"I know you're strong, grott."

"At the beginning, my guards were both defeated in your hands."

"However, even if it is you, you may not be able to withstand the full outbreak of the strength of cardo."

"So, for the sake of all of us, I think you should make the choice that smart people will make."

Peach help a pair of potential in the must get appearance.

Because, he also knows, night Tong they this time, want to do what thing.

If he is a smart man, he should make his ideal choice.

Otherwise, it's not a fun thing to have a four emperor level enemy.

"Who gives you confidence that you have the bargaining power with me?"

"Or do you think that with a four emperor level combat effectiveness, you can be able to show off in front of me?"

"Sure enough, you guy, you really want to be killed directly!"

Night pupil finish this sentence, disappear directly in place.


Peach's help instantly shrinks to Kato's neck, and then Kato turns into dragon mode at the first time.


Just as kaiduo became a dragon, a foot fell directly on his head.

Not waiting for the dragon to take off, he was smashed into the ice by the night pupil.

"Since you think you can do it again, I'll show you what the world's greatest despair looks like."

"Ice God · sword seal!"

After Yetong finished, ten ice swords appeared around Yetong, and then they fell directly.


With the fall of the sword, countless pieces of ice gathered directly.

And kaiduo and taozhizhu are also sealed in it.


"I know you are very strong, grot."

"At the beginning, my guards were both defeated in your hands."

"However, even if it is you, you may not be able to withstand the full outbreak of the strength of cardo."

"So, for the sake of all of us, I think you should make the choice that smart people will make."

Peach help a pair of potential in the must get appearance.

"In the same way, you..."


Night pupil is stunned, such a thing, as if just happened.

This guy's ability, a little weird.

"It's you, grot night pupil!"

"Have you found it?"

"You can't beat me, or kill me, at all."

"As long as I have one idea, all your efforts are in vain."

"My fruit power is the dragon of time. I can control the time in an hour at will."

Tao Zhizhu said with a face of confidence.


"The ability of time is really hard to do!"

"But thank you very much for telling me this information."


After the night pupil finished, directly pulled out his own village rain.

Then a moment later, he appeared behind Kato and Tao Zhizhu.

A stream of red blood, also directly floating.


"No way. How can you hurt me?"

"And what's more, my ability just failed?"

At this time, the indifferent face of the peach directly disappeared.

Originally the biggest rely on oneself, unexpectedly in the first contact with the night pupil, was broken.

You know, at the beginning of his, but with this, he escaped the crisis of not knowing how much.

Now, it's easy to find out!

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