Looking at the strange behavior of the night pupil, machino is also a face of consternation.

As for the three little ones, immersed in food, they have no time to take care of their night pupils.

Shanks was still the same, smiling and drinking.

Soon, the banquet also slowly entered the high tide.

"Little brother, the garbage can is full."


"Little brother, clean up the table here."



Night pupil is simply a diligent little bee, constantly sorting out the garbage here.

Of course, night pupil doesn't touch the garbage directly.

In case of a pig or something, it's hard for him to explain!

Therefore, the night pupil is also filled with plastic bags, and then when he goes out to throw garbage, he throws the garbage into his personal space.

The original three children only want to go back after eating, but Lufei still wants to stay.

In addition to Luffy's birthday, shanks invited them to stay for the party.

Looking at so much food and drink, three little birds also joined the party's Carnival.

Two days later, the night pupil's carrying space has been full, and a lot of garbage has been thrown outside.


"Are you a fool?"

In the night pupil outside to guard their own garbage is not stolen, the house came a burst of noise.

Ye Tong knows that Lufei has eaten the devil fruit.

Don't you come in, little brother

"What are you doing here with the garbage?"

Rajilu gnawed at the drumsticks of the "artifact" in his hand and said with some doubts.

"No, you eat. There's a lot of rubbish. Call me. "

Night pupil says awkwardly.

He's not going to leave.

You know, there are people in Windmill Village who clean up rubbish at fixed time.

These are all our own treasures. How can we let others take them away?

Now he is just like a miser, guarding the garbage.

Two days later, shanks also left.

And the garbage outside is as high as a hill.

I have to admire the people in the world of pirate king. The food consumption is really terrible.

At the same time, the night pupil also found a problem. It seems that there are some special factors in the meat, which can not only restore physical strength after eating.

Moreover, the basic attributes are improved.

"Miss magino, look at the three little guys for me, and I'll get rid of the garbage."

After the night pupil said, quickly disappeared in the banquet bar.

For this strange young man, machino had no ill feelings.

He went into the house with a smile.

Carrying a lot of garbage night pupil, came to a small forest.


"Hula Lala..."

Night pupil directly poured out a lot of rubbish.

"Ding, pick up the bones discarded by lakelo, gain digestion + 10."

After Ye Tong picks up a bone, the system's prompt tone also rings.

Digestion + 10?

Is this also ability?

Night pupil is also a subconscious point to open their own panel.

Skills: digest LV1, can better absorb energy in food.

After seeing this information, the night pupil is a little confused. ,

before feeling yourself, you can't even Digest!

But it's a good skill. No wonder lakelo is gnawing with a chicken leg.

"Ding, find Ben Beckman's discarded paper towel and get an introduction to marksmanship."


After checking the digestion, Yetong continues to pick up garbage.

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