"Joaquil D moon."

"Your teacher's father, the surname of jorac mikhok, was given by my teacher."

Night pupil is also some playful said.

According to this kind of seniority, Sauron will suddenly be one generation shorter than the night pupil.

"Father of eagle eye?"

Solon was also stunned and said directly.

"Although I don't know if he is a real father, the ability of Hawkeye to pretend to be forced must be learned from the teacher."

Night pupil also says directly.

You know, Hawk Eye belongs to that kind, everyone despises, disobey is dry.

No matter whether the enemy in front of us is the Navy chief, general or the four emperors, he directly uses his own black knife to chop it first.

"I've learned that."

"If it was the father of that man, it would be normal to have such a strong strength."

After Solon said this, he also stood up and picked up his knives scattered on the deck.

After wiping it once, I collected my scabbard.

Then, step aside and practice the barbell.

"This guy..."

Night pupil is also some helpless.

Solon is good at this point and has a strong ability to resist attack.

That's what happened when you fought with guyna.

Even if you fail hundreds of times, you'll soon recover.

Not to mention, it's just a failure.

What's more, the object who defeated him is the real world's first swordsman.

"Big brother, is that Ralph drew?"

At this time, ACE also went to the night pupil side, directly asked.


"But we still have an old friend coming when we get to lourderu."

Night Tong said, but also let Frank stop.

At the same time, go to the stern and look behind.

"Old friend?"

"Who is it?"

When Lufei heard that an old friend was coming, he came to the night pupil's side with an excited face.

"Ganot, can you see it?"

Said Ye Tong to ganot on the mast.

"It's true that boats have been following us all the time, but it's too far out of my sight."

"But occasionally, I can see a little shadow."

Garnott also replied quickly.



After the night pupil finish saying, it is also a moment to release his own seeing and hearing color domineering.

A strong and insolent exploration was sent out directly to the eyes.

At this point, shanks's side.

"Is this guy still found?"

"It's so strong to see and hear. It's really..."

After feeling the power of seeing and hearing, shanks did not move forward leisurely, but approached Wanli sunshine directly and quickly.

Half an hour later, shanks' boat appeared in everyone's sight.

"Ha ha ha Shanks

"Hello Shanks, I'm here

Luffy called out loud after seeing shanks' boat.


"I'll avoid it. This guy will run away when he sees me."

After Fengyue finished, she also got up and went directly into the cabin.

Although I don't know why Fengyue said so, the night pupil did not stop it.

At this time, shanks only wanted to know why he would follow.

Soon, shanks' boat appeared opposite them.

And shanks, too, jumped straight up and landed on the deck.

"Shanks, are you going to lourderu, too?"

Luffy rushed to shanks in front of him and said slowly.

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