Seeing Tina pondering, Ye Tong doesn't know what she understands.

However, at last the trick passed.

If you want to hinder yourself from picking up garbage, don't blame yourself for forcing chicken soup.

"Captain Yetong, there is a ship ahead!"

"No, it's the fleet! The Pirate Group is a pirate group with more than five pirate ships! "

At this time, the watchman also sent a warning.

"More than five ships?"

"It seems that we have met super strong pirates, there should be tens of millions of big pirates in!"

"At my command, shelling!"

Night pupil also went to the deck, and then issued the artillery command.

I have to say, it's really good to pretend to be forced like this!

"Captain Yetong, they are not in range yet."

"Are we sure we want to bombard now?"

One side of the artillery also ran up, asked in doubt.

"Not in range..."

"That's the range. Let's fire again."

Although Ye Tong is a little embarrassed, by picking up garbage and his face, he has long been able to resist the invasion of water and fire.

"Got it!"

The artillery also left quickly to deliver orders.

However, Ye Tong is a little curious. Who is the Pirate Group in front of him?

In the West Sea, how could there be such a pirate group?

Now that the great routes have been open for so long, shouldn't they go upside down?

Is it a group of pirates who are not interested in big secret treasure?


The night pupil jumped up and landed on the mast.

He took over the telescope in the hand of the lookout hand, and then opened the writing wheel eye.

"Well, I don't know the sign!"

After seeing the flag of the main ship, Ye Tong also said helplessly.

I don't know the logo on it!

In other words, the pirate group did not appear in the original words.

It seems that another cannon fodder exists.

Soon, ships on both sides could be seen without telescopes.

Obviously, the other side also saw their warships, but it seems that they have no idea of avoiding or escaping!

"Bang Bang & amp; Bang"

At this time, the Gunners also began to fire.

"Captain yakos, there's only one naval ship on the opposite side. It's shelling us!"

At this time, the pirate ship, a pirate rushed in front of the captain, calm report.

"A warship?"

"I want to see what arrogant boy is shelling me!"

Yakos said, also slowly walked to the deck.


A spear suddenly appeared in his hand, and then directly aimed at the night pupil of their ship, burst.


"Double blade flow · water wheel horizontal cutting!"

Night Tong a razor rushed to the front of the warship, directly cut.


Strong impact force, night pupil is also forced back to the ship.

"Hey, hey, it seems that I still underestimated the people in the world!"

"Tina, do you have any information?"

Ye Tong turns to look at Tina who is looking for the reward, and says slowly.

"Tina found it."

"This is the Dragon hunting Pirate Group, with a reward of 21 million yuan from the head of yakos."

"Deputy biado, 12 million reward."

"Sniper Thuram, 10 million reward."

Tina said quickly.

As expected, it is indeed a large Pirate Group, with three strong men.

But the name of the Pirate Group is a little overbearing! Dragon hunting!

I don't know if their strength is as domineering as their names.

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