Another hour later.

They also saw Allen's boat.

That is to say, by this time, they are not far away from Kato.


Allen is also a fast driver, and the boat comes to the night pupil.

Looking at a huge sea king in front of him, Alan also swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Such a large sea king class, it is estimated that the fleet will be destroyed.

Although he has not tried, but the giant sea king class's powerful, he still has some bottom.

"Kato, where are they now?"

Ye Tong asked directly.

"Now Kato, they're coming in our direction."

"In terms of time, it is estimated that in half an hour, we will be able to meet."

Allen gave the information he had obtained directly.

"Well, I see."

"I'm going to give you a mission to take a newsbird and follow goodway back to the Ludlow windless belt."

"Then, take pictures of everything you see."

"Then, give it to newsbird and let him take it back to morgens."

"By the way, this kind of information needs to be known to the whole world in the first time."

After the night pupil finished, the giant sea king class ancient road also put down the boat, and then swam under Allen's cruiser and lifted it up directly.

"I see."

Although Allen was still a little flustered, it was an order, wasn't it?

Seeing Ellen leave, the night pupil also directly released his own seeing and hearing color domineering.

Soon, we've detected Kato and their location.

"Hey, there are some interesting guys here."

Yetong smiles. He also informs the very flat direction, and then makes Frankie accelerate.

"Are you going to face the fourth emperor kaiduo?"

"Why do I still feel something wrong in my heart?"

Nami is still a little worried.

"Don't worry, there's a leader here. There's no need to be afraid of anyone coming."

"The leader's strength is very strong."

Robin said with a firm face.

After all, Yetong's strength has exceeded that of ordinary people.

Even if it is the four emperors, it is not necessarily better than the night pupil.

Not to mention, before this, night pupil has also acquired a new ability.

"Four emperors?"

"I don't know why, I really want to fight it!"

At this time, always timid Qiao Ba, also stood up to say.

It's really a super troupe pet with a thousand bounties and fighting at the level of four emperors, with spare rations!

"Oh, Ho, Ho If you want to fight, I'll take part

Brooke also laughed and drew out his sword.

"If the captain has said so, let's make a scene!"

Although soron has just been defeated by Fengyue, his determination to become stronger still remains unchanged.

"I can't help you. I'll be with you."

Shanzhi also took out his No. 3 transfiguration device and said with a bad smile.

There is no one afraid master on this whole ship.

Even Nami, also covered her head, took the weather stick to the front.

Looking at this group of people, Ye Tong's heart is also inexplicable blood boiling up.

Sure enough, sometimes such a guy is a real adventurer?

As for ACE and Saab, they have released their domineering spirit and are ready to fight.

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