"What the hell are these guys trying to do?"

"Even if you don't accept my suggestion, you should confirm it!"

"Is it true that all the navies who came here this time are members of the Xiao organization?"

Dorlock said with some dissatisfaction.

In fact, what he didn't know was that his complaint was almost right.

Except for the people brought by the Yellow ape, they are all members of the Xiao organization.

"Father, if we go on like this, we will die here."

Dorcal was a little flustered, too.

You know, it's the first time I've come across such a thing since I came out here.

Before, even in the fight with Blackbeard, there was no such suffocation.

The other side doesn't say anything at all. It's just gang.

And, most of all, these guys are super powerful.

"Damn it, why haven't the members of Xiao organization arrived yet?"

At this time, dorlock's heart actually had some people waiting for Xiao organization to come to save them.

At the critical moment of life and death, the defects of human nature will also be fully exposed.

"Father, is this the Bureau set up by Xiao organization?"

"Let us be wiped out by our own forces."

At this point, dokal is also a little suspicious.

After all, they've been waiting here for four days.

No matter how, there will be a member of two organizations.

But now the members of Xiao organization didn't wait for the order of killing demons from the Navy.

At the beginning, dork also carried out the order of killing demons. He didn't expect that such a thing would happen to him today.

"What is it to be a navy?"

At this time, Raleigh and Barrett are on the ship in the distance, watching the battle here.

Even the two of them, in the face of such a situation, do not dare to join the fight.

"I don't know, but I think it's to the people of Xiao organization."

"However, such a thing is just right, so as not to ask us to do it."

Barrett also said directly.

"Now, I'm afraid that there is no such thing as a simple one for posalino."

"But the one who commanded the killing order should be grot's night pupil!"

Raleigh also said indifferently.

Raleigh has always been interested in this Navy.

At the same time, their underground intelligence organization is also investigating the night pupil.

However, the findings are meaningless and valuable.

Even now, they don't know the secret behind this powerful navy.

As Kapu's apprentice, his strength exceeds that of big general.

Don't fight for admiral, just be a general.

Countless strange messages appeared in the same person, which made Raleigh a little confused.

"Night pupil?"

"Did you see this guy's ability?"

"Ray, Bing, and his special abilities you told me before."

"Do you mean..."

Barrett was also stunned.

Because they both think of the same thing, that is, this guy may be zero.

"A lot of people have such doubts, but there is no evidence for the time being."

"Even the nobles of the world would not easily move such a existence."

Said Raleigh, frowning.

You know, as the captain of the Navy rescue team.

A lot of allies have a good reputation at home.

At this point, Barrett's eggs hurt.

Want to prove his guess, but in front of so many generals, even if he read occasionally, dare not act rashly.

He didn't want to go back to inpel prison to roll the iron again.

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