At the same time, on the cake island of nations.

"Haha, this time, Tianlong people have killed themselves."

"Although throwing out such wastes sometimes has a good effect, but after so many years, it's like digging your own grave!"

"It seems that they have no mind to take care of our affairs."

"Well Well

"That guy should have known, the last thing, should appear?"

Charlotte Lingling looked at the information in her hand and said excitedly.

You know, if that happens, then she has a reason to protect the giant.

At that time, maybe he will be accepted by the whole family of giants.

Although the relationship has eased a lot, after all, there are Dongli and they are here.

However, Charlotte Lingling still wants the support and recognition of the whole giant family.

Perhaps, this is everyone's little wish. After all, it was a home for Charlotte Lingling.

"Mom, I'm back."

It was at this time that frampey entered Charlotte Lingling's room.

You know, because of frampe's relationship, the two giants became Charlotte Lingling's guests.

At the same time, it has also established a cooperative relationship with the world's largest organization Xiao.

So, Flamel is now in Charlotte Lingling's heart, but it's very important.

"Frampe, did you bring back any information about the organization?"

"Well Well

Charlotte Lingling also said with a smile.

"Let me tell you, mom, that they are ready to go."

"And the final location has been determined."

"Let me bring you the map."

Said frampey, taking a map out of his arms.

Seeing the map that frampey took out, Charlotte Lingling also took over the map.

After seeing the location marked above, I was stunned.

"It's not a coincidence that it was in such a place."

"It's really interesting guys. I don't know where they dug up such a long time ago."

"Well Well

Charlotte Lingling said, laughing.

On the other side, this is not the scene at all.

That's shanks here.

At this time, all the crew are gathered on the island.

"I didn't expect that in such a short time, these guys have made so many things."

"However, the original plan has not yet deviated."

"Beckman, what do you think?"

Said shanks directly.

"The most important thing now is to find out the identities of all members of the Xiao organization."

"Otherwise, no matter what we do, we will be very passive."

Ben Beckman also said directly.

"That boy, should be one of them."

"And have you found that wherever he goes, it's basically related to Xiao organization."

"Therefore, the zero of dawn may be the impossible man!"

Rajilu changed his normal state and said with a deep look.

"Now, whether it's him or not, we're going to do it directly."

"Otherwise, it's not a good thing to be led by their nose all the time."

Shanks is also the last word, ready to make some action.

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