so terrible!"

"Tina, a little scared!"

At this moment, Tina's voice came from the ear of night pupil.

What's more, it's still a little shaky.

That is to say, there is a super strong player here.

Just breath, let this side lock his Tina a little shiver.

You know, Tina's strength is not weak now!

"Is that him?"

The night pupil feels this breath, also some doubts say.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Sure enough, you are here, and your breath is getting stronger."

"Ah? Why do you have the breath of wind and moon... "


"That guy came to see you ahead of time!"

"No, you are mine!"

At this time, before the new world's casinos to see the Jinhao appeared in front.

What's more, this guy talks about a lot of strange things.

"Are you a pervert?"

Ye Tong looks at Jin Hao in front of him with disgust.

As soon as this guy appeared, Yetong felt that he was a little insane.

Now, it is.

But this is a powerful lunatic.

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