After Lu Jie's price increase, Franco Domingo also saw Lu Jie and walked over directly.

"Jie ha ha ha, I didn't expect to meet you here, Lu Jie."

And that's what Domenico said directly.

"Oh, long time no see, brother Ming."

Lu Jie also responded.

"Don't you hate the slave trade, why do you come to the auction house?"

Once again, said Domaine.

"Didn't you know that before?"

"By the way, how can you think of bidding with me?"

"Do you know what this thing is made of?"

Lu Jie also tried to find out.

"I don't know. It's just that I see something strange. I'll just pat you."

Don flamenco also played a ha ha.

Two people have a match not a match chat, at the same time, is also slowly increasing the price.

In the end, Lu Jie shot it with 30 million yuan.

After the auction, Mr. Domingo also left directly.

Although I don't know the purpose of his coming here, Lu Jie still doesn't want to start now.

After all, someone will do it earlier than him, and he will fish in troubled waters.


Hearing the explosion, Lu Jie's face also showed a smile.

It seems that, faster than expected, estimated that the old woman can't wait to start on him, right?

Lu Jie couldn't help laughing at the thought that the famous uncle Raleigh was being punished.

"Scattered, thousand Sakura!"

Lu Jie also directly released his ability, and all the guards here fell down.

Lu Jie, on the other hand, is moving towards the position with welfare treasure box.

Soon, Lu Jie came to the mermaid.

And the guards here were knocked unconscious by Raleigh. Most importantly, there was a fat woman.

It is estimated that she can't wait to pick up her own goods, and then Raleigh can't bear to do it directly.

But it's also good. Raleigh opened the treasure house here and saved himself trouble.

"Can you come with me now?"

Lu Jie is also looking at the mermaid Blue Star directly said.

"Are you..."

"My name is Lu Jie. I don't know you..."

"You are the bloodless sword Shura Lujie? Lu Jie, who killed Tianlong people

Blue star also asked directly.

"You know all about it?"

Lu Jie is a little strange.

You know, now that he appears here, no one comes to arrest him, which means that kuzan has not brought the news back.

But now blue star knows, which makes Lu Jie a little strange.

"I have a special sense of the ocean. When you killed the Dragon man, I was escorted by. It's thousands of miles away, but I still hear it. "

Blue star also said slowly.

After hearing blue star's explanation, Lu Jie's face was also shocked.

This is a thousand miles!

Although it is limited to the sea, it is just a thousand miles for the pirate king world, which is mostly sea!

"I will."

Blue star said, his fish tail also slowly faded, a pair of beautiful legs appeared in front of Lu Jie.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the task of opening the welfare chest. Are you sure you want to open it?"

At this time, the system also sounded a mechanical sound.

"Confirm opening."

"Congratulations to the host for the heart of the sea."

"Exclusive to blue star, after giving, it will increase the popularity by 50%

Lu Jie also has a Blue Necklace in his hand, which emits a wave of sea water.

"Blue star, this is my meeting gift for you."

Lu Jie also directly took out the necklace in his hand and handed it to blue star.

"This, we just met. I can't take such a valuable gift."

Although the blue star said that this is not necessary, but the eyes are inseparable from the heart of the ocean.

You know, this thing is originally the system gives him exclusive choice.

As long as it's a woman, you can't refuse anything like this.

"I know your rule that you can change your legs only in front of people you like and like. I'll make you my woman. "

Lu Jie also said directly.

You know, now he can see the popularity of blue star.

At the beginning, his liking for Lu Jie was - 30.

However, after hearing Lu Jie's name, his popularity rose to 50 instantly.

After he took out the heart of the ocean, his popularity rose again.Therefore, Lu Jie also said directly.

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