"Well, I'll take care of the record."

Robin also trimmed his hair and said slowly.

For her, to be able to witness such a historic moment, and to be on the lavdreu they have studied for a long time.

This is the best gift for Robin.

"Robin has a good record, too. Solo, stop fighting."

"There's something for you."

The night pupil sees two people still to fight at the same time, also say directly.



Solon was distracted and was kicked out by Shanzhi.

"You guy..."

After standing up, Sauron rushed to Shanzhi again.

See these two people, night pupil also has some headache.

"Saab, my gift to you is to appoint you as chief of general staff of Xiaogang."

"This is a warrant. It gives you the unique code name Xiao Zhiqing."

"Here are your rings and your clothes."

The night pupil also took out the things that had been prepared for a long time.

After all, Saab is always rational and intelligent.

It's only after I get in touch with Luffy that I become a second class.

"The green of dawn?"

"Ha ha ha, I am also the core staff of Xiao organization."

Saab's face was full of joy.

You know, he has been working hard since he joined Xiao organization with long.

Just want to be one of the core one day.

Besides, he promised another person.

After becoming the core, be with her.

"Ace, I'll give you this."

"But you have to pick it up."

Night pupil says, instantly released the sky on oneself body.

A black flame directly enveloped ace.

"It's the flame of the sky. Absorbing it will bring your flame to a higher level."

After the night pupil finished, he also focused his attention on ACE.

As long as there is anything wrong with ACE, he will absorb all the sunshine in the first place.

After all, the intensity of tianzhaozhiyan is terrible.

As time went on, the crowd stopped making noise.

One by one, all around ace, watching the fight between the black and red flames.

Although the sky was burning, the night pupil did not control the attack on ACE.

However, the characteristic of tianzhaozhiyan is that it will not be extinguished until the target is burned.

"This is White flame? "

At this time, the night pupil is also found.

At the point where the flame of the sky and the flame of ACE came into contact, a white flame appeared.

"Is the integration successful?"

Saab is also a little excited to say.

You know, although ace is fusing the flame, their hearts are all carrying it.


"Now that there has been convergence, there should be no problem."

"Sauron, you've lost all your knives."

"The word of hetaoyi can be kept."

Ye Tong also turned around and said to Solon.

"Well, big brother Yetong."

Sauron threw all his swords on the ground except for the word of Hetao.

"Ding, I found the famous sword discarded by Sauron You can get the driving sun of the supreme fast knife and obtain the value of 1200. Swordsmanship 10. "

"Ding, I found the famous sword discarded by Sauron You can get alba, the highest fast saber, with a value of 1200. Swordsmanship 10. "

Subsequently, the ear of the night pupil also sounded a systematic prompt tone.

"Solon, this is my present for you."

"It's comparable to quri and alba, who have no more than 13 jobs."

"In your hands, I believe it will bloom better."

Night Tong says, hand also appeared two long knives.

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