"So, did you choose to support Xiao group?"

Zefa said angrily.

You know, most of his students are in the Navy.

Moreover, if there is a war, the first person here who needs to face Xiao organization is his apprentice.

However, night Tong, as a powerful naval officer, has said such a thing.

"What is justice in your eyes?"

"Is the position of the victor, as he said, the place of justice?"

Night pupil slowly from the bed down, walked to drink a saliva, slowly said.

"Justice The pirates are robbing everywhere. This is the crime. We should clean it up! "

"The so-called Xiao organization, which represents the justice of ordinary people, incites ordinary people to resist the world government. Is this not a crime? "

"Yetong, as you said, is not necessarily the powerful is justice."

"It's not the victor's justice, but when this happens, the world will be in chaos."

Zefa also said quickly.

After all, the justice of Ze FA here is for our own people.

"Yes, in order not to let the world get into chaos, you turn a blind eye to the real evil in this world?"

Ye Tong doesn't want to persuade these old people to join Xiao organization.

But now that zefa and himself said this, then, we should give them a good brainwash.

"The real sin?"

"Are you talking about the dragon people?"

Kapp also stood up and said.

"Is it true that such a rotten man is just?"

Ye Tong asked directly.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

"You're right. These rotten people are really rotten."

Kapp laughed directly.

"Really, you still can't stop talking."

"Your apprentice is really a virtue to you."

"Yetong, do they know your decision like this?"

"Now, you are going to have children of your own. Have you told them that?"

The crane said slowly.

"Sister crane, I know what you mean."

"Your trial is almost over."

"I am the zero of knowledge."

"In fact, the 108 lieutenant generals who applied before are also members of the Xiao organization."

"They only know what I'm doing."

Night Tong says with a smile.


For a moment, everyone here was stunned.

Kuzan, however, has an incredible face.

"Zero dawn?"

"You said you were a member of Xiao group, and we believe it."

"But you're going to say you're the zero of the dawn? How can you make us believe such a thing? "

"Tell me, are you xiaozhizero's double?"

Kapp said seriously.

You know, such a strong person, there are many times will have their own double.

That is to say, when he is at the end of his life, there will be a strong man standing up as his double.

In this way, the night pupil is a chess piece ready to be discarded at any time.

"I know you think I'm too young, don't you?"

"It's necessary to help!"

Night pupil raised his hand, and in an instant a huge arm appeared.


"Are you willing to believe me?"

Night pupil says, the eye also slowly became reincarnation eye.

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