"If anyone else comes, no matter who it is, just call."

"The target of our escort this time is very energetic."

Night pupil says directly.

"I see."

A smile finish saying, is also directly to carry out their own task.

By this time, ulz begesan had been scared mad.

This was the first time that he met such a thing, and was attacked by the guards of the same noble people in the world.

Besides, these guys are like mad dogs. They rush up to kill him.

If it had not been for a smile, he would have died now!

"Mr. Yixiao, when will Mr. Yetong come back?"

Ulz begishan said with some concern.

At this time, he has called a smile for Mr.

Because just now, if it was not for a smile, he would have turned into a cold corpse.

"I just got in touch with the adult and he will be back soon."

"The Lord met rozwald saint, who was badly wounded on the road, and sent him back."

A smile is also directly said.

"Hurry up and let him come back soon."

Ulz begesan said again.

"OK, I see."

A smile said, is also pretending to continue to call night pupil.

And at this time the night pupil, also found some interesting guys, followed them into a small alley.

"Fish man?"

"You, are you going to rescue your princess?"

Ye Tong quickly changed into his Xiangyun robe and asked directly.

"You are..."

"Are you a member of the organization?"

Fish people turned to look at the night pupil, but also quickly said.

You know, Xiaogan is very famous.

Even the fish people in the bottom of the sea know their existence.

"Yes, I came here to save the slaves here."

"So our goals should be consistent?"

Night pupil says with smile.

After hearing the words of night pupil, the fish people are also silent for a while.

Because they know that if Xiao organization takes action, they should not be used at all.

But now a member of Xiaoxiao group says that they need their help.

Therefore, in their hearts, there are some doubts.

"Although our goals are the same, how can you make us believe that you are the person who knows the organization?"

The chief fisherman is more waves, which is also directly said.

"I know what you're suspecting, but I can save them all."

"However, we know that the organization has a lot of things to do now, so I'm having a headache about how to send them out."

"So, we are responsible for rescuing the slaves in the auction house. Are you responsible for sending them away?"

Night Tong also said again.


Several fish people are silent.

Because this kind of thing is really too sudden.

Even though they have been preparing for a long time, they don't know how to reply.

Most of all, they don't have a good opinion of human beings.

If they want to help mankind, they still resist from the bottom of their hearts.

"Well, if you're in trouble, I won't ask you anything."

"I'll go first."

Night Tong said, ready to continue to pick up garbage.


"We promise you."

"We've arranged for the transfer. This is the address."

More waves, more night pupil to go, but also fast said.

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