"Yetong, are you afraid?"

The ice wheel pill took back all the ice here, and looked at the night pupil with fun on his face!

You know, now the strength of the ice wheel pill, has far exceeded his power before.

Even, this power is the ice wheel pill, it never thought that it would get such a powerful energy.

Now, I want to improve my strength.



"I'm really afraid. After all, now that the strength has been raised to this level, I will be worried."

The night pupil also if have thought of say.

"Hahaha, since I'm afraid."

"I'm not that kind of ungrateful person, now only need you to be my little brother, I won't do anything to you."

"But if you want to continue to be my big brother, I will kill you!"

Binglun Wan grinned his big mouth and said with complacency.

Even, an ice-cream tail, is constantly shaking.

"Kill me?"

"I and Shuo, my strength has been raised to a more terrible level, I'm afraid that a careless person will kill you when I compete with you!"

"If you want to kill me, get ready. Let's go straight ahead."

The night pupil says with a smile.

Then, Ye Tong raised his hands.

On the left and right, there is a pure inflammation of Wusu, and on the right hand is a floating ice.

Above, is emitting a strong breath.

Even if the power of the ice wheel pill has been greatly increased, after feeling these two kinds of energy, they are all shocked.

You know, originally, borneol felt that her strength had been raised to a level of terror.

You should be able to get rid of yourself as someone else's younger brother.

Although his heart, did not want to say to night pupil how.

But he doesn't want to be a little brother all the time!

So, that's what happened.

However, after Ye Tong releases her energy, she finds that she doesn't want to turn over in her life.

Moreover, now borneol is also aware of his existence as the night pupil. If he ascends, the night pupil will also rise accordingly.

The most important thing is that borneol found a very helpless thing, that is, if the night pupil did not help absorb the energy, he would not be able to absorb it completely.

That is to say, he is now complete; he cannot leave the night pupil, and he becomes strong.

"Well, I give up."

"What kind of existence is night pupil?"

Ice wheel pill some depressed said.

Finally, we saw the dawn of hope.

However, before the bolus could feel the warmth of the early sun, it was night.

Sure enough, as a summoning creature, it has no human rights!

"I am, in fact, an ordinary human being."

"But with a little bit of luck, I came to this world


"Well, don't say it."

"You've said all these things many times."

"Although I am not from this world, you have your own parents in this world."

The bolus interrupted the night pupil.

"Well, I'm actually a monster!"

Night pupil is also some helpless said.

Even if it is night pupil now, also can't find any other words to prove his identity.

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