This is Shall we go in ourselves? "

Ye Tong goes to the gate and asks in a loud voice.

"Ha ha ha, who are you when I am?"

"I'm the leader of the spider team."

"You are our prey now. Have you not realized that you have been arrested? "

"Look around you. Those skeletons are your predecessors!"

Lairne's wild voice followed.

"I'll treat you as idiots."

"Really, after seeing our strength, I thought you would realize something."

"But now it seems that you are still not aware of your situation."

Night pupil light ran said.

Then, an extreme cold breath burst out in an instant.

The whole mountain turned into an iceberg in an instant.

Later, the entrance, which was originally sealed, was also directly split.

"This, this, this..."

Lairne's mouth trembled when he saw the scene.

Such a thing has never happened!

There is a person's ability to change the shape of the whole mountain directly!

Even the leaders will not have such strength!

"What a fool!"

"But I like dealing with idiots like you."

"At least, it won't kill too many brain cells."

Yetong comes out with the bolus and theomius.

At the same time, with a little banter on his face, you said.

"Damn it..."

"Do it!"

"BAM, BAM, BAM..."

Then, dozens of people opened their eyes at the same time.

Bullet after bullet penetrated the bodies of the three.

However, there was not a trace of blood escaping.

"Uh huh..."

"I can be elemental, so if you want to kill me, you need to attack my vital point with domineering power before I react to it!"

"Although you have a special energy here, it seems that you can't use it!"

"Well, who is better?"

The night pupil narrowed his eyes and turned into a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

By the eyes of a pair of evil spirits, the people here have retreated one by one.

However, although they wanted to escape, they found that their feet did not listen.


They are too afraid to move at all.

"Well, it's decided. You look better."

"I've just joined this so-called spider organization, isn't it?"

"You are very lucky to live for a while."

After Ye Tong finished, he also sat down directly.

A chair made of ice also appears behind the night pupil.

After seeing the night pupil's action, the ice wheel pill here is also an instant shot.

Just like before, the people here will be slaughtered in an instant.

Only a shivering man was left.

At this time, his body is also a shiver, yo Xiu forehead legs soft.

You know, although he has seen his own organization of people start to kill, but, that is to kill others!

Now, when death came to him, he realized that death was so terrible.

"Well, take us to your organization."

"By the way, if I'm satisfied with your performance, I'll let you live."

The night pupil looks at the man in front of him, says slowly.

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