"By the way, Ye Tong, you just came back."

"We have all found the treasure chest. You can judge for us who is more powerful."

After seeing the night pupil, only garden also said directly.

"Yes, yes, Yetong, it will be fair to you, right?"

Tina said directly.


For a moment, the four were also chattering.

"Well, let me judge."

Night pupil opened four boxes directly.

Because the four boxes are unmarked, they did not tell the night pupil whose.

So now night Tong doesn't know who these boxes belong to.

"Well, the most valuable thing is this box."

"Inside, there is a wonderful thing."

The night pupil after checking inside thing, also a face is positive color says.

I didn't expect that if you come here for a visit, you can come across such good things!

Night Tong looks at the things in the box and says directly.

"It's mine. I won."

"Hey, hey, you're going to let me have a day."

Daski also said directly.

After hearing daski's words, people are also a little lost.

"Ye Tong, what is this?"

Only garden also has some doubts to say.

There is only one piece of paper in this box.

Is this a treasure map of some kind of treasure?

"This is what I've been looking for."

"Where is the rubbings of the last red road sign?"

Night pupil also says directly.

After hearing Ye Tong's words, they were stunned.

Because, before they also know, the last piece of red coordinates is not in the seventh floor of the city?

Why, rubbings will appear here?

Is it true that some pirates enter the seventh floor and come out with such things?

"Well, don't think so much. What we need to do now is to have a good time."

Night pupil says directly.

Later, the party continued to play.

As long as we arrive at the sea king's nest, the night pupil will be cleaned up and the people will go looking for treasure.

At the same time, people on the other side are not so relaxed!

The straw hats have now arrived in dre Rosa.

Because ace wasn't dead, there wasn't any fruit burning.

However, the arena is still open.

This time, the reward is the people of the villains and a mirror fruit found by Domenico himself.

These little people, but many nobles as a very lovely pet!

Naturally, how can people of the straw hat group tolerate such things?

As a result, their meddlesome nature broke out directly and took part in the competition.

The other strong ones are basically for the devil's fruit.

After all, the ability of mirror fruit is also very powerful.

You can copy other people's abilities to a certain extent, and completely copy others' appearance.

And at this point, the hardest people are not them.

It's the organizer of this arena, dorfminger.

His original idea was to leave these strong men behind and become his power.

But now, a very difficult guy, appears in his palace.

"Hey, hey, hey..."

"Shanks, do you really think I'll agree to such a thing?"

Said dobramingo, with a gloomy smile.

"I'm not here to ask for your consent. Do this well and let you restore your identity as a Tianlong man."

At this time, the people who came here were officially red haired shanks.

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