Although at first, Kapp was a little emotional.

But in the back, Kapp is no longer excited.

After dinner, a group of people also went to have a rest.

At this time, the night pupil, sitting on the roof of the villa, looking at the sky.

"Yetong, do you feel homesick

At this time, Gu Yina also came to the night pupil's side, said slowly.

"Yes, I'm really homesick."

"If it wasn't for today's teachers, they said so much, I would have forgotten that I still have a hometown."

Night pupil some lonely said.

In ten years, Ye Tong has already regarded himself as a person in this world.

Moreover, it is also a good integration into the world of the jungle.

Now, he is basically on the top of the world.

When I look at the world again, I always feel so unreal.

"Now, where we are, isn't it home?"

You know, there's a kind of magic with you

"It feels like there is nothing you can't solve in this world."

Kuina leaned against the shoulder of the night pupil and said slowly.

"In fact, there are many helpless things in this world."

"But this is life, isn't it?"

Night pupil spit out a breath, indifferent said.

Indeed, no matter in which world, such a helpless life is life, isn't it?

What's the meaning of this world if everything is flat?

I heard a sentence in my previous life. My heart beats up and down.

If it's calm, you're dead.

As time went by, Xiao organization didn't make any big moves.

The world government is still constantly infiltrating the organization, at the same time recruiting troops from all over the world.

Because they know that things will change here soon.

At this time, the Marshal's office at the headquarters of the Navy.

"Night pupil. General, all the navies here are out on patrol and on duty."

"Tianlong people here need to work as guards. You can go there."

Sacaki also said directly.

"Oh? Isn't the job of guarding the Tianlong people necessary

Night pupil some doubt says.

"With your strength, it's enough to be a guard."

"By the way, the place to go here is the shambaldi islands."

"It is said that Fishman Island withdrew from the allies, and now all the fish people in the world are not protected."

"There's a big Mermaid auction in the shampoo islands."

Sacaki said casually.

After hearing Sakaki's words, Ye Tong was stunned for a moment.

Mermaid at auction?

"I see, marshal."

"But if you've been a guard all your life, you really don't have any pursuit."

Ye Tong left this sentence and left here directly.

Sacaki didn't say anything, just sat in his seat and looked at the information in front of him.

After Ye Tong left, he quickly found the only garden.

"Zhiyuan, I'm going out on a mission."

"If anything happens to you during this period, you must tell me the first time."

"If I go out this time, maybe it will start the turmoil in the world."

Night Tong says with a smile.

"I see."

"Come back early, and Tina is about to have a baby in two months."

Only garden helps night pupil to tidy up clothes, a face dependent said.

This is what she has to do as a wife.

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